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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. 2 minutes ago, voltigeurramon said:

    I'm soooo encredibly stupid. I'm so sorry for wasting your time. All I had to do was using the reverse thrust with the engines running. Whenever I did a flight I just didn't use them and all the testing I did for this thread was with the engines off. I'm really sorry you trying to help me, but I just had to think with a bit og logic for one second......

    Ah, ok....

    7 minutes ago, voltigeurramon said:

    I do have one question left tho about the ATR. I'm trying to bind the condition lever lvars to shut off the fuel, as said in this (and many more) post: 

    Can you attach your macro file please. As the condition lever has 4 discrete positions, I am not sure how you are controlling this on a button. Why don't you use an axis (the Bravo has plenty!) and use the axis presets defined in this post: 



  2. Also, please see this comment on the same issue (PMDG 737 reversers): 


    Also see further down for another possible configuration (I have just asked the user to post his settings).

    It seems that nothing is perfect for the PMDG 737 reversers - configure and use what mostly works for you. The main issue seems to be a jump from reverse to forward motion when killing reversers which is rather strange!


  3. i have this aircraft now. I can see this brake lever, and it is documented as:

    39 Brake grip on Rear Control Stick, Press and hold to set wheel brake active.

    However, I cannot seem to 'press and hold' this - when I click it, it moves to the  right slightly, sends a BRAKES control, and then goes back to its original position.

    I presume the toe controls only control the rudder (i.e. only lateral movement, no movement on each pedal.

    How is this supposed to work?

    Does moving the tie pedals usually control the rudder, and when you want differential braking, you move the brake lever to the right (and hold it) and then use the rudder control for differential braking?

    You can assign a button or key to the FS control BRAKES, on repeat. This will move the brake lever and keep it in position while the button/key is held.

    If you then want to use the rudder pedals for differential braking (if the aircraft supports this), you would have to use a lua script to control both rudder and breaking.
    You would write your rudder axis value to an FSUIPC offset, and then monitor this offset in a lua script. When the offset changes, your handling function will receive the axis value, You then decide if this is a rudder control or a brake control by looking at the state of the brake lever (you can also monitor this to determine if braking or steering).

    As I now have this aircraft, I can help further, but I need to know how this works in the aircraft, and how you want to assign to reflect this.
    It seems that if the brake lever is sending the BRAKES control, it isn't doing differential braking.


  4. For the 737 reversers, rather than sending Throttlen_Cut on the reverser release:


    12=UF,9,C65967,0     -{THROTTLE1_CUT}-
    13=UF,10,C65972,0     -{THROTTLE2_CUT}-

    try sending an F1 key press instead:


    12=UF,9,C1070,112     -{: F1}-
    13=UF,10,C1070,112     -{: F1}-

    Otherwise there are two presets that you can use to kill reverse thrust (i.e. to assign on reverser release):
        PMDG B737 Eng 1 Reverse Thrust Kill
        PMDG B737 Eng 2 Reverse Thrust Kill
    These use the PMDG custom controls:


    so you can use them directly instead if you don't want to use the presets.



    1 hour ago, voltigeurramon said:

    I haven't logged everything yet, but when using the f1 key, I have the same problem as using the buttons.

    Ah, ok. They seem to work here... Try them anyway, and if not working switch to using those presets.

  5. 16 minutes ago, voltigeurramon said:

    In the CRJ I'm controlling the fuel shutoff with macros. I wanted to try to use macros for the reversers in the 737, but couldn't find the Lvars and the values for them. Do you happen to know them so I can try that?

    The PMDG 737 has always used throttle cut followed by throttle decr to activate reversers - I don't think there are lvars (or custom controls, which is what the PMDG normally will use if the standard controls don't work). But I will take a look later.

    To diagnose an issue, I always need to see the .ini and .log from the same session/flight, so I will have to look at your previous files. If you update the ini, and would usually need to see the log generated from using that ini.

    On 4/15/2024 at 6:17 PM, voltigeurramon said:

    Apperently Strobes off is a whole thing in the 737, so there's a lot of that in the log file.

    You can opt to not log/ignore such controls (i.e. ones that are continually sent) using the DontLogThese ini parameter, e.g.


