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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Simvars are A-type simulator variables, and some are held in FSUIPC offsets (but by no means all). To control an aircraft (buttons, switches, axes, etc) you would generally use controls or events (two words for the same thing), not simvars. Presets are provided for assignments generally not available via controls/events. These can be implemented to use lvars, hvars, controls/events (also known as kvars), simvars and other variable types. Presets are provided to hide the complexity involved with these various variable types, so you don't really need to know much about them - just stick to controls/events and presets. John
  2. What is PM.7? That is illegal syntax - it should be "j,b" where j is the joystick number and b the button number. It may work with the joystick letter (not sure), but that would be a single letter. Ig it isn't working with a letter, check your FSYUPC7.ini file for the letter/number mapping and use the number. Also, when editing the FSUIPC7.ini file, make sure the assignments window is open before you edit, and then click the 'Reload all buttons" button once the file is sabed. John
  3. There must be one there...check that windows explorer is not set to hide extensions if known file types. I have just noticed that you have installed FSX under your Programs (x86) folder: Reading options from "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX\Modules\FSUIPC4.ini" This is a bad idea as this is a windows protected folder, and there are issues for non-elevated programs writing to windows-protected folders. I would re-install into a non-windows protected folder. If you want to use that folder, you should run FSX (and thus also FSUIPC4) with admin privileges. John
  4. What has this got to do with the topic you posted in? Please use the FSUIPC7 support forum if you have any issues: https://forum.simflight.com/forum/183-fsuipc7-msfs/ I am locking this topic for further comments. John
  5. To assign a button or key to any VC button or switch, use the following technique: 1. First try logging: activate logging for Events (Log -> Events), open the logging console (Log -> Open Console...) and then activate the button/switch/rotary in the VC. See what event is logged, and try assigning to that. Note however, some events used by the VC and logged do not work when sent via external programs, but the vast majority do. 2. Look to see if there is a preset available - use the MF HubHop site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) to search for an input preset for the aircraft/subsytem function that you want to assign. All presets are available for direct assignment by checking the Select for preset checkbox in the assignment dialog. John
  6. You should really attach your FSUIPC7.log file as well - this is always needed for joystick scanning issues. And also please attach your full FSUIPC7.ini, and not just paste segments. It is a lot easier for me to tell what is happening if I see your full files rather than extracts. In future, please do this... I really can't understand how the joystick letters have changed...but, rather than changing your assignment lines, why not just change the letter mapping back to the original mapping: ? But it is already PC (as written), so nothing to change...or was it PB, as in 7.3.10, and you want to change this to PC as the mapping has changed? If so, that should be ok, but better to change the mapping back to the original mapping. I think you are confusing me as it is you that are changing the assignment letters to match the new mapping, not FSUIPC which is what I previously understand and also understand when you say 'in version 7.3.16 they are defined as such'. Nor do I... I think you are over-complicating things... The mapping should not change, but if it has, as you say, then why not just change the mapping back, as I keep saying? Have you installed in a windows protected folder, or one that is using OneDrive or other cloud-service for back-up restore? Otherwise, this really can't be possible. Are you sure you are opening/editing the files from the correct location - try using the File -> Open Installation Folder... menu option to confirm. Your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files will be there, and your profile files under the Profiles folder. If you want any further assistance with this, PLEASE attach all of your full files: FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini, and your profile .ini file. If you have back-ups of the original files, why not restore those and try again.... It seems to me the only issue is that the manual changes you are making to your ini file get reset when you start FSUIPC7 - is this the case? As I said, and as you understand, this is impossible - there is no way that FSUIPC7 can know what your old settings were, it just reads and then re-writes your ini files. Maybe you have duplicated sections? But I can't really tell or help you any further unless you show me attach your full files - I don't understand why you are not showing me these, as I have asked. So, if you want any further assistance, please attach all of the file - FSUIPC7.log, FSUIPC7.ini and your profile .ini files. John
  7. This is very strange...I cannot see how any of the changes from 7.3.15 to 7.3.16 could cause such an issue, unless caused by the update to the latest MSFS SDK (*). AIG doesn't use FSUIPC (as far as I am aware), but AI companion does - or at least the P3D version does. Could you maybe try without AI Companion, to see if is the interaction with that and FSUIPC that is causing the issue. Also, could you please check your FSUIPC log files to see if there are any messages relating to AI (especially the separate AI threads). However, if the issue is with TC and AI Companion, I doubt there would be anything in the FSUIPC logs. You could also enable logging of AI data, but I don't think this would help either if the issue itself isn't in FSUIPC7. To do this, enter a Log->Custom value of 0x10000 or 0x50000 (for all AI data logging). i still haven't gotten around to looking at AIG with MSFS yet. I will check this at some point, but it will probably take me a week or two to look into this I'm afraid. John (*) I could possibly build a version of 7.3.16 against the previous SDK to rule this out, if its possible to download this version from somewhere - unfortunately I no longer have this available and can't find one online...
