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How to trigger B-Vars / Client Equivalent for ipc.execInputEvent

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Look through the Reference but could not find something to trigger a B-Var/InputEvent - like it is possible with in lua with the ipc.execInputEvent Function.

Did I overlook something or is this indeed not possible via the C# Client?

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There are no features in John's WAPI dll that are specifically for BVars, so the C# client doesn't have them either.

You might be able to trigger them with Calculator Code which can be sent via MSFSVariableServices.ExecuteCalculatorCode().

I can't tell you the syntax for this as I don't know calculator code, but you can probably find it elsewhere or ask John in the main MSFS (FSUIPC7) support forum.


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  • 1 month later...

@Fragtality You can trigger Input Events via offset 0x7C50.

On 5/24/2024 at 4:52 PM, Paul Henty said:

You might be able to trigger them with Calculator Code

It is not possible to trigger B-events via calculator code. You need to use the equivalent Input Event.


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18 hours ago, John Dowson said:

@Fragtality You can trigger Input Events via offset 0x7C50.

It is not possible to trigger B-events via calculator code. You need to use the equivalent Input Event.


I've implemented it via SimConnect by now 😉 

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37 minutes ago, Fragtality said:

I've implemented it via SimConnect by now 😉 

Ok - my response was a bit late! Sorry about that - I don't check Paul's forum often. If its not a specific question on Paul's dll, better to also tag me in the question and I also be notified.



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