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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. 7 minutes ago, Bigmarty said:

    The attached files were copied while the sim was running

    Please exit FSUIPC7  and WideClient before attaching files (you can keep MSFS running).

    8 minutes ago, Bigmarty said:

    I cant copy the FSUIPC log because the file it too big apparently.

    If its too large, compress/zip it.

    WideClient again looked like it connected:


          203 Attempting to connect now
          234 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
          234 ... Okay, IP Address =
        21297 Error on client pre-Connection Select() [Error=10060] Connection timed out
        21297 Ready to try connection again
        22343 Attempting to connect now
        66515 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
        66515 ... Okay, IP Address =
       132750 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
       132750 ... Okay, IP Address =
       173718 New Client Application: "CXAcars" (Id=10016)
       198968 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
       198968 ... Okay, IP Address =
       265265 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
       265265 ... Okay, IP Address =

    But there was no sign of it in your WideServer.log file though.

    I will check things here when I get a chance and get back to you. However, it would be useful to see all the correct files from the same session, and attached when FSUIPC7 / WideClient have closed.

    You also seem to be using a very old version of FSUIPC7 (including WideServer) - 7.2.11, which is from October 2021. I am very surprised that version even works...
    And I only support the latest version, which is 7.4.15. Can you please update to the latest version of FSUIPC, try again, and remember to exit FSUIPC7 and WideClient before attaching files.


  2. Your FSUIPC7.1.log is a continuation log file. Please do not do this (i.e. start a new log) - I need to see the full log file not a partial one. And your WideClient.log shows that it connected but that you closed WideClient after 7 seconds:


    ********* WideClient Log [version 7.16] Class=FS98MAIN *********
    Date (dmy): 17/07/24, Time 09:18:43.106: Client name is MARTINS-MAIN-PC
          250 LUA: "D:\WideClient\Initial.LUA": not found
          250 Attempting to connect now
          266 Trying TCP/IP host "Martins-FSPC" port 8002 ...
          266 ... Okay, IP Address =

         7266 ****** End of session performance summary ******
         7266 Total time connected = 0 seconds
         7266 Reception maximum:  0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec
         7266 Transmission maximum:  0 frames/sec, 0 bytes/sec
         7266 Max receive buffer = 0, Max send depth = 0, Send frames lost = 0

         7266 ********* Log file closed (Buffers: MaxUsed 0, Alloc 0 Freed 0 Refused 0) *********

    Why was this? Can you explain what happened please, or try running WideCLient for a bit longer...


  3. First, you posted in the FAQ sub-forum where it explicitly states NOT for support requests. I have moved your post to the main support forum, Please use this forum for all issues with FSUIPC6.

    9 minutes ago, Javinet said:

    The thing is that I can't install FSUIPC 6 in P3D V5.

    Then please show me/attach your InstallFSUIPC6.log file.

    9 minutes ago, Javinet said:

    The .INI file does not appear. Despite having registered and obtaining my password in Simmarked, when I install it only FSIPC.DLL and an XML appear.

    This implies that you are trying to install under the Documents\Prepar3D v5 Add-ons folder. You should use this location for the add-on.xml file only. When you install, please choose another folder, and not under a windows protected folder (such as Documents or Program Files). Select a non-windows protected folder, such as c:\FSUIPC6 or C:\P3Dv5 Add-ons\FSUIPC6. If you still get issues when installing in a non-windows protected folder, show me/attach your InstallFSUIPC6.log file.


  4. @Edoradar Sorry for the delay with this -I have been rather busy with MSFS / FSUIPC7 (as usual!) and also suffering from lower back and sciatica issues which are restricting the amount of time I can remain seated and working...

    Anyway, please try the attached dll, beta version v6.2.1c. I have enable writing at offset 0x3402 but only for bits 0,1, 4,5,6 & 7. So, to assign to a button/key press, you need to assign to the control Offset Word Togglebits with parameters:
        0x1 - to toggle pause
        0x2 - to toggle slew mode
        0x10 - to toggle position freeze
        0x20 - to toggle attitude freeze
        0x40 - to toggle altitude freeze
        0x80 - to toggle lat/long freeze

    Please test this and let me know how you get on. Once this is tested and I have updated the documentation I will release this version.