  8. Where are you seeing these messages? None of those files are anything to do with FSUIPC7. Googling shows those files are related/used by IVAO - are you using this, or software that uses IVAO? If so, I suggest you try their support. John
  9. Well, your initial question was on how to change a keypress assignment to a button, which I explained how to do.... I can't see how this can occur, unless maybe you connected the device with FSUIPC running and windows assigned the same id to the new device as an existing device, but this does not explain why B was changed to C an C was changed to D....but really this doesn't make sense to me.... Rather than doing this, you should just switch the device letter mapping in the [JoyNames] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file. What does this mean? Files can't crash... You need to exit FSUIPC, not close it. When you close it, it is still running in your system tray. If GSUIPC7 is not running, there is no way it can remember old assignments, as the assignments are saved in the ini files which you have modified, and so FSUIPC does not know what these were, which is why I say that this is impossible. As you are using profiles in separate files, do you have a profile file that you have not used yet which still has the original assignments? If so, we can test with that. Make a backup of it first, then load an aircraft with that profile, and see if the profile ini is re-written as you say your other profile file was. Then show me the two profile files (backup and re-written), as well as your FSUIPC7.ini and FSUIPC7.log files. John
  10. But you can....if you do this correctly, as I explained (i.e. with assignments window open, and change the assignment line, NOT the comment). I am now having difficulty understanding what your issue is or what you are doing... Are you saying that you edited the ini file with FSUIPC7 not running, and when you started FSUIPC7 your changes were ignores, and the original settings restored? Sorry, but that is just impossible. I am now confused as to what you are doing. I suggest you re-read this thread and try again. It really isn't that difficult. John
  11. ...and you can always exit FSUIPC (not MSFS!), make the changes to the ini and then restart FSUIPC...!
  12. Well, in your original comment, you were only trying to change the key, not the button/device. Anyway, it doesn't matter - you can delete the original assignment and create a new one. However, I guess its easier to do this by editing the ini if you have lots of assignments that you want to change. Anyway, I hope you understand what you need to do now to change assignments by editing the ini file... John
  13. No it doesn't... But you are not changing the key press - you are changing the automatically generated comment. To change the keypress from F2 to F6, you need to change K113 (F2)to K117 (F6). But I do not understand why you are doing this by editing the ini file - you should use the UI, especially if you do not fully understand what you are doing.... John
  14. I have looked into this further. The following macros work for me consistently: [Macros] 1=ParkingBrakeOn 1.1=C66387,16383 ; Left brake fully on 1.2=C66388,16383 ; Right brake fully on 1.3=C1152, 2500 ; Pause for 2.5s 1.4=C70325,1 ; Set Parking brake on 1.5=C1152, 1000 ; Pause for 1s 1.6=C66387,-16383 ; Left brake fully off 1.7=C66388,-16383 ; Right brake fully off 2=ParkingBrakeOff 2.1=C66387,16383 ; Left brake fully on 2.2=C1152, 1000 ; Pause for 1s 2.3=C66387,-16383 ; Left brake fully off You can use offset 0x0D70 for macro requests. John
  15. I did ask this: Do you think that REX could cause such issues? Anyway, a SimConnect.log file should also show all add-ons using a SimConnect connection. Thanks though Luke, any input or prior experience of similar issues to the OPs would be helpful on this one.... John
  16. Your ini files are re-written when you open the assignments window, so this will overwrite any changes you have made. If you want to manually edit an ini, open the assignments window first, make your changes and save the file, then click the reload button. John
