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John Dowson

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Posts posted by John Dowson

  1. Different aircraft use different controls/events. You can use the logging facilities in FSUIPC to see what an aircraft is using - for axes controls, just set logging for Axes Controls, open the logging console (Log -> Open Console) and see what is logged when you move the axis in the VC, then use that.

    Note also that for some aircraft there can be no controls/events that work, and you have to look into other methods of control, such as Input Events or Lvars.


  2. On 6/20/2024 at 8:12 PM, Ron Vogel said:

    I get Error: Acces violation at adres 0066077D in module SIOC OH. Direct exe/ Read of adress 0000020

    That is a SIOC error.

    On 6/20/2024 at 8:12 PM, Ron Vogel said:

    Any suggestions

    Try SIOC support.

    You can post/attach your FSUIPC7.log file and I can take a look for any issues in FSUIPC7, but I cannot help with SIOC issues, sorry.


  3. Sorry. but I do not understand your question, and have no idea what SLC is.

    If you are having a problem installing the FSUIPC WASM module, then please show me your InstallFSUIPC7.log file, and also please show me your FSUIPC7.log file.

    Note also that if you just want to install the WASM for use with another product, you can download and install the WASM without installing FSUIPC7. The stand-alone WASM module is available here: FSUIPC WASM Module 1.0.4


  4. As it states in the FSUIPC Lua Plug-ins document, lua filenames have a limit of 16 characters:


    Note that the filename part (preceding the .lua filetype) can contain spaces and other characters acceptable to Windows, but there is a limit of 16 characters on that name.

    Also, FSUIPC scans for valid lua files when oy is started and adds any found to a [LuaFiles] section of your FSUIPC6.ini file. There is no such section in your ini file and so no lua files have been detected.


  5. On 6/19/2024 at 10:22 PM, Edoradar said:

    I am many times in need to freeze also the attitude but without setting the pause in the sim.
    Would it be possible to also write those offsets bits in order to set the most appropriate freeze?

    I can look into making these offsets writeable, but not sure when I will have time to look into this at the moment. For the time being, why not just use the provided FS controls:




    I can look into triggering those controls when the offset is written but it will be a week or two before I get time to look at this - I will update this thread once I have taken a look.



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  6. 5 minutes ago, pchynoweth said:

    My FS9 shortcut does have the admin shield icon however FSRealWX doesn't. I tried running this as administrator but still doesn't connect. Maybe it has to have the admin icon but I do not know how to do that.

    As I said, everything needs to be ran at the same privilege level to connect, and always better to run as non admin - only run as admin if you have to, and of do run EVERYTHING as admin.

    Why don't you try the support forum for FSRealWX?

    P.S. I am on holiday now, back next Wednesday the 26th.

  7. 1 minute ago, Luke Kolin said:

    Could it be a permissions issue? Is FS9 running as Admin?

    Don't think so - and I did ask the OP to check this in my first comment:

    On 6/18/2024 at 9:47 AM, John Dowson said:

    Also check that you are running both applications at the same level - if you are running one with admin privileges and the other without, then they will not connect.

    Strange thing is it was all previously working, so not sure what, if anything, has changed...

  8. 11 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    Details below. Does this make any sense to you?

    The log looks fine - FSUIPC is registered but not WideFS (not required unless you are using WideClient in a separate PC):

    11 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    User Name="free user"
    User Addr="fsuipc@free.com"
    FSUIPC Key is provided
    WIDEFS not user registered, or expired

    11 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    Funny thing was that in both case FSRealWX now says it cannot find the FSUPIC or not the correct version.

    Is FSUIPC actually running when you see this message? If so, FSRealWX may be tied to a specific version of FSUIPC, but I would find this strange as it also supports FSX and P3Dv2-5 so must certainly work with other versions of FSUIPC.. You could maybe try asking about this on the FSRealWX forums.

    11 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    One question is that where is the registration saved?

    In the key file - FSUIPC.key (or maybe FSUIPC3.key).

    11 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    sorry, I an struggling to find any other solutions unless it's working and Windows 10 had a update which somehow prevents me to connect to FSUPIC.

    I really don't think a windows update could cause this. The way 3rd party programs communicate with FSUIPC is the same way in in all versions of FSUIPC and they are still working...

    10 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    Do you recognise these?

    To completely clear the old version:
    - delete the file " cnerolf.dat " from " C:\Windows\ "
    - delete the " Florenc " key in the registry from " HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Florenc "

    No idea what those are...

    10 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    - delete from the simulator's Modules folder :
    - FSUIPC.ini
    - FSUIPC.log
    - FSUIPC Install.log (if available)
    - FSUIPC.key

    Those are the FSUIPC files - the application (FSUIPC.DLL), your settings, the log file, the installation log and your key file (registration details).


  9. You can download FSUIPC7 from fsuipc.com or the download section of this forum: 


    Your key details will be in your SimMarket account (if you have lost your purchase email, where they are also given) - and you can also download FSUIPC7 from your SimMarket purchase/order history, and also the SimMarket App.

