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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Listing them from FSUIPC (Add-ons->WASM->List Lvars...) will list all available lvars (well, the first 3066) at the time you list them (it does an automatic rescan), so nothing else should be necessary. John
  2. He is doing well, thanks. He only monitors the main forum these days, and still supports MakeRunways, but the rest he leaves to me (he has retired!). I have seen some strange issues when both the WASM and a client is controlling the update frequency, but I don't understand why. The WASM ignores requests to update the lvars from a client if set to update automatically, so this really shouldn't be an issue - just not necessary. John
  3. All errors in the WAPI should be logged, regardless of the log level set. Otherwise the OP wouldn't be seeing these: John
  4. Just checked the start-up procedure for this aurcraft: So which item on that checklist do you have issues with when FSUIPC is running?
  5. But how are you starting the engine? What are you doing to start the engines, both with and without FSUIPC - are you using the cockpit UI (and if so, what are you activating), or are you using the keyboard (ctrl+e maybe?)? Please explain. Your ini file just shows that you are not using FSUIPC for anything at all, so I can't see how it can be doing anything. Please explain how you start the engines without FSUIPC. And show me your FSUIPC7.log file from when you try to do this with FSUIPC7 running. John
  6. Ok, but strange...would be useful yo know why it wasn't working previously though... Thats a good idea - there are now far too many entries in the control menu with all the available presets. I am thinking of separating these and make them accessible on a new checkbox instead.... But I'm happy that you now have it working...😀 Cheers, John
  7. Well yes...but is that updating the lvar? Can you monitor offset 0x341D using FSUIPC's offset monitoring facilities - you can select to send this to the FS title bar (as UB) and key an eye on that. Then try sending either 1 (>A:CABIN SEATBELTS ALERT SWITCH) ot 0 (>A:CABIN SEATBELTS ALERT SWITCH) after you have switched the alert switch on/off in the cockpit UI, to see if these requests are actually changing the simvar. I will still look into the auto-not-loading issue, as this seems strange to me... John
  8. First, you posted this same question in multiple places - I have deleted your other posts. If the values aren't using the standard simvars (or A-type variables) that are held in the FSUIPC offsets (did you check these? I presume so, but you don't say...) then they may be held on lvars. I hear there are a large number of lvars available for the Fenix A320 - try listing them (Add-ons->WASM->List Lvars...) to see if the values you want are there. If so, you can add any lvar to an offset and then access the value from there as you would any other offset. John
  9. This error: indicates that your client is requesting lvar updates. You should leave lvar updates to the WASM if using multiple WASM clients (i.e. if also using FSUIPC7). And if you do want to control lvar update frequency from the client, then you should turn of the lvar update in the WASM otherwise such calls will be ignored. However, this will not help with your current issue. Ok, that is important information! You posted in the wrong forum - you should use @Paul Henty;s .NET dll client sub-forum for issues using that dll. I will move your post. No, that just shows the WAPI log from FSUIPC, not your client (and it looks ok). There should be another WAPI log for your client, although I am not sure what this is called if/when using the .net client dll - Paul should be able to help with this... That sounds strange and indicates that it could be a timing issue. Be aware that once you have started the WAPI connection, it should NOT be used until lvars/hvars are available. This is done via a callback passed from the WAPI function registerUpdateCallback - there should also be a way to set this using the .Net client dll. You should not start using the WAPI until your registered callback function has been triggered - although I am not sure how this works with the .Net client dll. John
  10. I am slightly confused by your post...especially the title... Aircraft do not create there own controls. There are presets for the HT1 (so, controls beginning with Preset:HT1... These are MobiFlight presets (see https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/). To use presets, you must have the FSUIPC WASM module installed and enabled. I suspect that you have not enabled the WASM - do this from Add-ons->WASM->Enable (you only need to do this once). Once enabled, please disconnect and reconnect to MSFS (or restart FSUIPC7). Please see the section on the WASM in the Advanced User Guide - information on using lvars, hvars and presets is given there. You should also use the logging facilities provided by FSUIPC to trouble-shoot any issues. You can enable logging for various facilities from the Log menu, and open the logging console to see what is happening when you press a button (i.e. if a control or preset is being activated). John
  11. They look ok to me - at least, nothing obvious stands out. I will check this here (most probably tomorrow or Monday) and get back you. I see you are using the LuaPath ini parameter. Could you test without that - comment it out or remove it, and copy your lua file to the FSUIPC7 installation folder.