  17. Just looked and tested this... this is what worked for me to use buttons to set parking brake on/off without having to activate the toe brakes manually (not using PFC hardware though): [Macros] 1=ParkingBrake+ 1.1=C66387,16383 ; Left brake fully on 1.2=C66388,16383 ; Right brake fully on 1.3=C1152, 2500 ; Pause for 2.5s 1.4=C70325,1 ; Set Parking brake on 1.5=C1152, 1000 ; Pause for 1s 1.6=C66387,-16383 ; Left brake fully off 1.7=C66388,-16383 ; Right brake fully off 2=ParkingBrake- 2.1=C66387,16383 ; Left brake fully on 2.2=C1152, 1000 ; Pause for 1s 2.3=C66387,-16383 ; Left brake fully off You could maybe try decreasing the pauses, but some pause is certainly needed. Also, may require adjustment if you also have toe brakes and they are calibrated in FSUIPC - if it doesn't work, try removing the calibration. John
  18. For the PMDG parking brake, you should use either: 1. Presets PMDG_B737-7_PARKING_BRAKE_ON and PMDG_B737-7_PARKING_BRAKE_OFF 2. The Rotor Brake control with parameter 69301 for off and 69302 for on 3. Custom control 70325 with parameter 0 for off and 1 for on To do this when using the PFChid driver, you need to add two macros called ParkingBrake+ and ParkingBrake- to your PFC.mcro file (or whatever it is called, if you have changed the name using the MacroFilename config parameter). Something like the following using custom controls: [Macros] 1=ParkingBrake+=C70325,1 2=ParkingBrake-=C70325,0 or the following using the Rotor Brake control: [Macros] 1=ParkingBrake+=C66587,69302 2=ParkingBrake-=C66587,69301 You will (most probably) still need to fully apply the brakes before you can set the parking brake..you can also do this in the macro if needed....I can help with this if necessary. John
  19. For the PMDG parking brake, you should use either: 1. Presets PMDG_B737-7_PARKING_BRAKE_ON and PMDG_B737-7_PARKING_BRAKE_OFF 2. The Rotor Brake control with parameter 69301 for off and 69302 for on 3. Custom control 70325 with parameter 0 for off and 1 for on If you need to use offsets, you can use: 1. Offset 0x7C50 for triggering presets 2. Offset 0x3110 for sending controls 3. Offset 0x3110 for sending controls John
  20. Bueno, si no puede descomprimir ( 'unzip') un archivo comprimido ('*.zip) y mover una carpeta de Windows a otro sitio, entonces debería buscar un producto más simple, según sus necesidades; tal vez pruebe Axis-and-Ohs... Saludos, John
  21. Can you please attach log files rather than paste their contents - this makes a thread a lot easier to follow. Can you please also show me/attach your FSUIPC4.ini file. Do you not have any controllers? What other add-ons do you have running? Can you please create and show me a SimConnect.log file - instructions here: Me neither...and strange that it was ok for a couple of flights before the problems started occurring...Do you get the same after a reboot? Can you monitor your system resources (CPU activity, HDD usage, GPU activity) during the next flight as well. to see if your system is being overloaded. Also, check the windows event viewer to see if anything relevant (errors or warnings) is reported there around the time you get the errors - check under Application and System (Windows Logs). Your issue looks similar to this very old issue:
  22. Yes. Yes - your assignments are not affected by an update.
  23. I have nothing to add to this topic that I have not already said. Maybe @WP3325 or @Novais75 could report back if they solved this issue... John
  24. This will be moved to an ini parameter when I release 7.2.16, so I suggest that you add the following now to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file: MaxButtonAssignments=9999 This will prevent issues when you update to the released version. John
  25. No problem. Be aware that such assignments may work ok when using the individual toe brakes, but will cause the rudder to flap a lot when using both toe brakes. You could get around this issue by using a lua script instead, which would combine both toe brake axis readings to produce a single number for the rudder position. John
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