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FBW A320 Neo Fuel Flow Offsets


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I am not sure when this changed, but it seems that FSUIPC no longer returns any data (value of 0) for offsets 0x0918 Engine 1 Fuel Flow PPH & 0x09B0 Engine 2 Fuel Flow PPH with the FBW A320 Neo. All other MSFS 2020 payware & freeware aircraft return data without any issues.

Does anyone know of a work around for this?

Thanks in advance,


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17 minutes ago, CXA001 said:

I am not sure when this changed, but it seems that FSUIPC no longer returns any data (value of 0) for offsets 0x0918 Engine 1 Fuel Flow PPH & 0x09B0 Engine 2 Fuel Flow PPH with the FBW A320 Neo. All other MSFS 2020 payware & freeware aircraft return data without any issues.

Nothing has changed for this in in FSUIPC...

Those offsets use the simvar RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW (indexed by engine) which are documented under Reciprical (Piston) Engine Vars as The following SimVars are only valid for piston engines.

18 minutes ago, CXA001 said:

Does anyone know of a work around for this?

For non-piston engines, maybe try offsets 0x2060 and 0x2160 which hold the indexed simvar TURB ENG FUEL FLOW PPH.

Otherwise, you need to ask about this on the FBW forums.


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  • 3 months later...

It seems that we are not the only ones with this issue. It seems that Little Nav Map does the same thing.

FBW response:
This is not something we can fix as we can't write to the simulator's fuel variables, and we use a custom engine and fuel system model.


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12 minutes ago, CXA001 said:

This is not something we can fix as we can't write to the simulator's fuel variables, and we use a custom engine and fuel system model.

So they don't use the turb engine fuel flow variables then? If the use lvars or b-vars/input events then you can use those. Or if there is any other way to access the values from their custom model, you can try to see if they can be used (and maybe spoof the original offsets with the correct values).


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13 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

So they don't use the turb engine fuel flow variables then? 

They do not.

As this is the only aircraft that has this issue, I am not going to worry about it as I have invested enough time on this already.

Thanks anyways John. 🙂



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