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Logging P3D4 PMDG 737 offsets in FSUIPC6

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Can FSUIPC be configured to log some offsets specific to PMDG 737.

I'm trying to monitor the engine thrust lever movement.

Looking for offsets when the autothrottle or user moves to a new position.

Any help finding the appropriate offsets appreciated.


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7 hours ago, erjdriver said:

Can FSUIPC be configured to log some offsets specific to PMDG 737.

You can log any offset - see the right-hand side of the Logging tab, and the User Guide, starting from page 17.

7 hours ago, erjdriver said:

'm trying to monitor the engine thrust lever movement.

Looking for offsets when the autothrottle or user moves to a new position.

Any help finding the appropriate offsets appreciated.

You need to look/search the Offset status document for general offsets, and the PMDG offset document for PMDG specific ones.
For the general offsets, see:

080C 4 Autothrottle TOGA (take off power) Ok-SimC Ok-SimE
0810 4 Autothrottle Arm Ok-SimC Ok-SimE
088C 2 Engine 1 Throttle lever, –4096 to +16384[Programs controlling throttle directly from user inputs should write to 089A instead if the input should be disconnectable via offset 310A (e.g. for auto-throttle management)] Ok-SimC Ok-SimC
0924 2 Engine 2 Throttle lever, –4096 to +16384[Programs controlling throttle directly from user inputs should write to 0932 instead if the input should be disconnectable via offset 310A (e.g. for auto-throttle management)]
332E 2 Throttle Axis input value, post calibration, just before being applied to the simulation (if allowed to by the byte at offset 310A). This is the single throttle, applied to whichever engines are denoted by the bits in offset 0888. ?-Intl N/A
3330 2 Throttle 1 Axis input value, post calibration, just before being applied to the simulation (if allowed to by the byte at offset 310A). ?-Intl N/A
3332 2 Throttle 2 Axis input value, post calibration, just before being applied to the simulation (if allowed to by the byte at offset 310A).
3A28 8 General engine 2 throttle lever position, as a double (FLOAT64). 0.0=idle, 1.0=max Ok-SimC No
3AE8 8 General engine 1 throttle lever position, as a double (FLOAT64). 0.0=idle, 1.0=max Ok-SimC No


And for the PMDG 737 specific ones, I can only see the following offset specific to the  NGXu :

6C6E 1 BYTE AFS_AutothrottleServosConnected True if the autothrottle system is driving the thrust levers

Although there are others for annunciators relating to the  auto-throttle state, e.g.:

653A 1 BYTE MCP_annunATArm Boolean
6552 2 BYTE x 2 MAIN_annunAT[2] Boolean


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