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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. 16 hours ago, nebula said:

    -Offsets have a reserved range within FSUIPC

    Offsets are just a 65535 byte memory are in FSUIPC, starting from 0000 and going to FFFF.

    16 hours ago, nebula said:

    -Offsets are based on data within the header files, and the data space between them depend on the type of data within the header file

    No. An offset address is just a memory area. Offset address can be populated from reading simvars or lvars, cna be used internally by FSUIPC or can be used to hold client data from specific aircraft (only PMDG airliners supported for this). The client data held in offsets is based upon the the data structures provided by PMDG, but this data is split into different offset areas. See the specific PMDG offset data documents for how to access PMDG data via offsets.

    Note that in the current release of FSUIPC7, only the offsets for the PMDG 737 are enabled. I have enabled the offsets for the 777 now and will be releasing this shortly (i.e. in the next few days) , as 7.4.14.

    16 hours ago, nebula said:

    I have the paid version of your software, and I’m looking to analyze various offsets.

    Take a look at the FSUIPC7 Offset status document, and also the specific offset documents for PMDG aircraft. I have attached the one for the PMDG 777 below.

    16 hours ago, nebula said:

    My main question at this point is whether my assumption is correct that until updated, new offsets are technically within the reserved range but not readable until officially allocated.

    Not sure what this means. You can read any offset at any time, but whether that offset holds any relevant data depends on the offset and possibly the aircraft loaded. The PMDG offsets will not hold any relevant data for the 777 until I have enabled this (the next release), but they will hold data for the 737, if enabled both n FSUIPC7 and in the aircraft itself.


  2. 14 minutes ago, LeoSchoonbroodt said:

    I have a problem that my WASM stops during flight.
    I have seen it before and cannot be certain it started with this latest version but this time i have it logged with the Extra logging option.
    Noticed it because i could switch on the wipers via calculator code and some time later couldn't switch them OFF.

    Looking at the FSUIPC-Console i found a lot of errors indicating that the WASM was not running anymore, so to test this i disabled and re-enabled it via the menu and the errors ceased and all started working again.

    I attach the FSUIPC7 and WASM logs.

    There is a known issue with the WASM that has been identified and fixed, although this fix has not yet been released (officially) - see the following post where the fix is available:


    I will be releasing this fix officially in a couple of days, with the next version of FSUIPC7 (7.4.14).

    17 minutes ago, LeoSchoonbroodt said:

    Another thing i have seen in the past days is that FSUIPC menu's are sometimes not accessible and FSUIPC seems to hang when in the main menu, and then after some time starts working again, but i have no clean logs when that happened as i tried several things to get it working again which might confuse the matter, but thought to mention it as i am not sure if it's related,

    If it happens again i also will provide those logs

    This just sounds like windows is not giving much time to FSUIPC7. This can happen if you have a lot of logging enabled and are logging to a HDD (and not an SDD).
    You can send logs if this happens, but I doubt they will show anything.


  3. 4 hours ago, Holt said:

    I have unselected the menu items 'Open on Start', and 'Auto-Connect to FS', and yet upon launching MSFS 2020, FSUIPC somehow always starts.

    This is because you have installed the FSUIPC7 auto-start component. If you do not want FSUIPC7 to start with MSFS, re-install and de-select the auto-start component (there are two distinct methods of using auto-start - make sure both are unchecked).
    'Open on Start' means to open the FSUIPC7 main window on start-up. Usually it starts iconised to your system tray.

    4 hours ago, Holt said:

    I hate to come across as impolite, but this really is unacceptable.  A program should not force itself on me like some obnoxious ad pop-up that won’t go away.  I truly hope there is a reasonable explanation and fix for this.  I know FSUIPC is widely used and has a long and well established track record in flight simulation.  Nevertheless, my patience is just about ended.

    Yes, you come across as very impolite. I provide a lot of documentation with my software. You should at least try looking at that before posting. Try starting with the Installation and Registration guide.

    You should also actually look at what you are installing - it should be obvious that you are installing a component called 'Auto-Start'.


    • Thanks 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, Er!k said:

    Issue seems to be lying in the software from JavaSimulator. There are some reports that a lower FSUIPC version works (7.4.11). They bring a fix this week...