    If you cannot find your key details, let me know your order number and I will send them to you.


  10. On 6/17/2024 at 11:12 AM, John Dowson said:

    I can update the documentation to state the behavior when the lvar doesn't exist.

    The documentation did say that 0.0 would be written if the lvar doesn't exist. This is incorrect, and I have updated this now (for the next release).


  11. Did you try any of the above?

    On 6/14/2024 at 10:17 AM, John Dowson said:

    I will take a look on my flight PC to see what the performance is like there later today or over the weekend.

    I have tested there now and get the same - a drop of roughly 3fps, so I really can't understand why you are seeing such a drastic drop in FPS when using this aircraft.

    I also tried switching to use VSYNC (at 50% monitor refresh rate) and I get a steady 30 FPS with or without FSUIPC running.


  12. 12 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    I downloaded FSUIPC version 3.99 and entered the free user registeration. The installer stated that it was installed correctly and the registatrion has been entered but when in  the sim, under modules it says that FSUIPC is still unregistered even though I entered it at the installer.

    Is this the z9b version? If not, please download and install that from 


    There is a note on that version that says:


    -- The z9b update merely enables Registrations purchased after the end of 2015 (and until FSUIPC3 was retired from sale) to work.

    so maybe that is the registration issue...


  13. 9 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    However one day it just stopped working, out of the blue, no warning. FSRealWXLite just cannot connect to FS9. The log keeps saying FSUIPC: IPC sendmessage failed all retries

    No idea what could cause this - maybe check any windows logs. Also check that you are running both applications at the same level - if you are running one with admin privileges and the other without, then they will not connect.

    9 hours ago, pchynoweth said:

    I thought it was a FSRealWXLite issue, but I installed the FSEconomy Client for FS9 that wouldn't connect either.

    Funny thing is that if I revert back to Version 3.70 of FSUIPC, it says it's now registered with the free user username whereas 3.99 wasn't

    I've tried everything, deleting the FSUPIC.DLL completely and reinstalling it but nothing works. 

    It's coming up within the sim under Modules but nothing can actually connect to it.

    I have never used or see FS9 or FSUIPC3 - both way before my time I'm afraid, so I don't think I can help you much. You probably don't need a license anyway if just using to connect a 3rd party app (but I am not sure about this). If you attach your FSUIPC3.log file I can take a look but I am not sure there is anything I can do...


  14. 9 hours ago, pemartin said:

    With this entry at the computer with Win11 version 24h2 it doesn´t work, with the version 21H2 it works.

    Presumably the PCs running 24H2 and 21H2 are different PCs, and so will have a different configuration. Did you do what I asked, i.e. check your network configuration, firewalls, workgroup name, etc? Did you read the provided documentation and go through the trouble-shooting steps outlined there? If not, can you please do that first and confirm that you have read and checked the steps outlined in the documentation.

    9 hours ago, pemartin said:


    This is not correct - the colon should be an equals sign, and that is an IP address and not a server name, and so should be (if that is the correct IP address):


    However, usually better to use the ServerName ini parameter instead unless you are using fixed IP addresses.

    As I said, I am not running 24H2 yet and will check once it has reached here, but I doubt that this is an issue with this release.

  15. 17 minutes ago, CXA001 said:

    I am not sure when this changed, but it seems that FSUIPC no longer returns any data (value of 0) for offsets 0x0918 Engine 1 Fuel Flow PPH & 0x09B0 Engine 2 Fuel Flow PPH with the FBW A320 Neo. All other MSFS 2020 payware & freeware aircraft return data without any issues.

    Nothing has changed for this in in FSUIPC...

    Those offsets use the simvar RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW (indexed by engine) which are documented under Reciprical (Piston) Engine Vars as The following SimVars are only valid for piston engines.

    18 minutes ago, CXA001 said:

    Does anyone know of a work around for this?

    For non-piston engines, maybe try offsets 0x2060 and 0x2160 which hold the indexed simvar TURB ENG FUEL FLOW PPH.

    Otherwise, you need to ask about this on the FBW forums.


  16. Sorry for the delay.

    I have checked this here now and can see the problems you are having. I have found the best way to assign the flaps and wing sweep to different axes is as follows:

    1. For the flaps, define four ranges for the axis for the 3 distinct positions (the axis itself is unused) - you need the same two ranges for the central position as you are assigning different controls to the Up and Down. My axis is reversed (i.e. shows 16383 at minimum position and -16384 at maximum rather than the other way around) and so my Up/Down assignments will also be reversed compared to normal axis (that goes from -16384 to +16383).
    I have created 3 ranges:
         +9000 to +16383: send Flaps Decr when entering from Up (sets Flaps 0 from flaps 4680))
        -3500 to +3500: send Flaps Decr when entering from Up (sets Flaps 4680 coming from 9360)
        -3500 t0 +3500: send Flaps Incr when entering from Down (sets flaps 4680 coming from flaps 0)
        -16384 to -9000: send Flaps Incr when entering from Down (sets flaps 9360 coming from flaps 4680)

