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Installed MSFS rel 15. Updated FSUIPC7 v7.4.12 and now Fsuipc7 won't auto start in MSFS 2020


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As the topic says.

Any ideas what could be wrong?  The previous version was working fine.

The updated Installation seemed to go fine except for where the documents were stored.  Here's the log:

FSUIPC7 Installer v0.9.28 for v7.4.12
Running in folder 'C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\unzip\Install_FSUIPC7'
Determining installation details...
Installation folder location: C:\FSUIPC7
Documents folder location: C:\Users\Bill\Documents\FSUIPC7
Determing Community folder for MS Store install
File C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt opened OK
Community folder is: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\
OriginalInstallDir=, FSUIPCInstalled=0, InstallDocumentsLocation=C:\Users\Bill\Documents\FSUIPC7, CommunityFolderLocation=C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\
Default installation directory is 'C:\FSUIPC7'
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7
Installing FSUIPC7.exe in C:\FSUIPC7.
Extract: FSUIPC7.exe... 100%
FSUIPC7.exe installation completed.
Adding FSUIPC7 auto-start via the MSFS.bat file.
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7
Installing startup file for MS Store installation in C:\FSUIPC7.
Extract: MSFS.bat... 100%
Rename: MSFS.bat->MSFS.bat.old
Rename: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Temp\nsrFB39.tmp->MSFS.bat
Delete file: MSFS.bat.old
Rename: MSFS.bat->MSFS.bat.old
Rename: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Temp\nsrFB3A.tmp->MSFS.bat
Delete file: MSFS.bat.old
Rename: MSFS.bat->MSFS.bat.old
Rename: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Temp\nshFB4B.tmp->MSFS.bat
Delete file: MSFS.bat.old
Extract: FSUIPC7.ico... 100%
Create shortcut: C:\Users\Bill\Desktop\MSFS.lnk
Installing FSUIPC7 WASM module in C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\.
Create folder: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\\fsuipc-lvar-module
Output folder: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\\fsuipc-lvar-module
Extract: layout.json... 100%
Extract: manifest.json... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_WASM.ini... 100%
Create folder: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules
Output folder: C:\Users\Bill\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\Packages\Community\\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules
Extract: FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm... 100%
Extract: A320.hvar... 100%
Extract: TBM.hvar... 100%
Extract: DA40-NG.hvar... 100%
Extract: DA40 TDI.hvar... 100%
Extract: DA62.hvar... 100%
Extract: Skyhawk.hvar... 100%
FSUIPC7 WASM module installation completed.
Installing User Manuals...
Create folder: C:\Users\Bill\Documents\FSUIPC7
Failed to create documents directory C:\Users\Bill\Documents\FSUIPC7
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Docs
Documents directory created: C:\FSUIPC7\Docs
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Docs
Extract: Installing and Registering FSUIPC7.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC7 for Advanced Users.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC7 History.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC7 Offsets Status.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC7 User Guide.pdf... 100%
Extract: Profiles in Separate Files.pdf... 100%
Extract: Offset Mapping for PMDG 737-700.pdf... 100%
Output folder: C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\unzip\Install_FSUIPC7
Create shortcut: C:\FSUIPC7\Documents.lnk
Documents shortcut created: C:\FSUIPC7\Documents
FSUIPC7 User Manuals installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Docs.
Installing Lua Documentation...
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Docs
Extract: FSUIPC Lua Library.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC Lua Plug-Ins.pdf... 100%
Extract: Lua License.pdf... 100%
Extract: Lua Plugins for VRInsight Devices.pdf... 100%
Extract: LuaFileSystem.pdf... 100%
Extract: Example LUA plugins.zip... 100%
Output folder: C:\Users\Bill\Downloads\unzip\Install_FSUIPC7
FSUIPC7 Lua Documents installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Docs.
Installing SDK...
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\SDK
SDK folder created: C:\FSUIPC7\SDK
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\SDK
Extract: FSUIPC feedback control.txt... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC for Programmers.pdf... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_User_Lib_for_VC_2010.zip
Extract: FSUIPCDotNetClient2.4.zip... 100%
Extract: Library for FS Internal Users.zip... 100%
Extract: Module_User_lib_for_VC_2010.zip... 100%
Extract: ModuleUser64.zip... 100%
