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John Dowson

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John Dowson last won the day on February 15

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  1. Yes - please see the Installing vJoyOffsets section of the documentation: You should download and install the latest version of vJoy (from https://sourceforge.net/projects/vjoystick/) and then follow the installation instructions. John
  2. I have no idea what those variables are so do not know if they can be "accessed". You should maybe clarify what these variables actually are - either on the Asobo forums or maybe on the MobiFlight discord channel. Also, I do not see anything under Local here with the TBM loaded - is that the aircraft you are using? They are certainly not standard lvars or input events, and so cannot be used directly in FSUIPC. It may be possible to access them using calculator code, but I don't know how to do this (as I don't know what they are!). Again, a question for Asobo or MobiFlight. What are you actually trying to achieve? Maybe it is not necessary to use those.. John
  3. I have moved your post to the FSUIPC7 support sub-forum. That is a very long start-up time...how long from when FSUIPC7 is started by MSFS until you get to the main menu in MSFS? With such a long start-up time, I think it is probably better if you disable auto-start of FSUIPC7 and always start it manually once MSFS is ready. You can (manually) create a link on your desktop to start FSUIPC7 only. This is not related to any changes in FSUIPC7. Just use the latest release. Ok. If you get issues, check the to see if FSUIPC is connected. To determine if there are any simconnect issues, you can enable simconnect logging - see Also you should increase the maxClients parameter in your SimConnect.xml file from the default of 64 to 128, if you have not done that already. John
  4. This may help - a lua function to convert a decimal frequency, in MHz not Hz) to BCD16: -- Convert frequency to BCD (e.g., "113.45" → 0x1345) function convertToBCD(freq) local cleanFreq = freq:gsub("%.", "") -- Remove decimal (e.g., "109.2" → "0920") local decimalNumber = tonumber(cleanFreq) -- Convert to number if not decimalNumber then return 0 end -- Return 0 if conversion fails local bcd = 0 local shift = 0 -- Convert each decimal digit to BCD format while decimalNumber > 0 do local digit = decimalNumber % 10 bcd = bcd + (digit * (16 ^ shift)) -- Use base 16 shift instead of bitwise left shift decimalNumber = math.floor(decimalNumber / 10) shift = shift + 1 end return bcd end John
  5. You should look into them, its not difficult. MSFS is a very different beast that FSX/P3D, and there are various different options for assignment (not just FS controls and the occasional lvar). FSUIPC's logging helps you determine what to use, and is a lot easier and quicker (in most cases, IMHO) than using the MSFS debugging tools, which I only use rarely as a last resort.
  6. Sorry, didn't realise (or forgot) that you were using FSX/FSUIPC4, No, it is not available - you should use NAV1_RADIO_SET (65708) instead. That takes the frequency in BCD format. Sets the chosen NAV frequency (BCD16 encoded Hz). But you cannot just change 67251 to 65708 and expect the script to work. You need to change the parameter to BCD format, or to an integer than when converted to hex shows the frequency in BCD format (with leading 1 dropped). Try and do that yourself - use logging to check that you are sending the correct parameter. If you have difficulties I can look at it for you, but you should at least try. I do not have much free time for these type of things at the moment.... John
  7. For all auto-start issues, see For connection issues, see the section Auto-tuning of initial start-up ini parameters in the Advanced User guide, or the following FAQ entry: If you still have issues after reading and following the advice there, please show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log file and explain what the issue is. John
  8. No need to attach event files or licenses - they are installed by the installer. The two log files you attached are very different. The FSUIPC7.log file (from last time it was ran) shows that you manually started FSUIPC7 once MSFS was running and it started, connected and ran without issues. Were thinks working in this session? The FSUIPC7_prev.log file (from the previous time it ran) shows that FSUIPC7 was auto-started by MSFS but failed to connect. This looks to be because your MSFS is taking a long time to start and FSUIPC7 has not been tuned correctly. FSUIPC7 would usually auto-tune itself but it needs to actually connect to MSFS todo this. Your _prev.log file shows that auto-tuning was active but never completed as it never connected to MSFS. I am not sure why it never connected when it weas auto-started - it could be that you ran out of Simconnect connections. What other add-ons are you running? Please read the section 'Auto-tuning of initial start-up ini parameters' in the Advanced User guide, or read this FAQ entry: Also increase the number of simconnect connections allowed if you have not done this already. Do this by increasing the maxClients entry in your SimConnect.xml file to 128 (default is 64). So it just started on its own? Was there a sim update? Did your start-up times change drastically? Your DetectToConnectDelayAuto ini parameter is set to 50 (seconds), which seems reasonable, but your log from the auto-start shows that the last attempt to connect was after 220 seconds and for some strange reason this never succeeded or timed-out. What is the (approximate) time it takes from when you start MSFS to when FSUIPC7 is started (i.e. you see the FSUIPC7 splash-screen), and then how long does it take from FSUIPC7 start until MSFS arrives to the main menu state? Have this times increased/changed dramatically recently (i.e. when your issues started)? That may have been a coincidence. What version of FSUIPV were you using before updating to 7.5.1? If it was 7.5.0, and everything was working, then that parameter isn't needed, It does no harm to have it though. Sorry but this just doesn't make any sense. That ini parameter is never written or removed, only ever read. As other ini parameters can be added/removed, it may change position but will never be removed. John
