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When pick up new changes to FSUIPC7 files in MSFS


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I'm having difficulty finding the answer. Could you please provide the location of the answer or answer here.

I want to find out when on can make changes to FSUIPC7 files and when in the flight will FSUIPC7 restart using the files in the MSFS flight sequence?

1. FSUIPC7.ini - restart flight, restart aircraft, restart MSFS?, 2. Profile C510.ini - restart flight, restart aircraft, restart MSFS?, myevents.txt - restart flight, restart aircraft, restart MSFS?


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18 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

I want to find out when on can make changes to FSUIPC7 files and when in the flight will FSUIPC7 restart using the files in the MSFS flight sequence?

I am pretty sure you have ask this several times already, and I have already responded...

What files are you talking about? Different files are read at different times, and when it comes to the ini file, different sections are read at different times.

BUT, why not just maje it easy for yourself, and assume that everything is read when FSUIPC6 is started. So, if you want tyo change anything, exit FSUIPC7, make the change, then restart FSUIPC7.

There should never be a need to restart MSFS. You can restart FSUIPC7 at any time, and it should reload pretty quickly.

18 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

1. FSUIPC7.ini - restart flight, restart aircraft, restart MSFS?

This really depends on the section, as different sections are read at different times. I am NOT going to go into details with this. You can use the reload buttons in the ui panels for axis, button and key assignments to reload the assignment sections. If you are not sure (or it is not documented), assume that the parameter is read only at start-up.

18 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

2. Profile C510.ini - restart flight, restart aircraft, restart MSFS?

Loaded when an aircraft matching the profile aircraft names is loaded, or when the profile is loaded and you click on one of the reload buttons in the assignments panel.

18 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

myevents.txt - restart flight, restart aircraft, restart MSFS?

The events.txt, myevents.txt (and offsets.txt) files are only read at FSUIPC7 start-up. If you want to reload them, then exit and restart FSUIPC7.



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