Extract: New Weather Interface for FS2004.zip... 100%
Extract: NewWeather.h... 100%
Extract: ReadMe.txt... 100%
Extract: UIPC_RealBasic_SDK.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_ASM.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_BCB5.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_C.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_.NET_(C#,VB.NET).txt... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_Delphi.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_JAVA.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_JAVA_64bit.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_MFC.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_Python.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC_SDK_VisualBasic.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPC64_SDK_C_version2.zip... 100%
Extract: UIPCAWI.zip... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_Java_SDK_by_Mouseviator_v1.0.2_with_C_Libs.zip... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_Java_SDK_by_Mouseviator_v1.0.2_NO_C_Libs.zip... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC-WASM.zip... 100%
Installation of SDK completed.
Installing HidScanner...
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Utilities folder created: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Extract: HidScanner.exe... 100%
HidScanner installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Installing FS-Interrogate 2...
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Extract: FSInterrogate2std.exe... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC.FSI... 100%
FS-Interrogate 2 installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Docs
Extract: FSI2 Manual.pdf... 100%
FS-Interrogate 2 User'Manual installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Docs
Installation of FS-Interrogate 2 completed.
Installing WebSocket Server...
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Extract: FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe... 100%
Extract: FSUIPCWebSocketServer.exe.config... 100%
Extract: FSUIPC_WAPID.dll... 100%
WebSocket Server installed in C:\FSUIPC7\Utils
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7
Installing MF events.txt file in C:\FSUIPC7.
Extract: events.txt... 100%
Extract: events-LICENSE.txt... 100%
MF events.txt file installation completed.
Installing MobiFlight Event Files...
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\EventFiles
EventFiles folder created: C:\FSUIPC7\EventFiles
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\EventFiles
Extract: A32X-FBW1.evt... 100%
Extract: A32X-FBW2.evt... 100%
Extract: AS3x-G1000.evt... 100%
Extract: ASCRJ.evt... 100%
Extract: Asobo-A320.evt... 100%
Extract: B3D-737.evt... 100%
Extract: B747-8.evt... 100%
Extract: Cessna C172.evt... 100%
Extract: flybywire-aircraft-a320-neo.evt... 100%
Extract: G36 Beechcraft Bonanza.evt... 100%
Extract: G1000.evt... 100%
Extract: G3000.evt... 100%
Extract: GNS430.evt... 100%
Extract: GNS530.evt... 100%
Extract: GSX_Standalone.evt
Extract: GTX580-Longitude.evt... 100%
Extract: GTX580-TBM.evt... 100%
Extract: H135.evt... 100%
Extract: Just Flight PA28.evt... 100%
Extract: KAP140.evt... 100%
Extract: KR87.evt... 100%
Extract: KT76C.evt... 100%
Extract: Longitude.evt... 100%
Extract: M20R.evt... 100%
Extract: M803.evt... 100%
Extract: standard1.evt... 100%
Extract: standard2.evt... 100%
Extract: standard3.evt... 100%
Extract: WT-CJ4.evt... 100%
MobiFlight event files installed in C:\FSUIPC7\EventFiles
Installing H:var Files...
Create folder: C:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles
Hvar files folder created: C:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles
Output folder: C:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles
Extract: A32NX FBW.hvar... 100%
Extract: AS3x G1000.hvar... 100%
Extract: B3D_737.hvar... 100%
Extract: B747-8.hvar... 100%
Extract: G1000.hvar... 100%
Extract: G3000.hvar... 100%
Extract: GNS 430.hvar... 100%
Extract: GNS 530.hvar... 100%
Extract: GTX 580 Longitude.hvar... 100%
Extract: GTX 580 TBM.hvar... 100%
Extract: KAP140.hvar... 100%
Extract: KR87.hvar... 100%
Extract: KT76C.hvar... 100%
Extract: M803.hvar... 100%
Extract: Working Title CJ4.hvar... 100%
Hvar files installed in C:\FSUIPC7\HvarFiles
Installation completed. Generating uninstaller...
Created uninstaller: C:\FSUIPC7\uninstallFSUIPC7.exe
Updating registry...
Registry updated. Dumping log to file...





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Posted (edited)

John, thank you for the quick response.  I loaded the beta version C and this time saw the plus + sign and turned off .bat file option.  So all is good now.  

Should I reinstall the non-beta version?

Thanks so much 


Edited by bill721d
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1 minute ago, bill721d said:

Should I reinstall the non-beta version?