  12. There should be the InstallFSUIPC7.log file, in your FSUIPC7 installation folder. There won't be an FSUIPC7.log file if FSUIPC7 has not been ran. First, check that you have not installed in a Windows protected folder, such as under Documents or Program files. If so, te-install in a different folder. Otherwise, please see the README.txt file provided (ub the zip dile you downloaded). This contains the following: I have nothing further to add on this topic that I have not said many times before. Please check the documentation and the forum for similar posts before requesting suppoty. I am closing this topic. John
  13. Have you enabled the WASM (Add-ons->WASM->Enable)? If not. do that. Afterwards, either restart FSUIPC or disconnect/reconnect from MSFS. This sounds strange... You should not use the MSFS add-on linker with FSUIPC - that is for managing Community add-ons, FSUIPC7 is not that... You can use it to manage the FSUIPC WASM module - but also not recommended. You ALWAYS need the FSUIPC WASM module in your Community folder if using lvars/hvars/presets with FSUIPC7. John
  14. Well, they are menu options in FSUIPC7, so you can't use them. If using the WAPI, set debug (or even trace) level logging and look at the log file - that should tell you what is happening. There is a reload function in the WAPI: void reload(); // This sends a request to the WASM ro re-scan for lvars and hvars, and drop/recreate the CDAs And to disconnect/reconnect, use the end() and start() functions: void end(); // Terminates the connection to the WASM bool start(); // Startrs the connection to the WASM. But it is the log file generated by the WAPI which will tell you what is happening. Use Debug level logging - that should be enough. If you require more help, post more details...it is still unclear to me what you are doing...by saying 'using the WAPI', what do you mean? Are you developing with this API, or using a client from another developer that is using the WAPI? If the latter, talk to the client developer. If the former, you should be able to log and debug to see what is happening - you can always post the WAPI log file here for me to look at. Also, check the FSUIPC_WASM.log file (and you can also set Debug level logging in the WASM). John
  15. Missed that, sorry. But it should be in your first post, or better still, in the title of your post... 😉
  16. You attached your a file containing your registration details - I have removed this. DO NOT POST YOUR KEY DETAILS!!!! Doing this invalidates your license. You also attached the installation executable for some reason - I have also removed that. You can just copy across your FSUIPC5.key file from your old computer to your new computer. If you don't have it, entering the details (copy and paste) should work... If not, and it is a new pc, this can be due to not having the correct VC++ redistributables installed. Download and install the latest combined redistributable package from microsoft (https://docs.microsoft.com/en-US/cpp/windows/latest-supported-vc-redist?view=msvc-170) - best to uninstall any of the individual 2015, 2017, 2019 or 2022 packages you currently have installed before installing the combined one. You should do this even if you have your old FSUIPC5.key file as FSUIPC will not function correctly without the correct VC++ packages installed. John
  17. Try zipping/compressing them then attaching. @Pete Dowson will take a look at some point... John
  18. If you installed FSUIPC7, then the documentation will be under your Windows Documentation folder. in an FSUIPC7 folder. Please look there. The location of all files installed is documented in the Installation and Registration manual, which is also included in the zip file you downloaded (as well as in the FSUIPC7 documents folder). I suggest you take a look at that (as well as the README.txt, which is only available in the zip file you downloaded, it is not installed). Then you need to show me your FSUIPC7.log file when this occurs so that I can take a look, and also show me/attach your FSUIPC7.ini file at the same time. Something else is going on for sure. Please also make sure that you have not installed FSUIPC7 in a windows protected folder, such as under your Documents or Program Files folder. Doing so will prevent your settings file from being saved, and can cause such issues. Next time you experience this issue, exit FSUIPC and attach your FSUIPC7.log and FSUIPC7.ini files here and I will take a look. Also, please make sure you are using the latest version of FSUIPC7, which is v7.3.6. John
  19. No! It will send what you request. BUT, if FSUIPC were to receive that keypress back, it would only receive the M key (as it scans the keyboard on key reception to check for modifier keys. Yes, but this is still a strange way of doing this...why don't you just assign the key press in FSUIPC to start the lua script? Far easier.... John
  20. Ok - so you are using the H-jet - would have been useful to mention that earlier... I suggest you monitor the MF preset website - its a relatively new aircraft, so nothing available for that now (only the H135 and H145), but I am sure things will appear there for this aircraft at some point... John
  21. If it needs launching after FSUIPC, use the facilities provided by FSUIPC to launch the program, as advised. For the 2nd step (click fly-now), I can't help with that - you will have to click, or check to see if there are any command-line options that bypass that stage. If it is expecting the plane to be ready-to-fly (in MSFS) before you click, then that program should really be using FSUIPC (offsets) to determine this - ask about this with the program provider/developer.
