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Simconnect issue


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The log file shows that you started FSUIPC7 manually when MSFS was already running, and it failed to establish a stable SimConnect connection.

Can you please exit MSFS (and all your MSFS clients) - and also maybe reboot your system. Then restart MSFS, and let FSUIPC7 and let get auto started (presuming you are using auto-start). Once MSFS gets to the main menu, wait a short while to see if FSUIPC7 gets a connection. Once it does, or if it doesn't after a short period, exit FSUIPC7 and then show me the FSUIPC7.log file.

If you are not using auto-start, please start FSUIPC7 AFTER MSFS has started and arrived at the main menu.


P.S. Before re-starting MSFS, please change the InitialStallTime parameter in your FSUIPC7.ini to 15, i.e.

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ah sorry about that, i did start MSFS trhen FSUIPC auto loads. what i done there was try to manually connect FSUIPC then sent the logs. I'm starting MSFS again and will send those logs

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4 minutes ago, Driver170 said:

I'm starting MSFS again and will send those logs

Please change the InitialStallTime first...

I think you have your FSUIPC7 start-up parameters badly tuned, so it is re-connecting too many times and using up all the simconnect connections, and so preventing other clients to connect, You need to tune your FSUIPC7 start-up parameters (or use auto-tuning). Anyway, your logs will confirm this.

Taking the dogs for a walk now, I will look at your logs when I get back...


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That log again shows FSUIPC7 was manually started, and with InitialStallTime=5.
Are you not using auto-start? If manually starting, when are you starting FSUIPC7? As I said, if manually starting, make sure MSFS is already running and has passed loading to the main menu.

But once you have so many re-connection attempts, best to exit MSFS and start again. And, as I said, I would reboot your system to start afresh.

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1 hour ago, Driver170 said:

I start MSFS manually ans shortly after FSUIPC auto loads via the exe.xml entry?

That is the recommended way. Show me the log file from this then - you keep showing me log files when FSUIPC7 is manually started.

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6 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

That is the recommended way. Show me the log file from this then - you keep showing me log files when FSUIPC7 is manually started.

But i’m not manually starting it? I launch MSFS and shortly after all my Exe.xml entry’s appear along with FSUIPC

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7 minutes ago, Driver170 said:

But i’m not manually starting it? I launch MSFS and shortly after all my Exe.xml entry’s appear along with FSUIPC

Then show me a log file! Both of the log files you attached show FSUIPC7 manually started:

      141 Manually started with DetectToConnectDelay=1, InitialStallTime=5


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4 minutes ago, Driver170 said:

I started a new log and used FSUIPC launch icon

Ok. That log shows FSUIPC7 was auto-started and it connected and everything looks ok. Was not everything working?

One thing to note is that you DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter is quite high (375). This may be ok, if MSFS takes > 5mins to boot to the main menu, but if MSFS isa ready sooner this will imply that FSUIPC7 will not connect and be available for some time after MSFS has started. You can change this parameter to 60, and then also set
to re-run auto-tuning, and that should then set a good value for this parameter.


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Hey, it wasn’t working before this morning. But after i restarted my PC it seemed to connect ok.

So using MSFS FSUIPC icon launches it automatically? But using MSFS.exe it manually starts up?

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25 minutes ago, Driver170 said:

So using MSFS FSUIPC icon launches it automatically? But using MSFS.exe it manually starts up?

FSUIPC7 should start-up automatically however you start MSFS, if using the EXE.xml auto-start method.

25 minutes ago, Driver170 said:

Hey, it wasn’t working before this morning. But after i restarted my PC it seemed to connect ok.

Yes, your SimConnect seemed to be blocked, which is why I recommended a reboot. Usually restarting MSFS should fix this, but if problems persist always better to reboot.


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19 hours ago, John Dowson said:

FSUIPC7 should start-up automatically however you start MSFS, if using the EXE.xml auto-start method.

Yes, your SimConnect seemed to be blocked, which is why I recommended a reboot. Usually restarting MSFS should fix this, but if problems persist always better to reboot.


I will try 60 but my sim takes longer than 5

Only parameter i see is StartUpTuningDoneVersion=1

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Just to be sure about the procedure:

When i start MSFS from the Icon, i have to start FSUIPC manually after the start-screen in MSFS has settled

When i start MSFS from the "FSUIPC" start icon, it will start after a set time by itself

If i re-installed MSFS (while it did not start anymore) in the same folders where it was before, can i still use the FSUIPC start icon from the first install, or do i need to re-install FSUIPC to get a new connection?

cheers from Germany


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2 minutes ago, Drrick said:

Just to be sure about the procedure:

When i start MSFS from the Icon, i have to start FSUIPC manually after the start-screen in MSFS has settled

When i start MSFS from the "FSUIPC" start icon, it will start after a set time by itself

If i re-installed MSFS (while it did not start anymore) in the same folders where it was before, can i still use the FSUIPC start icon from the first install, or do i need to re-install FSUIPC to get a new connection?

Please be aware that FSUIPC has 2 different auto-start methods:
   1. via the EXE.xml
   2, via the MSFS.bat file
So it depends on which method you are using.

If using the EXE.xml auto-start method, MSFS will start FSUIPC7 however it is started.
If using the MSFS.bat method, FSUIPC7 will only be started when using the desktop icon installed by FSUIPC (or the MSFS.bat file which is what it links to).

PLEASE see the installation and registration guide for details on these two different auto-start components.

And there is a FAQ entry on MSFS auto-start if you are having any issues.

I have really said all I can about FSUIPC7 and auto-start, and many times. Please see the documentation and FAQ entries on this - all the information is there. And there is a FAQ entry on the start-up parameters, as well as a asection in the Advanced User guide.

And I don't l know why you added your comment to this topic, which is related to simconnect issues and not auto-start. Please do not hijack unrelated topics.

Anyway, the OPs issue was solved by rebooting his PC, so I am closing this topic now.


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