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DA62 Programming


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1. For your information:

In attempting to use Input Events with Key programming I followed the documnetation on Page 25.

It can also be a Lua plug-in reference:
Where the File number refers to the [LuaFiles] list in the INI, and the action is one of these
             R=Run, K=Kill, S=Set, C=Clear, T=Toggle, D=Debug

Alternatively, it can be a preset name or the name of an Input Event, in which case it takes
the form:
            P<PresetName> for presets, and
            L< Input Event name> for Input Events

For Input Events:
<Entry number> = <Action><Joy#>,<Btn#>,CI<Input Event Name>,<parameter> 17

I kept getting errors on the line
4=W0AF8<1 220,24,LFUEL_Cutoff_Crossfeed_1,0.000000     -{tab+\|key: Press=Input Event }-

I had to use the assignments to find the control should have been "I".

2. Question about MSFS Variable Offsets:

The DA62 Mod uses the Fuel Tank Selector to exercise the left and right fuel valves as defined:
    FUEL TANK SELECTOR:index - Which tank the indexed selector is set to. The index is the selector to check (from 1 to 4), and the return value will be the Fuel Tank Selected.

The DA62 uses:
    FUEL TANK SELECTOR:1   The Left Main is selected (19)
    FUEL TANK SELECTOR:2   The Right Main is selected (20)

In the FSUIPC7 Offsets Status there is listed:
    0x2154 4 TURB ENG TANK SELECTOR:2-4

There is no FUEL TANK SELECTOR:2. Shouldn't there be SELECTOR:2 thru :4 with offsets listed? I use the offsets to determine if the switch is on or off. The Turb and Recip offsets are not recognized by the DA62.

I suppose I could create an offset from the variable, but should npt these offsets be avalable?


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3 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

Alternatively, it can be a preset name or the name of an Input Event, in which case it takes
the form:
            P<PresetName> for presets, and
            L< Input Event name> for Input Events

That is a typo - I will correct .

3 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

I had to use the assignments to find the control should have been "I".

You should always use the assignments panel to create your assignments, or at least your initial ones. You can then edit the ini to add offset conditions, etc, or to overload.
I do not understand why on earth anyone would want to create an assignment entry by hand - I would never do this...

3 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

I suppose I could create an offset from the variable, but should npt these offsets be avalable?

They are not available as nobody has requested this to be added before. I normally don't add simvars any more, as it is quite straightforward for users to add any simvars to offsets, but i will add this one. It will be added to offset 0x0B22 (2-bytes). It has been added in the attached beta version (7.4.13a).



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7 hours ago, John Dowson said:

That is a typo - I will correct .

You should always use the assignments panel to create your assignments, or at least your initial ones.

Thank you,

This was not an initial binding for a keypress.

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PS - I did add both simvars to offsets. I also added the lights simvars to offsets to avoid bit manipulation. I use offsets to toggle events from mom switches push on and then push off.


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