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  • Birthday 01/01/1970

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  1. I think this might be a correct topic to ask. I have configured it exactly as in the last post, however, I need to reverse the axis. If I do that via Joy Calibration, I get the issue with 50-100% range. Am I doing something wrong or...?
  2. Fixed. Had to delete the folder. Hidden files...?
  3. Hello, I installed FSUIPC7 first time, it asked me for my registration details, I entered them, and that was it. However... when looking today for Assignments, I see the menu is missing. Checking around, I found out that FSUIPC7 is not registered. I uninstalled it and ran the installer again, and there simply is no popup for the registration any more. I also uninstalled it twice to re-check, and also tried deleting all files in the installation folder, here F:\MSFS-Tools\FSUIPC7. Sim is MSFS2024. Help is appreciated. Thank you.
  4. Yes, definitely misfired. The above line is what is definitely way more clear to me. I understand now, and thank you very much for taking time to explain.
  5. Why on Earth? It worries me only because today I wanted to do a flight, just to discover right after the engine start and post all the cockpit preparation that my TQ doesn't do anything. Took me a while to realize what the reason was, because I usually never suspect FSUIPC. While analyzing the .ini, I noticed that JoyNames section wasn't the same as the last time I saw it. There were missing letters, and the entries with numbers were present. After adding letters again, according to my legend, all was well again. However, it does make me wonder what the reason for this misconfiguration was, because I didn't do anything on my sim nor windows for a long time. So, to shorten it up, all I want to know what is right for a single controller? An example: J=VKBsim Black Box GF J.GUID={79A34CA0-5F35-11E7-8001-444553540000} 3=VKBsim Black Box GF 3.GUID={79A34CA0-5F35-11E7-8001-444553540000} (and yes, I wouldn't even think about posting here without reading the manual first)
  6. Maybe you misunderstood. Maybe I am not understanding... The first example is a content of an .ini file after the first edit. I basically gave all controllers letters. Then I loaded and closed the sim, and while the letters remained, a part in bold appears, additionally to the letters (that's the second "JoyNames"). The part in bold always gets recreated. Shouldn't be needed, or?
  7. Quick question, maybe I'm missing something: After initial load of all controllers, I give all Joysticks numbers, disabling AutoAssignLetters: [JoyNames] //J=Microsoft Joystick; G=G13; R=Rudder Pedals; A=Saitek TQ Left; B=Saitek TQ Right; Y=Yoke; Q=PFC TQ AutoAssignLetters=No J=VKBsim Black Box GF J.GUID={79A34CA0-5F35-11E7-8001-444553540000} G=Logitech G13 Joystick G.GUID={CA70FAC0-5779-11E6-8005-444553540000} R=MFG Crosswind V2 R.GUID={CA70FAC0-5779-11E6-800F-444553540000} A=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant (USB) A.GUID={7400ED90-CD38-11E7-8001-444553540000} B=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant (USB) B.GUID={7400ED90-CD38-11E7-8002-444553540000} But then I start the sim, and close it, the result: [JoyNames] //J=Microsoft Joystick; G=G13; R=Rudder Pedals; A=Saitek TQ Left; B=Saitek TQ Right; Y=Yoke; Q=PFC TQ AutoAssignLetters=No J=VKBsim Black Box GF J.GUID={79A34CA0-5F35-11E7-8001-444553540000} G=Logitech G13 Joystick G.GUID={CA70FAC0-5779-11E6-8005-444553540000} R=MFG Crosswind V2 R.GUID={CA70FAC0-5779-11E6-800F-444553540000} A=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant (USB) A.GUID={7400ED90-CD38-11E7-8001-444553540000} B=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant (USB) B.GUID={7400ED90-CD38-11E7-8002-444553540000} 0=Logitech G13 Joystick 0.GUID={CA70FAC0-5779-11E6-8005-444553540000} 1=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant (USB) 1.GUID={7400ED90-CD38-11E7-8001-444553540000} 2=MFG Crosswind V2 2.GUID={CA70FAC0-5779-11E6-800F-444553540000} 3=VKBsim Black Box GF 3.GUID={79A34CA0-5F35-11E7-8001-444553540000} 4=Saitek Pro Flight Throttle Quadrant (USB) 4.GUID={7400ED90-CD38-11E7-8002-444553540000} Why does it create everything new with the numbers? Thank you.
  8. No! Such a trivial thing, is it not?
  9. Ahh, nice, thanks! About mouse macros: do you also mean mouselook, as in hold/toggle modes for panning?
  10. So, I did a test: set Process Explorer to refresh every 10 seconds. And still, no sign of anything in FS (FRAFS). Neither 1sec, 5sec or 10sec. I didn't try changing anything in FSUIPC. If you can try to move OOMCheck to another thread, maybe that solves the problem in the root. That would probably be the best solution. If it works... Have a nice day! Srdan
  11. I just meant, the query that FSUIPC sends to windows, to check the VAS, is probably the same what Process Explorer is using to query the Virtual Size. Because if that's the case, by theory, open PE should also cause the said longer frames, do you think? I ask, becasue it doesn't. Running PE, refresh 2 seconds, no regular (or high) spikes (longer frames).
  12. So in case of Process Explorer, this information is queried way more often, most likely every second, as far as the refresh goes? The art of query stays the same? Srdan
  13. It was the OOM checking, apparently. Thank you. I guess I'll turn if off, because honestly don't need it... my system is virtually OOM free, as I keep it clean of the ORBX stuff :)
  14. Okay, got the log. However no idea where to begin with the analysis. It's only 3mb big, but lots of entries, as expected.
  15. Hello Pete, Using FSUIPC mainly for profiles and joystick calibration - basically having all controller assignments disabled in P3D, and everything going over FSUIPC. Also for VAS display. But those jumps are also present with the default fsuipc.ini file. The frequency of the long frames is not always the same, but it is about 270 frames, which would at 30fps come to about 9 seconds. 2nd one is at 565(18), 863(28), 1160(39) etc. So I'd say in average would be 10 seconds. I'll see if I can find something out with the Simconnect log (never did that yet). Versions: P3D3.4 HF2 (latest) and FSUIPC
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