  5. 2 hours ago, J-Aviator said:

    The problem is gone when I checked today, in some way has been fixed.

    Very strange...did anything change?

    2 hours ago, J-Aviator said:

    Where I can find the following file? FSUIPC_WASM.log

    It is in the WASM persistence storage area - from the Advanced User guide:


    WASM module ini file and parameters

    The WASM module takes its default settings from ini files. These are named FSUIPC_WASM.ini and can be located:
    1. In the WASM folder, under your Community/fsuipc-lvar-module
    2. In the WASM persistent storage area, which is:
        For Steam installs, in the following folder under your user
            AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\fsuipc-lvar-module\work
        For MS Store installs, in the following folder under your user
    The FSUIPC WASM log file (FSUIPC_WASM.log) can also be found in this location.


  6. @BJHawk Could you please try the attached updated WASM module please. Save the FSUIPC7_WASM.wasm file to your Community\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules folder, and the layout.json and manifest.json files to your Community\fsuipc-lvar-module folder.

    There is not a specific fix for this issue, but I have switched to using tagged data so this version should be more efficient. Let me know if you have any issues, and if so please attach your FSUIPC_WASM.log file.

    @J-Aviator If your issue is with a WASM crash, please also try this version.







  7. On 7/14/2024 at 5:00 PM, DaveSCUSA said:

    have had this also. Normally, the FSUIPC7 icon appears in the task bar. Upon a right click, the small windows above the task bar shows both the console and ui. One can choose one or the other.

    The case above describes the instance where there is no icon. In addition, in my case, the alt+f did not display the ui.

    Also, when I opened FSUIPC7 without MSFS executing, neither the console nor the ui appeared. 

    I removed all of FSUIPC7 files and installed again. I'll retest today.

    This issue is related to an FSUIPC CTD has now been reported in the following topic: 


    For users with the issue that FSUIPC is running but not opening/displaying when instructed (e.g. on keypress Alt+F),  then this is usually because the window is being sized/positioned off-screen. To rectify this, you need to exit FSUIPC and delete the Window ini parameter from the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file and then restart FSUIPC7. This will reset FSUIPC to the default size and position.


  8. 11 hours ago, Bigmarty said:

    Log files attached.

    No they were not - you pasted images. Please attach the following files (not paste images or contents):
           From your server PC: FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini, WideServer.log
           From your client PC: WidweClient.log, WideClient.ini

    11 hours ago, Bigmarty said:

    I have been using Wideclient on a remote PC for several years without difficulty, Now it will not connect.

    Did anything change? Please check the following:
       - firewalls: maybe temoprarily disable all firewalls (client and server PCs, routers) to see if its a firewall issue
       - check your WorkGroup names, both PCs must be in the same WorkGroup
    You can also try adding the ServerName and Protocol ini parameters to your WideClient.ini file. Please see the Configure your Network section of the WideFS User Guide. And see the trouble-shooting notes in the WideFS Technical guide.

    Also a good idea to reboot both PCs if you haven't done that already.




    • Like 1
  9. On 7/14/2024 at 6:54 PM, BJHawk said:

    Here are the logs from the entire aforementioned flight.

    Unfortunately the logs don't reveal much. I have now had MSFS running (and attached to a debugger for the WASM) for around 24hours, switching between the FBW A320 and the PMDG 777 and 737 and have not been able to get the WASM to crash/fail. I had to stop this session as I ended up getting exceptions/a CTD in MSFS.

    Looks like there is definitely a problem somewhere in the WASM causing this but it is going to be difficult to track down. I will keep investigating, and I do have some performance improvements I would like to implement in the WASM so maybe I will take a look at these to see if this improves things.

    There are some minor adjustments you can make which will hopefully make this crash less likely. Change the following in your FSUIPC_WASM.ini file (the one in your WASM persistance area, not the one under your Community folder. Set the following ini parameters:

    12 hours ago, J-Aviator said:

    I have a similar problem now where the autopilot and auto throttle is not recognised from my joystick button.
    This is happened only with the FBW A320

    Are you sure this is the same problem, i.e. a WASM crash? To verify this, you can either try sending another preset or lvar update - if that works, the WASM hasn't crashed. Otherwise, you need to check in the devmode debug console - search for fsuipc and see if there is an exception message.
    If it is a WASM crash, also please try those updated settings mentioned above. If not, then I will need to see your files (FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC_WASM.log).