    Thanks for the update.

    Not sure why an earlier version would work.
    You do have your DetectToConnectDelayAuto ini parameter set quite high, which means that it will take a short while (2mins) between when FSUIPC7 is started and when it will connect to the sim (and thus be ready for use). It will reduce gradually over time (auto-tuning wiil do this), but maybe better to set this to a lower value (in your FSUIPC7.ini file) and let FSUIPC7 tune itself from there, e.g. set



  5. 4 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

    It's coded event.sim(FLIGHTLOAD,"StartLVar"). I want the code to kick off when a flight is started - "Fly Now". The Lua is loaded and stops at "waiting for an event".

    Is this routine still available and where in the schema does it light off?

    The problem with this is that the flight would already have been loaded/started by the time the lua is started, so this function will only be called if/when a new flight is loaded.
    Lua scripts are not started until AFTER the aircraft (and also initial flight data) is loaded and once lvar/hvars have been received,

  6. 11 hours ago, murat oner said:

    Could you please give a date when the key assignment package for will be updated?

    There is no 'key assignment package'.
    If you are referring to the MF preset list, I only update this on each release. If there are some new MF presets that you wish to use not available in the preset file (events.txt) installed with FSUIPC, such as the PMDG 777 presets,  then you should download and install this yourself from the MobiFlight HubHob sight (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/).

    Attached is the latest file, but please learn how to update this yourself.



  7. This is almost certainly due to the fact that you have not selected No repeats! on the assignment, so multiple toggle controls will be being sent. If you activate logging for Buttons & Keys and look at your log then you can confirm this.

    It is always better to assign toggle controls with no repeats enabled.

  8. 16 hours ago, Alti said:

    Sorry late Reply: NO Propellorplanes in my fleet.
    PMDG-B737, Justflight BAE146, ATR from John Hartmann,...
    all planes i am flying will go to the left while taxi. i must set rudder right to hold the line.

    That is strange then. Maybe try logging the rudder position, as well as steering well tiller position, to check that these are not having an effect.

    16 hours ago, Alti said:

    Is there a chance to set the centerposition a little to right with FSUIPC?

    You can set the centre position wherever you like, but I don't think this will help, as no rudder is sent when at the central position, and if it was setting a little right rudder when central, then this would also effect the rudder when in flight, no?
    You could maybe have a small lua script that will apply a little right rudder when rudder central and you are taxiing.
    I haven't noticed this, but I don't fly those aircraft except for testing purposes. I can take a look in to PMDG and ATR later to see if I  notice any drift.

  9. 1 hour ago, pdubost said:

    Any chance to getter a similar list for the New PMDG777 under MSFS without FSUIPC7 ?

    Not sure what you mean by 'without FSUIPC7' - without FSUIPC7, how can you read the offsets?

    Anyway, the list of data available for the PMDG 777 is detailed in the header file - PMDG_777X_SDK.h in the Documentation\SDK folder of your PMDG 777 Community installation folder.
    I am currently working on adding the PMDG 777 specific offsets to FSUIPC7, and I will release this next week. I have attached the document for the 777 but this is still a work in progress so may be updated again before release.

    Can you also post in the FSUIPC7 / MSFS sub-forum for all questions related to FSUIPC7 / MSFS.


    Offset Mapping for PMDG 777.pdf

  10. On 6/24/2024 at 8:01 PM, Soundman1 said:

    The reason I'm curious about this is for Radar Contact. 
    I know it's an old program but have to say even with the latest ATC offerings in MSFS (Beyond ATC / Say Intentions) RC is still superior in its flight handling and traffic interaction.

    Ah...that is interesting... Do you have this more or less working then? The main problem with using RC with MSFS, or so I thought, was the display of messages and menus which isn't working correctly due to the broken SimConnect_Tect functionality in MSFS. I would be interested to know if this is working, or how you got this working....

    On 6/24/2024 at 8:01 PM, Soundman1 said:

    The problems are:

    1. It doesn't know the METAR at your Departure or Arrival airport.
    2. It doesn't read the pressure correctly at your location. Thus, thinks you are 5k to 10k below your assigned altitude. 

    I've been trying to spoof the pressure into FSUIPC 7 using your example. But it still reads the altitude wrong. And using FS interrogate doesn't show me why it's reading it wrong as all altitude variables appear to read the altitude correctly.