Yes, please install the latest official 7.4.12 as there are a few updates from the beta (and also from the 7.4.12 version I provided for SU15), including documentation.


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Having lots of issues as well i updated yesterday to the latest version and found it strange that even when registering my details it did not let me finish the install with out skipping the reg details even though it did put them in. since then FSUIPC don't auto start with MSFS and my controls on PMDG do not work, they show in the button assignments under pmdg 737 profile but no switch movements when used. is there a link to get the older version back for now.

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12 hours ago, ark1320 said:

I can't get FSUJIPC7 to autostart after installing ver 7.4.12. There is no FSUIPC7 entry in my exe.xml file.
MSFS.bat attached.

Why have you installed FSUIPC7 under your Documents folder:

start "" "C:\Users\Al\Documents\Al's Flight Simulation\AddOns\FSUIPC7\modules\FSUIPC7.exe" "-auto2"


Re-install in a non-windows protected folder.

If using the MSFS.bat method does not work for you (and I have no idea why this would be), then switch to using the EXE.xml method in the installation process.

3 hours ago, russ2409 said:

i updated yesterday to the latest version and found it strange that even when registering my details it did not let me finish the install with out skipping the reg details even though it did put them in.

I have no idea what this means...

3 hours ago, russ2409 said:

since then FSUIPC don't auto start with MSFS

As I have said many times now, if FSUIPC7 does not auto-start using the MSFS.bat auto-start method, re-install and select the EXE.xml method instead.


  • Thanks 1
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6 hours ago, John Dowson said:

Why have you installed FSUIPC7 under your Documents folder:

start "" "C:\Users\Al\Documents\Al's Flight Simulation\AddOns\FSUIPC7\modules\FSUIPC7.exe" "-auto2"

Hmm... Interesting, I have been installing FSUIPC7 there for years without a problem.

Until today I did not realize there were install options between using MSFS .bat and the EXE.xml file. I guess previously the installer defaulted to the EXE.xml option which I use, but now defaults to using the MSFS.bat file.  I only included my MSFS.bat file above because I saw you had requested it from a previous poster -- I didn't realize that was an install option.

So I have selected the EXE.xml option and all is working now, thanks very much for your help.


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7 hours ago, ark1320 said:


Until today I did not realize there were install options between using MSFS .bat and the EXE.xml file. I guess previously the installer defaulted to the EXE.xml option which I use, but now defaults to using the MSFS.bat file.  didn't realize that was an install option.

Thanks for the hint for installing the . exe-file. 

The option is not clearly to see while installing FSUIPC. 

Rgds Hermann 


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Yes, the MSFS 2020 simulator update has been released. 
Using the Pilot2ATC program, I was forced to install FSUIPC7 v7.4.12 . When starting the simulator in the usual way, FSUIPC 7 v7.4.12 did not load. At first I couldn't understand the reason. 
I read the forum, it turns out that the developers have changed the launch method. I am pleased with the work of the developers who thought about the users in advance. Everything started working faster. Good luck to you in your noble cause.

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I start to have some similar issue where the MSFS is starting as normal but FSUIPC not. I'm currently on version 7.4.12 and if you need the log file is attached.


Edited by J-Aviator
remove log file
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2 minutes ago, J-Aviator said:

I start to have some similar issue where the MSFS is starting as normal but FSUIPC not.

Have you read the documentation on auto-start, or read this thread?
I have now explained the changes to the auto-start in v7.4.12 many times now...once again...

The default auto-start mechanism in 7.4.12 has changed from using the MSFS EXE.xml file to using the FSUIPC MSFS.bat file or the MSFS desktop link to that file installed by the FSUIPC7 installer. If you are not using the MSFS.bat file or MSFS desktop link to start MSFS, then FSUIPC will NOT be auto-started.
If you are using that file/link, then I do not know why FSUIPC7 isn't starting - check the MSFS.bat file and find the FSUIPC7 start-up line - does that look correct? Try pasting that line in a cmd terminal - does that work or report an error?

If you cannot get the auto-start via the MSFS.bat file working, just switch top the EXE.xml method. To do this. re-run the installer and in the component selection page open the auto-start options, deselect the first option (MSFS.bat) and select/check the second option (EXE.xml). This will then revert to the EXE.xml method of auto-start which was the default in earlier versions.


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