  10. Sorry, but it is confusing when you talk about 'not showing in task bar'. I think you mean that FSUIPC7 is crashing on start-up.
    The log files you attached are also very strange, and just show that FSUIPC stopped at different stages during start-up.
    Can you please download the installer again and re-install from a fresh download. If you get the same issue can you temporarily rename your FSUIPC7.ini file and try again to see if that makes a difference. Also please check the Windows Event Viewer application and see if there are any events related to FSUIPC there, and if so show that to me (they are under Windows Logs -> Application).


  11. 26 minutes ago, Vasco Oliveira said:

    Then, when using WideFS7, if it crashes, I'll send you the WideClient.log.

    And the event information pease.

    All I can tell you is that WideClient/WideFS has been stable for around 10 years now, with no updates. If it does crash, this normally indicates an issue in your system - maybe a corrupt windows library somewhere. Such issues are notoriously difficult to track down...


  12. 1 hour ago, BJHawk said:

    Happened straight away on another flight with FBW A320, here's a log from MSFS:

    I need to see the FSUIPC_WASM.log from when it crashed.

    Restarting FSUIPC won't help. This is an FSUIPC WASM crash and you need to restart MSFS.

    Which version of the FBW A320 were you using?

  13. I don't have the 738 and am not familiar with 'squad' - what is it? Is there a control in the Virtual Cockpit for this? If so, do you see any events in the FSUIPC7.log file when this is used? Try logging events (Log -> Events) and open the logging console (Log -> Open console) and see if anything is logged when you activate this in the VC. If nothing is logged, try listing lvars to see if any look appropriate.

    I can't see anything related to squad the PMDG custom controls or offsets.

  14. 14 hours ago, Soundman1 said:

    I don't need to spoof 0570 or 0574 as they seem to be reading correctly and RC seems to only be off by 1000 feet now.  

    I have been able to spoof
    QNH into CC28 - from 0EC6
    Ambient Temp - into CC3A - from 0E8C
    Visibility - into CC30 from 0E8A
    Wind Direction - into CD02 from 0E92
    Wind Speed - into CCFE from 0E90

    Sounds good, but I wonder why it is still off by 1000 feet - it would be useful to know where/how it is deriving this altitude.

    14 hours ago, Soundman1 said:

    Are being done by RC. According to FS - Interrogate
    CC10 Weather read Latitude - 
     CC18 Weather read Longitude - 
    CC08   ICAO for weather reading (FS2004)
    CC04 Signature for weather reading (FS2004) - With Instructions:  

    Write the signature last, just before the FSUIPC_Process, after setting one of:

    ICAO = Id of a valid FS  Wx station, or
    ICAO = 'GLOB' for global weather, or
    ICAO = 4 spaces plue Lat/Lon

    If your signature is accepted the weather will be available a short time after, after a timestamp change. Read the whole lot including the ICAO/Lat/Lon, and check the ICAO or Lat/Lon to see if it is yours. If not try again a while later (100-500 mSecs at least -- best to vary it).

    This sounds strange as offsets CC00-CFFF are documented as the area to READ the weather at the requested location.
    The writable area is C800-CBFF. To be honest I am not sure how these offsets work - I will take a look in more detail next week, Maybe worth checking these in FSUIPC6 with P3D, or maybe with FSUIPC4 in FSX.

    The Active Sky files may contain some useful data, especially the current_wx_snapshot.txt file:


    current_wx_snapshot.txt – Provides the entire global weather data in use including METARs, TAFs and Winds Aloft. Winds aloft data is provided per-altitude block which follows the altitude blocks listed in the “Conditions” screen of ACTIVE SKY.

    Maybe worth taking a look at that file.

    I will see if I can look into this in more detail next week sometime.