    1=PMDG 737


    On 4/15/2024 at 6:17 PM, voltigeurramon said:

    Reverser 1 is activated at timestamp 10079 and deactivated at 11079. It didn't deactivate at 11079, so I cycled it again at 11938 and the cut again at 12875 (this time it did work and the reverser got deactivated)

    Reverser 2 is activated at 15875 and the cut at 16969. It didn't deactivate the first time. It is activated again at 17797 and then cut again at 18797. It did work this time and got deactivated.

    Those timestamps do not correspond to the log file you have posted....

    Please see the following (long) topic on how to assign to the reversers in the 737: 


    I also have this set-up on my Bravo on my flight system for the PMDG 737. I will check if that is working and send you my Bravo config.



  6. Looking at that ini, there is no axis assigned to throttle1:


    0=FY,256,D,22,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Spoilers }-
    1=FZ,256,F,66534,0,0,0    -{ TO SIM: AXIS_FLAPS_SET }-
    2=FV,256,D,10,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Throttle2 }-
    3=AX,256,D,7,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake }-
    4=AY,256,D,8,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: RightBrake }-
    5=AR,256,D,3,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Rudder }-
    6=CX,256,D,1,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Aileron }-
    7=CY,256,D,2,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: Elevator }-


  7. 6 hours ago, Darth JBell said:

    Here's what I currently have under Axes in my INI file (I think):

    0=0R,256,D,7,8,0,0    -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake, RightBrake }-
    1=0R,BR,1152,16383,65720,0    -{ DIRECT: LeftBrake, RightBrakeEntering=BRAKES_LEFT }-
    2=0R,BR,-15803,-1161,65721,0    -{ Entering=BRAKES_RIGHT }-

    This seems rather strange, as you are sending the left/right brake controls on the R (rudder) axis, and are also repeatedly sending BRAKES_RIGHT or BRAKES_LEFT when the rudder is more than approx 2/3rds full left or full right.

  8. 3 hours ago, Darth JBell said:

    It's tricky bc one needs to actuate the brake handle (activating both brakes) and the deflect the rudder pedals (greater than 16 degrees left or right) to activate the differential steering used to control the aircraft movement on the ground.  I am able to set the brakes up as an axis in the FSUIPC Add-On menu, but I can't decipher how to add the brake handle on the control stick as a "Condition" or "Combination" (in either the Add-On menu or INI file).  Oh, and one still needs the rudder pedals to deflect the rudder as a primary flight control during flight conditions.

    I am not sure I understand this - and I don't have this aircraft. Do you have a reference on how this works or can you provide further details? How is the "brake handle" recognised - is that an axis or button, and is any control logged when used, or maybe an lvar is changed? You will probably need to use lua if you want an axis condition. You would write the axis values to an FSUIPC offset, and have a lua script monitor these offsets, calibrate the value and send the appropriate control depending on the brake handle position, which would also need to be monitored.

    There is a User Contribution for something similar, where a brake lever is used to control differential braking on a rudder axis - not the same I know, but shows the technique of how to send different controls on an axis depending on another lever: 


    I can see if I can get hold of this aircraft and take a look, but this may take a while.


  9. Can you please make sure you are using the latest released version of FSUIPC7, 7.4.11, or even better try the latest beta release, available from:

    and show me your FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini and csv files.

    5 hours ago, GoldenAero7 said:

    The issue is still not resolved. I would appreciate it if you could have a thorough look into this issue.

    As I said, I only see this here when FSUIPC7 is started by MSFS via the EXE.xml file, and I have no idea why this is. I will look at you files to see if I can see anything, but there is not much I can do. 

    What is the load like on your system? What aircraft do you have loaded - if using an airliner, have you tried with a GA aircraft?


  10. 6 hours ago, NookyBookyIV said:

    It is working perfectly fine when assigning my throttle axis inside MFS controls options.

    However, if I use FSUIPC to bind my throttle axis (using "Send to FS as normal axis" with "Axis Throttle 1 Set"), this InputEvent is never called.

    I can see in FSUIPC console that the InputEvent is not received.

    Do I need additional code in my XML is order to solve the problem?

    Controls that go from external apps via SimConnect do not go through the same route as internal controls. This has already  been raised with Asobo - see https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/xml-key-event-bindings-do-not-intercept-key-events-via-simconnect/8320.

    I am not an aircraft developer/gauge programmer, so cannot really assist you with this xml code.