    These are my resulting ini assignments:


    7=TR,256,D,26,0,0,0,*-1    -{ DIRECT: (Unused) }-
    8=TR,U,9000,16383,65759,1    -{ DIRECT: (Unused)Entering=FLAPS_DECR }-
    9=TR,D,-3500,3500,65758,1    -{ Entering=FLAPS_INCR }-
    10=TR,U,-3500,3500,65759,1    -{ Entering=FLAPS_DECR }-
    11=TR,D,-16384,-9000,65758,0    -{ Entering=FLAPS_INCR }-

    2. Similarly, for the wing sweep you also need to set 4 ranges and assign similarly to the flaps axis but use the wing swee up/down mouse macros:


    12=TV,256,D,26,0,0,0    -{ DIRECT: (Unused) }-
    13=TV,U,9000,16383,M6:4,0    -{ DIRECT: (Unused)Entering=Macro F3Tornedo: WingSweepDown }-
    14=TV,U,-3500,3500,M6:4,0    -{ Entering=Macro F3Tornedo: WingSweepDown }-
    15=TV,D,-3500,3500,M6:3,0    -{ Entering=Macro F3Tornedo: WingSweepUp }-
    16=TV,D,-16384,-9000,M6:3,0    -{ Entering=Macro F3Tornedo: WingSweepUp }-

    This seems to work pretty well mostly. However, you do get issues if you move the wing sweep axis when the flaps axis is not in the correct position and vica versa, moving the flaps axis when the wing sweep axis is not in the correct position. There is not much you can do about this with these assignments - you could maybe use lua to prevent such issues, but I think there would always be issues if/when your hardware levers mismatch the positions of the levers in the VC.

    Of course, it is not possible to do this (i.e. move the wing sweep lever when the flaps lever is not in the correct position, and vica-versa) in the VC, but there is nothing to stop you doing this with your own levers, and if you do then this is when mismatch problems can occur.



  17. On 6/12/2024 at 4:55 PM, John Dowson said:

    I believe I added some additional checks/locks in the WAPI between these versions (I will check) to prevent multi-threading issues. These additional locks will certainly slow things down slightly.. I can review these changes to see if I can relax them a bit, but other than that there is not much I can do about this unfortunately.

    I thought I had updated this but my comment seems to have gone... Anyway, I checked this and the additional locks were added way back in the 7.4.0 release, so i don't know why things are slower. Looking in more detail, in may not be just the lvar reads. I will look into this further when time permits, but I can't see any changes between 7.4.11 and 7.4.12 that could cause this, except maybe with library updates (the MSFS SDK and the windows VC++ redistiubutable libraries), which I cannot do anything about.


  18. 16 hours ago, pemartin said:

    is there a problem known about win11 with version 24h2 and version 21h2.

    Not that I know of, and there should not really be any issues with different windows 11 versions - the network protocols used by WideFS should not change on windows updates as this would break many things...

    16 hours ago, pemartin said:

    But on the computer who are running win11 version 24h2 the widefs did not found the fsuipc-computer.

    Check your network configuration - especially the Workgroup name. Please see the section Configure your Network in the WideFS User guide. Have you tried setting the ServerName or ServerIPAddr parameters, as well as the Protocol?

    I am still running 23H2 here on my Windows 11 laptop (as well as Windows 10 and Windows 7 on other PCs), so cannot verify with 24H2 at the moment,

  19. 18 hours ago, Luke Kolin said:

    if the LVAR does not exist then the previous value that was in the offset is retained.

    Yes - in the offset functionality for lvars, if the lvar doesn't exist, then nothing will be written for read requests and write requests won't be processed either.

    19 hours ago, Luke Kolin said:

    In a perfect world, I'd prefer them to be set to zero, but I can also see advantages to this behavior as well (I can write a default value to the offset prior to the read). At the very least, it may be helpful to annotate the programmers guide to note this behavior in the case of an uninitialized LVAR.

    The result offset is not set to zero as the lvar doesn't have a zero value, and, as I have said, I do not think that lvars can be uninitialized, at least those not created via the Gauge API. I can update the documentation to state the behavior when the lvar doesn't exist.

    19 hours ago, Luke Kolin said:

    I need to maintain compatibility back to FSUIPC4 🙂 so this is my preferred way to go. (Technically even farther, but I can no longer validate the FS2002/FSUIPC2 path and the FS9 path doesn't have GSX support). It's a testament to the great work that you and your father have done - I've been working on this application since the FS9 days and it's usually just a day or two of work to support a new simulator. It's a a great abstraction layer.

    Understood, and thanks for the kind words.


  20. 18 hours ago, Alexander Rosa said:

    How do I fix this?

    Go to fsuipc.com and download and install the FSUIPC WASM module, the one with this description:
         Standalone FSUIPC WASM module. For users who need the FSUIPC WASM module for 3rd party cloents and don't have FSUIPC7 installed. Download, unzip and copy or move the fsuipc-lvar-module folder to your MSFS Community folder.

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