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Getting rid of the preparing cabin FSUIPC splash screen?


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I just discovered that especially with SU15, starting FSUIPC with the fast launch is faster. However, is ther a way to get rid of the preparing cabin screen? I assumed removed the CMD command to start it in the bat file, but the code that creates it is also in said bat file.


If it's required, fine, but I'd rather not see it.

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You can edit the MSFS.bat file to remove the display of if you like, but why not just not install the desktop icon installed by the FSUIPC installer. To do this, you need to select the auto-start via the EXE.xml method (and de-select the MSFS.bat method) during installation (if you want FSUIPC7 auto-started) and also uncheck the installation of the desktop icon on the last installer page.

If you want to use the MSFS.bat but just not show the splash screen, change this line:

start mshta "%splash%"

to this

::start mshta "%splash%"

i.e. comment it out


Edited by John Dowson
Further info added
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