    Can you see the Input Event in FSUIPC (Log->List Input Events)? If so, you can use this directly. However, you can only assign to Input Events for buttons, keys and when entering/leaving axis ranges. To assign an axis to an Input Event in FSUIPC, you have to assign the axis to write to an FSUIPC offset, have a lua script that monitors the offset (using event.offset), calibrates the axis value to the Input Event range, and then send the Input Event using ipc.execInputEvent.

    It is also not clear to me how Asobo determine what Input Events are available via the SimConnect Input Event interface/functions. This would also be a question for Asobo.

    Sorry I can't be of more assistance - as I say, I am not a gauge programmer and you would get more help with this on the Asobo forums.




  11. 12 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

    1.       You would significantly increase the worth of FSUIPC7 for Alpha and Bravo users if you created a proprietary C510 set of presets to be offered in a paid version only.

    The MF Hub-Hop resource/website is the community-driven effort for discovering and publishing presets. I am certainly not going to create a 'proprietary' set of presets - these should be available to the community. And from what I have seen of the C510, it seems to mainly use Input Events for a lot of external control. It is NOT possible to use input events via presets, which is why a presume there are no presets yet available on the MF Hub Hop site for this aircraft.

    13 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

    2.       To use the UI to set controls to buttons or keypresses may be enhance for users if the control search (one where the user enter the first few characters) returns the first entry at the top of the pick list.

    This has been requested before and I have already spent quite a while looking into this. It turned out to be too problematic for several reasons, and I am not going to look at this again, at least for the time being. I am just too busy.

    13 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

    3.       Is there some way that upon start up that there could be a log option that could separate the InputEvent found and InputEvent parameter received lists from the log when a user request logging Input Events? Another words List On/Off. That way, when user debugging, the log is not too large.

    I don't see a need. If you just want to know what input events are available, use Log->List Input Events. Just switch on Input Event logging when you want to see if an input event exists on a certain button/function, and to see what parameters it is using.

    13 hours ago, DaveSCUSA said:

    4.        Keypresses – Is there a way to turn on/off showing keyboard presses while continuing to show buttons & keys from other devices than the keyboard. I am realizing that most of the KEYDOWN and KEYUP entries in the log are keyboard usage to navigate around MSFS.

    No - there is no distinction between where key presses come from, I just get a key press/release events (not the source), so this is just not possible. 


  12. 21 hours ago, scorpi1987 said:

    i do it with the (A:BRAKE PARKING INDICATOR,Bool) LVAR .

    That is an A-var (a simvar) not an lvar.

    Why not just use offset 0x0BC8 (A:BRAKE PARKING POSITION)?

    I have added A:BRAKE PARKING INDICATOR in the attached version at offset 0x028D (1 byte). However, in the FBW A320 I do not see this offset change when I set the parking brake, but offset 0x0BC8 does. Are you sure the FBW A320 uses this simvar?




  13. 38 minutes ago, John Dowson said:

    If the title isn't available in offset 0x3D00 by the time I read the aircraft.cfg file, then I will not be able to read the FLTSIM sections and will not add the icao_airline string (even if there is only one FLTSIM.0 section).

    Unfortunately the title isn't yet available when I am reading the aircraft.cfg file, so this is not that straight-forward.  I will see if I can read the aircraft.cfg file for this after the TITLE is received.

  14. 2 minutes ago, michel78320 said:

    Yes. It would good in the same way that the title is found for the current livery.

    FSUIPC gets the title from the TITLE simvar. This may originate from the aircraft.cfg file, but it is not read from there by FSUIPC for exactly the same reason - it would not know which FLTSIM.x section to load it from. So I would need to check the title in the FLTSIM.x sections until I found one that matches the TITLE as received from the simvar, which is why I can only do this if this simvar is available BEFORE I read the aircraft.cfg file. All other data read from the aircraft.cfg file is read from the GENERAL section.

    6 minutes ago, michel78320 said:

    If this is too complicated, it is not essential : Most of planes have only one livery in their Aircraft.cfg.

    It isn't that complicated, but I do need to check the order of things to see if this is possible. If the title isn't available in offset 0x3D00 by the time I read the aircraft.cfg file, then I will not be able to read the FLTSIM sections and will not add the icao_airline string (even if there is only one FLTSIM.0 section).

    I will check this and get back to you, but most probably tomorrow now.


  15. 21 hours ago, voltigeurramon said:

    Both are attached. Thanks again for helping me! I assumed you wanted to do it one aircraft at a time, this is for the 737

    What am I looking for in that log - which button presses weren't working, and which were? I just cannot tell just from the log file. Please try with the logging console open (Log->Open Console), and let me know the timestamp of a button press not working, and also one where it is working.

