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Today I couldn't speak with ATC while flying on Vatsim because the Yoke Button that I usually used did not work anymore.
my setup is : 
Pc1: (Yoke connected via USB) - Fsuipc/Wideserver - Vpilot Host - MSFS
Pc2 : VPilot Voice - Wideclient
I've been using this configuration for many years without any issue : Yoke button selected as "Keysend 1-255(widefs)" parameter 1-2 (release)
This configuration started with old version of Fsuipc for P3D and I imported the fsuipc6.ini file , rename it to fsuipc7.ini , as per instructions, and it ran smooth for months....
Now, the button today was inactive.  I then check Fsuipc7 and noticed that I can't assign any button, key or axis because they are all greyed out.
I really don't know what could be that change things. Yesterday evening I made a long and amazing flight on Vatsim and everything was running smoothly.
Fsuipc 7.3.21 and Wideserver are regularly licensed.

What can I do ? Thank you for help.


1 hour ago, maucinti said:

Now, the button today was inactive.  I then check Fsuipc7 and noticed that I can't assign any button, key or axis because they are all greyed out.

Very strange. Some ideas:

  Did you make any changes -- new app, new hardware, or new addon in the Community folder that may be in conflict with FSUIPC7? Kind of sounds like your system suddenly thinks FSUIPC7 is NOT registered for some reason. Does your FSUIPC7.ini file show your registered version #?

If you haven't tried it, maybe worth trying a FSUIPC7 reinstall?


10 hours ago, maucinti said:

I then check Fsuipc7 and noticed that I can't assign any button, key or axis because they are all greyed out.

Button assignments are greyed-out when there has been a condition added to an assignment or when the assignment is overloaded (i.e. multiple assignments to the  same button).

9 hours ago, ark1320 said:

Kind of sounds like your system suddenly thinks FSUIPC7 is NOT registered for some reason.

if this was the case, there would be no Assignments menu option,

As Al says, it would be helpful to know what has changed, if anything.

Could you please show me/attach your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUI{C7.log files, the latter generated with logging for Buttons & Keys and Events activated. Just load the aircraft, wait a minute or so (until everything loaded and started), and then press your PTT button, and then exit. Also attach your WideServer.log (from the FS PC), and WideClient.log and WideClient.ini files (from the client PC).



Thank you for quick response.

First question: Saturday night I made a long flight on Vatsim and everything ran well. Sunday in the afternoon I saw this issue. Nothing was changed from the day before.

As soon as I’ll be home I surely collect logs to check what you ask. Thanks again


27 minutes ago, maucinti said:

First question: Saturday night I made a long flight on Vatsim and everything ran well. Sunday in the afternoon I saw this issue. Nothing was changed from the day before.

Very strange then...

27 minutes ago, maucinti said:

As soon as I’ll be home I surely collect logs to check what you ask.

Ok, thanks, Is WideClient connected when you get this issue? The logs will tell me, and should also show where this failed - if the key press was sent to WideClient, and if it was received.



Sorry for delay.
I made some tests yesterday trying to understand what's going wrong. It seems I solved the radio pushbutton in VPilot : first I noticed that the config.xml file was somehow vanished in VPilot folder ! Don't know how to explain that. I had to reinstall VPilot , create a new config.xml file, but that wasn't enough. Then I reconfigured the Yoke in windows and recalibrated it. Now it is recognized by Fsuipc and so I could assign the right button, as before.
But the game is not over . Made two flights : first one ended up in ctd after 10 minutes from takeoff and the second was a ctd just after touch down (after a terrible approach with sudden lags, stutters and stops, both in scenery and in Prosim ).... a real frustration !

The Windows reports are quite useless to investigate issue involved . Generically referred to Msfs.exe , Couatl.exe, Fsuipc.exe, ntdll.... etc... crash.
I saw a error report in first ctd related to RAM ....

Who knows ?




I can't really help with CTDs - check the Asobo forums for this. I can tell you that it won't be related to FSUIPC as that is running as a separate application.

I also experience the occasional CTD for no apparent reason. I tend to get 2 or 3 in the same day or two, and then they disappear for a few weeks, and I have no idea what causes these either. 

7 minutes ago, maucinti said:

I saw a error report in first ctd related to RAM ....

A good place to start then - check the Asobo forums for CTD issues associated with RAM....

Good luck! Cheers,


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