  22. That is used by FSUIPC to access lvars. hvars, calculator code and presets. You need it if you want to use any of those features. Please read the provided manuals. Details on the WASM module are in the Advanced User guide. John
  23. There are 3 standard controls for this - from the Controls List for MSFS Build 999.txt document (which will be in your FSUIPC7 documents folder): 67214 FLIGHT_LEVEL_CHANGE 67215 FLIGHT_LEVEL_CHANGE_ON 67216 FLIGHT_LEVEL_CHANGE_OFF These will be available in the assignment controls drop-down menu. Did you not see them? If they are not there, you have not updated to the latest version, as advised. You should try them first. The standard method of determining what control to use - logging. Activate FSUIPC logging for Events, open the logging console (Log->Open Console) and then press the button in the cockpit UI and see what event is logged. If an event is logged, you can assign to that. However, many MSFS aircraft, especially complex aircraft and add-ons, do not use the standard/provided controls, and you have to use lvars, hvars, or more complex calculator code. This is best achieved by using FSUIPC's preset mechanism, which comes with the presets provided by MobiFlight. Please see the documentation on presets. which can be found in the WASM section in the Advanced User Guide. For a list of available presets, take a look at the community-driven preset list on the MobiFlight Hub-Hob site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) - that has a good search interface where you can see what presets are available for the aircraft that you are using. And you still haven't said what aircraft you are using. Many MSFS aircraft (complex aircraft and nearly all add-ons) tend to implement there own systems and the controls for the functions vary from aircraft to aircraft. You should say what aircraft you are using for ALL requests on how to control a particular function, otherwise I cannot help. Also try searching this forum for similar requests. Most questions (including this one) have been asked before. John
  24. Rotate slowly, and the slow button should be recognised, rotate fast, and the fast button should be recognised... Yes. No - no parameter needed. Not usually for the slow button, as that would fire two slow/small increments. However, some folks like to assign on the release for the fast inc/dec, but this is completely up to you. Try both and see which you prefer. You should really update to the latest version, v7.3.6. There have been many changes and bug fixes, and only the latest FSUIPC7 version is suported (i.e. I will not provide assistance unless you are using the latest version). Thats an interesting video - haven't seen that. I will take a look when time permits. Not sure why they have credited that to Pete though, but I'm not bothered by that. John
  25. GF devices are compatible with FSUIPC (all versions) by using the GFDev64.dll driver that we provide. What problem are you having with this? you assign the slow left button to an altitude decrease control (or offset), the fast left button to the fast altitude decrease control (or offset), the slow right button to the altitude increase control (or offset), and the fast right button to the fast altitude increase control. The actual controls to assign are dependent on the aircraft you are using (you don't say). It is normal to set this up in your general [Buttons] section (i.e. no profile) using the standard controls for the slow buttons Ap Alt Var Inc Ap Alt Var Dec and FSUIPC's add-on controls for the fast buttons: Ap Alt Var Inc Fast Ap Alt Var Dec Fast For aircraft where these controls don't work, you need to determine what to use and set up specifically for that aircraft in a profile. This may involve setting the Autopilot Altitude Slot Index, and/or using the Autopilot Altitude Lock Var & Autopilot Altitude Lock Var:3 simvars (via FSUIPC offsets). It all depends on the aircraft. John
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