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Auto-Save Toggle


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I have the auto-save function as active.

I have successfully assigned Auto-Save Toggle to a button on one of my controllers.

My questions is:  How at any time, short of going into the 'save' folder to look at the last autosave file details, can I tell if Auto save is on or off?

Any assistance would be appreciated.


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4 hours ago, Jocko said:

My questions is:  How at any time, short of going into the 'save' folder to look at the last autosave file details, can I tell if Auto save is on or off?

You can't - but if you need to know this, then as it is on before you start to toggle it on/off, you can keep track of this yourself if needed. You just need to initialise a free FSUIPC offset to 1 (on) and then also toggle this offset value each time you toggle auto-save (i.e. overload the button you gave assigned to auto-save to also toggle this offset va;ue).

There is also a flight-save counter that is incremented each time a flight is saved, at offset 0x3BD2. You could monitor that if you want to know when a flight is saved.


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