    Thanks again for your help on this.    

    Which offsets is RC reading for the METAR information?

    Offset 0x0EC6 is incorrectly flagged as not available in MSFS, but I have checked the code and that offset should be populated. However, the weather offsets starting at 0xC000 are disabled in MSFS, so I am not sure spoofing a read to that area will work. Id RC reading the (sea level) pressure at offset 0xC028 then? And doesn't it require the altimeter pressure, not the sea level pressure?

  11. 39 minutes ago, Darnell said:

    Where do I find the files?

    The InstallFSUIPC7.log file will be in your FSUIPC7 installation folder, the same folder as the files you attached. I need to see this file for installation issues.

    Do you want to use FSUIPC7, or just install the FSUIPC7 WASM module for use with SLC?



    41 minutes ago, Darnell said:

    A nother thing is that FSUIPC is not starting automatic anymore. 

    Your installation log may also shed light on this, but for all start-up issues, see 


    But if you just need the WASM, you don't need FSUIPC7 running anyway.



  12. I have the PMDG 777 now so it will be easier for me to advise on how to assign for this aircraft now.

    I have also noticed that some presets (130) have now been added to HubHop for the PMDG 737 now, so those not comfortable using custom controls can check to see if a preset is available. I have attached the latest events.txt file (from MobiFlight) below - use this to replace the one in your FSUIPC7 installation folder, and restart FSUIPC7 if running.

    I will now look into adding / enabling the additional PMDG 777 specific FSUIPC offsets.



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  13. 11 hours ago, philppecardinalhoude said:

    I did try the PMDG 737 fuel control preset but it doesnt work for the 777. 

    Please read this thread.... the 737 presets will not work with the 777 as the custom control numbers, used by the presets, will have changed. You can assign to the custom control numbers (for the 777) directly - I posted a link to show you how to do this.

    However, I now see some presets for the 777 have been added to HubHop, inclusing ones for the fuel cut-off: PMDG 777 FUEL CUT OFF ENGINE 1 PMDG 777 FUEL CUT OFF ENGINE 2. These are available in the events.txt file attached below - save this to your FSUIPC7 installation folder, overwriting the one there, and restart FSUIPC7.




  14. 1 hour ago, Flávio Oliveira said:

    I tried using the following PMDG777 custom command:

    #define    EVT_MCP_ALTITUDE_SELECTOR    (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 2250) = Custom Code: 71882

    But as it is a button, when I click it it moves the altitude only 100 or 1000ft and stops. It does not continue increasing altitude.

    Of course - you have to send it multiple times (i.e. on repeat) if you want multiple increments. Alternatively, you could try sending that control with a left mouse click on button press, and a left mouse release on button release, using the rotor brake control method.

    1 hour ago, Flávio Oliveira said:

    @John Dowson, I didn't find the link you mentioned, if you could send it again I would appreciate it.

    Well, if you no how to use custom controls you don't need the link, but here it is again, as well as the older one that sends mouse operations via the Rotor Brake control:

    1 hour ago, Flávio Oliveira said:

    By the way, would it help if I sent the file "PMDG_777X_SDK.h" to you?

    Thanks, but that has a copyright and you should not share it, especially on public platforms.


  15. Note also that the PMDG presets use the Rotor Brake method for custom controls, which emulate mouse clicks. Using the custom controls directly has more benefits, as you can send an actual parameter (when needed) rather than just a mouse click. This is explained (I think) in that post I referenced. There is also a similar post (deprecated) that shows you how to use the custom controls via the Rotor Brake control, which is what a lot of the PMDG presets use.


  16. 14 minutes ago, Flávio Oliveira said:

    For example: I am trying to configure a button to increase and decrease altitude. I tried to use the B737 preset and it did not work. See the image below.

    But @C.Schaffhausen said he re-assigned his buttons using the custom controls for the B777. not the presets for the B737, which will be using the custom controls (for the B737).
    It is the axes configuration that is the same, not the buttons.

    Presets for the PMDG aircraft are just an easier way of using the custom controls. As nobody has yet added presets for these to HubHob, you need to use the custom controls. I posted a link above on how to use these.


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