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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Glad you figured it out and thanks for reporting back. I still haven't gotten around to setting up AIG for traffic management in MSFS2020...I should also look into this... John
  2. What is elevated - FSUIPC7? The error code means that elevated privileges are required to run the program, and so FUIPC7 must be ran with admin privileges. if that is already the case, then check that any anti-virus programs aren't interfering - maybe disable them to test. John
  3. It is a windows error code: ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND (see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/debug/system-error-codes--0-499-) Are you sure the executable is called 'AIGTech - Traffic Controller.exe' and is in the folder 'E:\MSFS2020Utils\AIGTC'? John
  4. No. The traffic zapper and all traffic management facilities were removed in FSUIPC7 as there were no facilities provided by the SDK to implement such features. I haven't checked this for a while now though, so I'll take another look at the SDK and see of I can implement/restore this functionality. John
  5. Once you have assigned an aircraft to a profile, the only way to change the assigned profile is by manually removing the aircraft from the profile by editing the FSUIPC7.ini file. I am locking this topic now. For future reference, please give an appropriate title for all support requests - do not use your name or general terms like 'help me', etc. Give your posts an appropriate title, and don't hijack unrelated posts. Please see this post: John
  6. Many people are having issues with the throttle assignment for the Fenix A320. This post indicates that calibrating the throttle in the Fenix MCDU and then assigning to the *_EX1 throttle controls (under 'Send to FS as normal axis') is working, so you could try that... John
  7. If you read the documentation and just try it should be relatively obvious... First, if you are assigning in FSUIPC, I recommend you start with an empty profile for your controller/device in MSFS. To do this, simply create a new profile for your device - it will be empty by default. Once you have an aircraft loaded and ready-to-fly, press Alt +F - this is the default hot-key to open the FSUIPC main window. Then select the Assignments-> Buttons & Switches menu item. This will open the GUI panel where you can assign your buttons. Press/activate the button/switch you want to assign. The joystick/controller letter and button number you activated should register in the panel. Then select the checkbox Select for FS control. Then select the control from the drop-down menu -if you want to assign to Flaps Incr or Flaps Decr, open the drop-down menu, press the F key, then scroll down to select the appropriate control. Once you have assigned one control like this, you can activate another button and assign to that in the same way. Once you have finished, click Ok and you are done. You can then press Alt+F again to hide the main window. l would recommend initially assigning all basic flight controls initially in your general profile (i.e. no profile selected). You can then create specific profiles for the aircraft that you fly, overriding the general controls with aircraft specific controls. See the section on profiles in the User guide (page 19) to understand profiles. John
  8. Glad you resolved your issue - strange though... did you install additional drivers or software for use with the Fenix A320? Are your Fenix A320 assignments still working ok?
  9. I am not going to give a step-by-step guide - I provide extensive documentation so that I do not have to do this individually for every user. So, please try reading the User guide and trying for yourself. You can assign to the flaps inc/dec controls which function correctly in the Asobo A320 - just try it, it is not that difficult... John
  10. As i don't have this aircraft I cannot investigate any further. Someone also asked about this on the Asobo forums but with no response. May be worth asking about this on the SimWorks forums/support. John
  11. Yes. How you do this depends upon whether your rotary has one or two buttons (a fast and a slow button) in each direction. For the latter, it is just a matter of assigning to the slow/fast increments for each button. If your rotary only has one button in each direction, you can use a lua script to trigger virtual flags for fast/slow movement in each direction, and then assign the the slow/fast flag accordingly. A lua example plugin script is provided that does this - see the lua examples zip file in your FSUIPC7 installation folder. There is also a specific version of this script available (in another forum post) that is specific to the HoneyComb Bravo, which controls the trim wheel as well as the rotary in this manner. John
  12. Ok, thanks for the update. John
