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How to stop LINDA from loading

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Sorry if this is a stupid question, but I recently installed LINDA and now find that it loads automatically when I load P3DV4.5.  I use FSUIPC for button actions and prefer to load LINDA manually only if I need it.  How do I stop it from loading automatically ?  Running FSUIPC6 6.109 on Windows 11 PC.  Thanks in advance for any help.

DISREGARD, sorry : found it (renamed ipcReady.lua). My bad 😊

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  • 4 months later...
20 minutes ago, sambouaziz said:

Sorry I am looking for LINDA 3.2.6 but impossible to find download link on the net.

I don't know if older versions of Linda are available for download - the latest version is 3.3.5 and available from https://www.avsim.com/forums/forum/427-linda-downloads/.

Why do you need that specific version?

Unfortunately LINDA is no longer supported. However, maybe try posting on the Linda support forum and maybe another user with that version can help you.


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Am professor in university and working with my student to study interfaces and mecanisms to make hardware in the loop of simulation.


I would like to use simple and stable version like P3DV4.5 with FSUIPC and Linda for debuging and undestanding what happen.

Its for teaching exclusively.



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12 hours ago, sambouaziz said:

I would like to use simple and stable version like P3DV4.5 with FSUIPC and Linda for debuging and undestanding what happen.

Then why not use the latest version of LINDA, v3.3.5? But I have seen the LINDA is also available for download at the bottom of the following page if you need that version: https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/573578-linda-335-p3dv5fsuipc6-compatible-5-jun-2022/

12 hours ago, sambouaziz said:

Its for teaching exclusively.

Ok. I can provide you with a courtesy / free license for FSUIPC6 if you require one  - let me know.



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