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  1. Mine are in Extensions>Airplanes>Texturepacks All work OK HTH
  2. Hi Joe Many thanks for this early look and the new schedule. Quick point, when I follow the dropbox link it takes to my dropbox homepage. Am I missing something? Cheers Roger
  3. I am currently messing about trying out a few schedules for TIST (only coz it's a simple layout). Some are very simple GA, with about 5 or 6 in the visual circuit doing t & g etc. I am then going to mix it in with some commercial arr/deps. I'll let you know how (IF) it goes. I am an ex controller (Mil) and very much enjoy the whole ATC sim environment. Roger
  4. Just got back, loaded the updated schedule. Perfect! Many thanks for your efforts hexzed. Roger
  5. Hey hexzed, it was just puzzling not really a hassle. Thanks for fixing. Away from pc till Sunday now, so can't check it out yet. Will post when I have done. Cheers Roger
  6. At least we have narrowed it down a bit!! Trouble is you get comma blind after a while 😱
  7. Corrected and tried, no, still 72%
  8. It is odd, however I have narrowed it down. This line in the GA file EDDM,LSGK ,14:48,CNJ,DIEMG,0,0,0,0,INDIA ECHO MIKE GOLF Has a gap between LSGK and the comma. Copied all the files just one at a time and it all works perfectly until I copied over the airlines file, then it hung at 72%. Put the orig airlines file back in and it loaded fine. It's all a bit odd, but I'll keep looking.
  9. All of my settings are low. EDDM works fine withe the original schedule and with Brafs' schedule. It also worked with the first of Hexeds schedules. Every other airfield and schedule (original & custom) works fine, just this latest schedule.
  10. OK. I've run the bat file and let it sit at 72% for a while and it did produce a log file. Not sure what it will show as I had to force a shutdown of the prog. game.log
  11. Not sure if it will produce a log if it won't fully load. I'll have a look later Roger
  12. Weather on clear. This custom sched ran perfectly until I re downloaded it (now unzips as Munich) and used the new files. Loads fine at 0600 but sticks at any other time. This makes me think there is a possible error in the file, but apart from the couple of dupes, I can't see any missing commas etc. Puzzling. Roger
  13. Hi all Yes all the files and yes to the RT All other airfield/schedule work fine. The problem has only been since the last re download. Roger
  14. I was using your schedule with no problems (great fun to play BTW) and re-downloaded it the other day (thought it was an updated one) Now I can only load it at 0600. Any other times it gets to 72% and sticks. Any ideas?. I did notice that there are a couple of duplicated ABW flights as well. Just a bit frustrated as it was a great schedule. Cheers Roger
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