  13. Throttle controls are dependent on the aircraft that you are using. You can set up a general throttle assignment by assigning to 'send direct to FSUIPC Calibration' and selecting the Throttle control (or individual Throttle1 and Throttle2 controls) and then calibrating, but any given aircraft may need a profile-specific throttle set-up for that aircraft using the controls (or lvars) that are available for that aircraft. I suggest that you read the user guide section 'The Easy Step-by-Step Way to Calibrate Your Controls' and take it from there. If you require further assistance, please pause a separate support requests in either the main support forum or the FSUIPC7 specific sub-forum, describing the issues you have together with details of the FS version (P3D, FSX, MSFS2020) and aircraft that you are trying to configure. John
  14. Please refer to the MF HubHob site (https://hubhop.mobiflight.com/presets/) and read the description of the presets. For example, the TBM930_BLEED_AIR_OFF preset describes your issue and a workaround: Auto and Max work the same way but by setting the lvar to different values. Once you have modified the TBM930_Interior.xml file, you can create 2 new presets (in a file called myevents.txt file) to set the lvar value and then assign to those presets. John
  15. Hi Rick, I'm not sure about this... looking at the WideFS Technical guide, it may be possible if you switched to using an IPX/SPX connection (if that is possible), and then ensure IPX/SPX is associated to only the network card that you are using with WideClient. See the WideFS Technical guide for details. I'm afraid I'm not that network savvy (especial on windows), but I think a better solution would be to look for a windows solution that forces an application to use a specific network. Google turned up this: https://www.howtogeek.com/117890/how-to-force-an-application-to-use-a-specific-network-card/ John
  16. 👍
  17. First, you posted in the main support forum. As your question is relayed to FSUIPC7 / MSFS, I have mived your post to the FSUIPC7 sub-forum. Please use this sub-forum for any support requests for FSUIPC7. Yes - we refer to this as compound button conditions, and is described in the Advanced User manual, starting on page 21. You can assign separate actions for key/button press and release. See the user guide - or just try it. There is a trial license available in a post at the top of this forum. John
  18. No. That file is the interface to the WASM module and any changes would require a WASM rebuild, as well as code changes. I have only just increased the lvar limit from 2044 to 3066 lvars. This should really be more than enough and I am not planning on increasing this again - at least for the foreseeable future. John
  19. For FSX, you were using FSUIPC4. For P3Dv5 (and P3Dv4) you will need FSUIPC6. This is a separate/distinct product and you will need to purchase a new license for FSUIPC6 (available from SimMarket). Your WideFS7 key is still valid for FSUIPC6. You will automatically get a discount on checkout if you purchased FSUIPC4 on its own, however the discount is not available on bundle purchases (i.e. if you purchased FSUIPC4 as a bundle with WideFS7). John
  20. Please try the attached version (I gave not updated the WASM version number - I will do this when I release officially with the next FSUIPC7 release): FSUIPC7_WASM.wasmlayout.jsonmanifest.json Download and use those files to replace the ones in your ..\Community\fsuipc-lvar-module and ..\Community\fsuipc-lvar-module\modules folders. John
  21. First, you have posted in the FSUIPC7/MSFS support forum. As you are using FSUIPC6, you should post in the main support forum. The documentation for 6.1.9 domes with the FSUIPC6 installer. The separate documentation package is out-of-date (I only update that occasionally). Please re-run the 6.1.9 installer to get the latest documentation for FSUIPC6. This functionality is for FSUIPC7 only - it is not available in FSUIPC6. That is on page 36 of the Advanced User manual - as I said, re-run the FSUIPC6 installer. No. As I said I only update this occasionally. The separate documentation package is only provided for people who want to look at the documentation without installing FSUIPC6. All current documentation for each FSUIPC version comes with the FSUIPC installer - you should not download or use the separate documentation package if using FSUIPC - just use the documentation that comes with the version toy download. John
  22. Yes, this is definitely the case - . I will need to rebuild/update the WASM. I will post a version here for you to test when done.
  23. I think thus was because you are a new user and your first post needed approval. You should be ok now. Note, however, this post is quite old now and many things have changed. You no longer need the lua scripts for the Alpha/Bravo for FSUIPC to recognise the buttons > 32 - FSUIPC now recognises up to 128 buttons natively (see my precious comment). John
  24. Check your AutoSave settings (Options->AutoSave). Change the number of how many files to keep to 1 (it is probably using the default of 5). John
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