  15. 1 hour ago, MD80PROJECT said:

    I have only gotten it to work with offsets 0x6700, 0x6704, and 0x6800

    Offset area 6700 - 6BFF (1632 bytes) are ok to use if not using Jean-Michael Biston ("Michael") for Airbus gauges or FS-Communicator, which is what they are reserved for.

    1 hour ago, MD80PROJECT said:

    I have tried to turn on the LED with ( L:CM1_egpws_on_adv1 ) and replacing the offset with 7C40, A000, 66C0 and consecutive hexadecimal numbers 7C44, 7C48......, A004, A008........ , 66C4, 66C8.........., etc.

    Note that your lua WILL NOT turn on the LED - it will update the offset with the status of the LED/lvar when the lvar changes.

    Those offsets should certainly work - I will double check them next week, but if having issues try debugging the lua script using the facilities provided (i.e. Debug/Trace Lua plugins in the Logging tab). This will tell you if the script is running and what it is doing.  Also try logging the offset you are using on the right hand side of the logging tab, and make sure to check Normal log file.


  16. 5 hours ago, Vasco Oliveira said:

    1. Do you know any reason for this problem with WideFS7?

    No. Can you please show me your WideClient.log file, and also any event information from the windows Event Viewer. If WideClient crashed, there should be a crash event reported with further details.

    5 hours ago, Vasco Oliveira said:

    2. Can I use only FSUIPC on the remote PC to connect my addons. If so, how??

    Yes. Instructions are provided in Appendix 4 of the Advanced User guide (page 67).


  17. 46 minutes ago, BJHawk said:

    so it finally happened today with FBW A320.

    Are you using 7.4.15? Was it just the presets that stopped working?

    47 minutes ago, BJHawk said:

    Unfortunately cannot add the files, too big.

    You can compress/zip them. If still too big, you can use one of the free file transfer services (e.g. https://filetransfer.io/).

    48 minutes ago, BJHawk said:

    FSUIPC_WASM.log has not been created for some reason though

    It must be there - are you sure you are looking in the correct place? It is in the WASM persistent storage area:


    The WASM module takes its default settings from ini files. These are named FSUIPC_WASM.ini and can be located:

    1. In the WASM folder, under your Community/fsuipc-lvar-module folder
    2. In the WASM persistent storage area, which is:
    For Steam installs, in the following folder under your user account:
    AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\fsuipc-lvar-module\work
    For MS Store installs, in the following folder under your user account:

    The FSUIPC WASM log file (FSUIPC_WASM.log) can also be found in this location.


  18. 2 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

    Often when activating a switch or button in a cockpit, the FSUIPC7 Log shows several entries.

    An example is a battery switch on activation may show a master battery control event, a toggle bus control event and a "B:Battery" input event. Is there any way to obtain which event was triggered by the switch on.

    Or must one test each separately to observe the action?

    FSUIPC just reports what events are seen. And this is completely dependent on how the aircraft is implemented.
    Usually, when an input event is triggered, this can then send various other events - lvar updates, k-evenrs (standard FS controls), h-var updates, etc.
    BUT, the input event may not trigger everything. So there may be some aircraft when you can send an input event and nothing else, and that is sufficient. For other aircraft, maybe the input event (or b-var) only triggers some actions, and you may also need to add a k-var trgger, or an lvar update, or something else.

    But this is completely dependent on how the aircraft model is implemented. Some developers/aircraft respect the norms (i.e. an imput event should be sufficient, and the input event code will do everything, including sending necessary k-events, updating lvars, triggering hvars, etc). If badly implemented, you may need to send the Input Event and also perform other actions.

    But this is nothing to do with FSUIPC. With FSUIPC, you can log what is happening and then try and replicate that with assignments. I cannot control how an aircraft is implemented, only provide the facilities for users to investigate and determine what to use.

    But generally, if an Input Event is available, use that. If that is not sufficient, then investigate. Or look to see if a preset is available.
    Presets cover all other control mechanisms (i.e. K-events, lvar updates, hvar updates) apart from input events (or b-vars). So, most things should work with either input events, presets, or a combination of both.

    And please understand that FSUIPC only provides access to such things. How they are implemented and used in various aircraft is defined by the aircraft developers, over which I have no control.


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