  9. No. It is up to you how you handle this. You can use profiles if the aircraft names are different. Otherwise you will need to separate installations of FSUIPC7, one for MSFS2020 and one for MSFS2024. Please see the section MSFS2020 / MSFS2024 Selection in the FSUIPC7 Installation and registration guide, John
  10. Thanks. Note its probably easier just to assign directly to the Input Event itself. In the button assignments tab, select for Input Events and then select the 'FUEL_PUMP_MAIN_FWD_1' input event from the drop-down - note the actual Input Event names differ from the B-vars. This saves you having to figure out the B-var name, You can also see the available Input Events using Log->List Input Events, and you can see what input event is being used by setting Log->Input Events, opening the logging console (Log->Open Console) and operate the switch/button/dial in the VC and see what is logged. You can also add Input Events to offsets and trigger them by updating the offset. This is useful when you need to know the current value of an Input Event, or if you wan to increment/decrement an Input Event. I recently showed how to do this in the following post (just FYI): Cheers, John
  11. Then please take care to post in the correct place. I have moved your original post, and merged your second post into the first. I have also updated the title - please get into the habit of giving a descriptive title for your issue, and always specify the a/c if its a question on a specific aircraft. This helps me and others. And isn't this the same issue you asked about last year? What has changed, and why not use that same topic if its the same issue (i.e. ProSim737 cut-off). You are creating a lot of additional work for me...! I already answered this question the last time you asked it... Normally you would use TOGGLE_FUEL_VALVE_ENG1/2, which you have assigned to buttons 17 & 16 of your JoyWarrior A8-16 controller. Do these not work? As I don't have the ProSim 737, I cannot advise on what to use. Try using FSUIPC's logging facilities and see what control is logged when you cut-off in the VC, and then try assigning to that. John
  12. I presume you are using FSUIPC7 / MSFS, no? If so, please use the FSUIPC7 sub-forum. Otherwise, please state which FS you are using (this forum is for P3D and FSX). Didn't you already ask about this last year? See: Is this the same issue you reported there, and if so why not continue there? If the standard controls don't work, you should really ask in the ProSim forums for support. There don't seem to be any presets available for the ProSim 737, and as I don't have this aircraft I cannot really advise on this. You can use FSUIPCs logging facilities to see if any controls/lvars/input events are available for this, otherwise you can use the MSFS tools to see how the switch works - see the following article on how to do this: https://www.badcasserole.com/uncovering-input-events-using-the-msfs2024-model-behavior-dialog/ No - I have never used and cannot support MobiFlight. For help with MobiFlight, use the MobiFlight discord server. John
  13. Please update to the latest version of FSUIPV6, v6.2.2 if you require support. Only the latest version of each product is supported. What would I need that? That is a file that FSUIPC6 generates once it acquires a connection to P3D. You are using an unregistered version of FSUIPC and so all your assignments are elsewhere (P3D I guess), not in FSUIPC. I cannot see how FSUIPC can have anything to do with your issue. Again that would indicate your issue has nothing to do with FSUIPC and I have no idea what could be causing this. Try re-installing the P3D client, and maybe also the aircraft/spitfire. Btw, how do you handle the differential braking in the spitfire using the rudder and single brake lever when assigned in P3D?
  14. @Airbuspilot As well as posting your solution, could you let me know where the fuel pump switches are in the B747-8i - I would like to check a few thinks with 2 params for a control and check the input events, but I can't seem to find the fuel pump switches... Later: The fuel pump switches in the overhead seem to work using input events - just assign to the Input Event FUEL_PUMP_FWD_2 with a parameter of 1 for on and 0 for off. No need to use presets. In fact, there are a lot of Input Events for this aircraft....
  15. Yes You could do that, but probably better if I delay the auto-start of the WebSocketServer until FSUIPC is connected to MSFS. Your update would also help if/when the WebSocketServer is manually started before MSFS is running, but I could also disable the manual start until MSFS is available. Great - thanks for the confirmation. Note that you should set a value of 14 if/when using MSFS2024! John
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