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Why is this product so flaky and where is the support Dev ?

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Everyone raves about this tool, but here is my experience for what its worth. I load up my aircraft , in this case it was the Black Square Analogue King Air. I prepare it for flight from cold and dark. When I'm ready to taxi, I start the V5 tool and press the red connect button followed by the  record button. Nothing happens. No window opens up to name the file as it's supposed to. After a while it minimises ( the green connect button was there before  )so why no window and why the delay after pressing the record button. 

Now, when its running in the background, it kills my frame rates which are usually around 60 fps. This drops to around 48 fps. The worst thing that happens though is that it completely kills the autopilot which is usually impeccable in this plane. That for me kills this tool stone dead in the water. I have to recover the plane and after all this faffing around the  replay is pathetic. My plane will just sit on the ground at the ramp for the whole recording. I just can't believe people actually like and use it. I certainly won't be buying any future upgrades. I'll wait until someone makes a proper tool that actually does what its supposed to do. I'm not interested in formation flying and AI ghost planes I just want a simple recorder that works.  So support where are you ?

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Dear Dr_Eddie , thank you for your post about your experience. Unfortunatelly not all 3rd party planes are supported in a deeply way . Every compnay use custom systems to develop his avionics and plane behaviour . I m working every day for support in a deep way new 3rd party plane .... Stay tuned for more .... Thanks

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