    I see you have the flaps assigned to an axis using direct to FSUIPC calibration and calibrated in your PMDG 737 profile. This can cause issues with the climb rate - please see 




  16. 2 minutes ago, michel78320 said:

    What would be good is to read the current aircraft, even if it is  [FLTSIM.x]

    But how do I know what x is? Do you expect me to read the title in each FLTSIM section, and then read the icao_airline  from the section that has a matching title? I could possibly do this, but I need to check if the TITLE simvar has been received by the time I read the aircraft.cfg fille - it may not yet be available.

    6 minutes ago, michel78320 said:

    But I read the same value if I load the livery [FLTSIM.1]

    Of course, as it is currently only read from [FLTSIM.0].

    Also, it seems that some strings are enclosed in double-quotes, others not. Will the icao_airline string always be enclosed in double-quotes, or can it also be without these?


  17. 2 hours ago, michel78320 said:

    It seems that this code always has 3 letters.
    Here is the list :

    Yes, I saw that.

    2 hours ago, michel78320 said:

    To test, you can just add a new line in the Flightsim section of Aircraft.cfg :

    . . . . . .
    icao_airline = "TPC"
    . . . . . .    

    (Example for TAP Air Portugal)

    Livreries for Fenixsim A320 are usually properly entered.

    So you want this read from the [FLTSIM.0] section? Other ICAO strings are read from the [General] section - e.g., for the C208:

    atc_type = "TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME CESSNA.0.text"
    atc_model = "TT:ATCCOM.AC_MODEL C208.0.text"
    Category = "airplane"
    pilot = "Pilot_Female_Casual"
    copilot = "Pilot_Male_Casual"
    instructor = "Pilot_Male_Casual"
    performance = "Maximum Speed\n175 kts            324 km\/hr\n\nCruise Speed\n164 kts \t        305 km\/hr at 20,000 ft\n\nEngine\nPratt & Whitney Canada, Inc., PT6A-114A Free Turbine Flat Rated at 675 Shaft hp  \n\nPropeller\nThree-Bladed, Constant Speed, Full Feathering, Reversible  McCauley, 106-inch diameter\n\nMaximum Endurance\n5.1 hours maximum cruise at 10,000 ft\n6.6 hours maximum cruise at 18,000 ft\n6.4 hours maximum range at 10,000 ft\n7.2 hours maximum range at 18,000 ft\n\nService Ceiling\n22,800 ft            6,949 m\n\nFuel Capacity\n335  gal              1,268 L\n\nEmpty Weight\n4,575 lb              2,075 kg\n\nMaximum Gross Weight\n8,785 lb\t            3,985 kg\n\nUseful Load\n4,000 lb\t            1,814 kg\n\nLength\n41 ft, 7 in             12.7 m\n\nWingspan\n52 ft, 1 in\t            15.8 m\n\nHeight\n15 ft, 5-1\/2 in      4.8 m\n\nSeating\nUp to 14"
    icao_type_designator = "C208"
    icao_manufacturer = "CESSNA"
    icao_model = "208 Grand Caravan"
    icao_engine_type = "Turboprop/Turboshaft"
    icao_engine_count = 1
    icao_WTC = "L"

    Please try the attached version where this is read from the [FLTSIM.0] section and added to offset 0x062C. Note that this will not be available if the location of the aircraft.cfg file is not available in offset 0x3C00 (possibly due to the aircraft being encrypted).

    I can switch to reading from the [General] section if needed, or possibly try both.




  18. 13 hours ago, michel78320 said:

    Would it be possible to have an offset which gives the three letters of the airline as indicated in Aircraft.cfg (icao_airline =AFR for "Air France", for example). ?

    Do you know of an aircraft (preferably an Asobo/default one) that has this identifier? I have checked several and cannot see this.

    Looks like the ICAO airline is always 3 characters. I can add as a 4-character string (3 chars + 0 terminated, at offset 0x062C s this offset is no longer used in FSUIPC7.

  19. 59 minutes ago, Ursli80 said:

    HiFi has announced an AS version for FS2020 and 2024. Now I'm wondering whether the weather radar image can then be displayed in Prosim like in P3D?

    That depends on whether AS for MSFS2020 provides an interface for this. I will contact HiFi to see what they are providing and what can be done.


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