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Posted (edited)

*** Moved to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum ***


MSFS 2020, Fsuipc7, B737 various models (PMDG, FS2020)
the following problem:
It is no longer possible to perform an engine shutdown via FSUIPC with offsets 0890 and 0892 as in FSX.

If I operate the CutOFF switch in the virtual cockpit, offset 0892 changes from 0 to 1 (or 2) and the engine reacts.

If I switch offset 0892 via FSUIPC from the physical cockpit, nothing happens. The virtual switch doesn't move either.

Is there another offset for the shutdown function?

Best regards
H.P. Roth

Edited by John Dowson
Moved to FSUIPC7 support forum

Those offsets use the standard FS controls. These will not work with the PMDG 737 for MSFS. You will need to use either custom controls, lvars or (easier) presets, which can set lvars fire custom controls as well as others, for these functions.

Check what presets are available for these functions in the HubHop website, or in the 'Find Preset' window in FSUIPC. if you need to do this via offsets (as opposed to direct assignments), then you can use offset area starting at 0x7C50 to send presets.



Thank you for the quick reply.
There is probably a small misunderstanding. I generally do not use PMDG aircraft.
I have been running a B737 and Heli R22 simulator with motion and all functions via FSUIPC for years with no problems with FSX P3D X-PLane and with MSFS 2020 I can use all functions, throttle, flaps, trim, motion, pedals, breaks, everything... only the stupid CUTOff does not respond.
I am just confused by the fact that with the virtual switch - i.e. on the monitor - operated with the mouse, the corresponding offset is used
including the values specified in FSUIPC. Just like with all other offsets. Only the CUTOFF does not work.


It's me again! I've now noticed that the usual keyboard function for switching off the engines <CTRL><SHIFT><F1> doesn't work either. So far I haven't found any control functions for this in the keyboard functions of the 2020. But I'll keep at it. I think there's already a solution.
Thank you so much so far.
H.P. Roth

On 2/1/2025 at 10:34 AM, cockbit said:

I generally do not use PMDG aircraft.

But you said: 

On 1/31/2025 at 5:32 PM, cockbit said:

B737 various models (PMDG, FS2020)

! There is no Asobo 737 as far as I am aware, so which aircraft are you using? Id the standard controls/offsets don't work, you will have to look into each aircraft to see what works for that aircraft.

For the PMDG 737, there are these presets for the cut-off:


They are potentiometer presets (i.e. for an axis) and should not be used directly in FSUIPC, but if you look at the calc code for those presets you should be able to define your own presets either to be used on an axis or you can define presets for cut-off and idle to be used on buttons. I can help further with this if you want to go down this route.

For other aircraft, you need to use FSUIPCs logging facilities to determine how to control the cut-off, i.e. set the logging options, open the logging console and cut-off in the VC and see what, if anything, is logged, and then use that, Or you can inspect the aircraft code to try and determine how this can be assigned - see https://www.badcasserole.com/uncovering-input-events-using-the-msfs2020-model-behavior-dialog/

On 2/1/2025 at 1:09 PM, cockbit said:

It's me again! I've now noticed that the usual keyboard function for switching off the engines <CTRL><SHIFT><F1> doesn't work either.

That uses "Set Mixture Lean" which also won't work for many add-ons. You need to determine what actually works for your aircraft.



Thanks for your help.
Unfortunately, Asobo only provides the 737 Dreamliner.
I downloaded a newly offered B737MAX which basically seems to be very compatible.
As you can see from my current questions, I am in the process of adapting the throttle quadrant to FS2020.
As I have now noticed, however, I will stumble upon further anomalies.
For example, I have learned that my current CDU/FMC software is not compatible with PMDG aircraft.
So I have decided to meticulously test all the important functions (overhead autopilot etc.!) to decide how much effort will be required for any adjustments. If it is even possible at the moment.
I think I will get in touch when I need your help.
Thank you again and I will get in touch when I am ready.
Best regards
H.P. Roth

1 hour ago, cockbit said:

For example, I have learned that my current CDU/FMC software is not compatible with PMDG aircraft.
So I have decided to meticulously test all the important functions (overhead autopilot etc.!) to decide how much effort will be required for any adjustments. If it is even possible at the moment.

Why is it not compatible? As I said, for PMDG panels you need to look at the provided custom controls and use them. Isn't that possible via the CDU/FMC software? If that can write to FSUIPC offsets, you should be able to configure to do that if you cannot assign to custom controls or presets directly.

1 hour ago, cockbit said:

Unfortunately, Asobo only provides the 737 Dreamliner.

Do you mean the 787- Dreamliner? There is no Asobo 737...
If so, logging reveals this:


   153656 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67195 (0x0001067b), Param= 2 (0x00000002) FUELSYSTEM_VALVE_TOGGLE
   153859 InputEvent received: FUEL_Valve_R=1.000000 (param=';FLOAT64')
   166937 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67195 (0x0001067b), Param= 2 (0x00000002) FUELSYSTEM_VALVE_TOGGLE
   167078 InputEvent received: FUEL_Valve_R=0.000000 (param=';FLOAT64')
   173109 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67195 (0x0001067b), Param= 1 (0x00000001) FUELSYSTEM_VALVE_TOGGLE
   173266 InputEvent received: FUEL_Valve_L=0.000000 (param=';FLOAT64')
   176406 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 67195 (0x0001067b), Param= 1 (0x00000001) FUELSYSTEM_VALVE_TOGGLE
   176547 InputEvent received: FUEL_Valve_L=1.000000 (param=';FLOAT64')

So you can try assigning to FUELSYSTEM_VALVE_TOGGLE with a param of 1 or 2 (for engines 1 & 2 respectively) to toggle, or assign to the Input Events FUEL_Valve_L and FUEL_Valve_R with parameters 0 and 1 for assignments to fixed positions.

1 hour ago, cockbit said:

I downloaded a newly offered B737MAX which basically seems to be very compatible.

Is that from Bredok3d or Asobo? As I did with the 787-10 dreamliner, try using the logging facilities to see what is being used.



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