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John Dowson

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Everything posted by John Dowson

  1. Executing a preset is exactly the same as executing the preset calculator code using ipc.execCalcCode() - they both resolve to the same underlying function. B-type variables are Input Events, bur not all such variables are currently accessible using the Input Events interface. You cannot control B-vars directly using calculator code. No, all on one line. @ark1320 is correct in his analysis of your calc code presets and how to toggle an lvar. But looking at your presets in the myevents.txt file they fon'y make much sense. As well as the errors pointed out by @ark1320, why are you using A:TAILWHEEL LOCK ON (and also K:TAILWHEELOCK) for almost everything? Maybe you could explain one function that you want to implement and I can show you how to do that, and you can take it from there. Note that there are known issues in trying to control the ATC menu - see here for example: https://devsupport.flightsimulator.com/t/sdk-0-23-1-event-id-atc-menu-open-not-recognized/8538 John
  2. This is because you are using an unregistered version of FSUIPC7. Do you have a license? If so, you need to enter the details and click the Register button at the end of the installation process. Alternatively, there is a trial license available in a post at the top of this forum - you can use that to evaluate FSUIPC7 (it expires after tomorrow but it will be replaced by a new one in a couple of days). John
  3. But you do not need to register each time you update. You do this one to generate your FSUIPC7.key file and they you can skip registration on future updates, but it should not cause any issues if you re-validate your registration. Please also make sure that you extract the installer from the zip file before running it. The registration details you are using don't look correct either... Anyway, please download and install 7.4.11, just released. Any issues, please attach your InstallFSUIPC7.log file and let me know your order number - do NOT post your registration details.
  4. Please see the provided documentation - look at the Invalid Key Problems section of the Installation and Registration guide, or the Problems installing or registering FSUIPC7 section of the README.txt file. This problem is invariably caused by not having the necessary/required VC++ redistibutables installed. John
  5. Please download and try 7.4.11. There is a new ini parameter that you need to tune for optimal performance - DetectToConnectDelayAuto. I will create a FAQ entry on hot to tune this correctly, but if you start FSUIPC7 as normal (i.e. auto-started with MSFS), once MSFS has fully loaded to the main menu, exit FSUIPC7 and post your log file here and I will take a look. John
  6. Did you set the correct value for your system, as shown in this thread several times. Do noy just copy values I have given for other users - look at your log to determine what the optimal value is for your system and use that, I can't see how this issue can affect connections to FSUIPC, as they do not use SimConnect (this issue is related to SimConnect threads only). But, as for all issues, I need to see your FSUIPC7.log file. What is the issue with GSX Pro?
  7. No, I don't see a need. The next update will be for the SU15 release, in a week or two - or whenever that drops.
  8. You do NOT need to use that version,. Just try setting the DetectToConnectDelayAuto and/or the DetectToConnectDelay ini parameters correctly. only then if you have issues, download 7.4.11a and adjust the InitialStallTime ini parameter.
  9. No! The user is manually starting FSUIPC7, and is not having it auto-started by MSFS. Notice this log line: Your analysis of the time is correct, but the user needs to set the DetectToConnectDelay ini parameter to 100, bot he DetectToConnectDelayAuto one. But the previous version was not ok! It may have seemed that way, but what was happening is that messages were being received from an old connection and was screwing up many aspects of FSUIPC7. The only change that is causing this issue is to actually issue a close command to close a dead connection before starting a new one. Previously, the old connection was left open when the new one was started, and it is messages from this old/dead connection that was causing issues. John
  10. John Dowson


    You cannot - please see my previous post. Please try that fix I mentioned in my previous post. If that does not work, please create a new support topic with an appropriate title and describing your issue, and make sure you attach your FSUIPC7.log file. John
  11. John Dowson


    I do not provide access to older versions. What issues are you having with 7.4.10? There is only one issue reported and this is related to the the time it takes to connect/reconnect - see this thread: If you are having issues, add the following to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file: DetectToConnectDelayAuto=220 Adjust the value (220 in the example above) to suit your installation - the best way to determine this is to look at your log file and find the last SimConnect_Open succeeded message. eg if you see this: 396234 SimConnect_Open succeeded The timestamp is 396234 - divide this value by 1000 to get 396, then subtract 3, so 393 would be the value to use. If you don't see a SimConnect_Open succeeded message in your log, increase the value until you do, then adjust accordingly. John
  12. If you look at your log, you will see this: You have DetectToConnectDelayAuto set to 220, but this is still not enough time for your installation. You can see that it finally connects at timestamp 396234, so you need to use a value of 393 for the DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter. It is not difficult to determine the value for this parameter - just look at your log file and the timestamp for the SimConnect_open succeeded message, divide this by 1000 (i.e. convert from ms to seconds) and then subtract 3 or 4 (the timestamp from the Simulator detected log message). John
  13. Note that the only change from 7.4.10 to 7.4.11a is the ability to configure the InitialStallTime ini parameter. This can help but should not be necessary if you configure the DetectToConnectDelayAuto correctly. The default value for InitialStallTime in 7.4.10 is 5 (seconds), which should be sufficient for most users. So I would advise people with this issue to first try with the current release 7.4.10 and configure the DetectToConnectDelayAuto ini parameter first, and only update to 7.4.11a if you are still getting issues. John
  14. Ok, but please note that they are example values - you should tune those to your system. I have explained how to do this several times in this topic already, vut I will create a FAQ topic on how to tune this when I get time. This is actually an old parameter that has always existed, but I deprecated the use of this in the last few versions as it should not be necessary. I have added this back in the latest (beta) release though as it seems that it is needed for some systems where it is taking a long time for the return message of the initial connection request. This is an additional parameter. It is better to leave this as the default value and only update if absolutely needed. Better to adjust the DetectToConnectDelay and DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameters first. If you are starting manually, then the value of these parameters depends upon when you are starting FSUIPC7. If you are starting when MSFS2020 is running and either already in the main menu or you have loaded an aircraft, then you can and should use the default values. If you are starting FSUIPC7 before MSFS is started, then you should set the DetectToConnectDelay parameter to a higher value - start at 60 (seconds) and increase until you don't see any re-connection messages. Only tune the InitialStallTime parameter if continually receiving this message: I will tune/adjust the defaults for these for SU15 and rebuild against the latest SDK (currently for SU15) and release a new version once SU15 has been released. Please also note that for the next few days I will have limited time to respond to support requests....please be patient. John
  15. Please show me/attach your FSUIPC6.log and FSUIPC6.ini files and I will take a look. I am finishing now for the day (it is a public holiday after all!) and will have limited time for support until Tuesday now, but I will take a look at your files and respond when I get a chance.,.. John
  16. Yes - please see this thread: What you need to do is to tune/adjust/add the ini parameter DetectToConnectDelayAuto with an appropriate value for your system/installation. You need to adjust until you no longer see re-connecting messages in your FSUIPC7.log file (further details/instructions in that post I referenced above). If you need further assistance, please use that other topic, and PLEASE also attach your FSUIPC7.log file if you require further assistance, John
  17. @BillA Please try with DetectToConnectDelayAuto=200 InitialStallTime=5 Please re-attach your log after trying with these - and please make sure that you exit FSUIPC7 before attaching your log file. @Empire Please also remember to exit FSUIPC7 before attaching log files. You are also using 7.4.10 - please update to 7.4.11a attached above. Also please try with those ini parameters mentioned above (i.e. add to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file) and show me the log using these settings. Again, for all those who have this issue, you need to set the DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter to a high enough value so that this message isn't logged (although a few re-connection attempts shouldn't be a problem, too many retries can cause issues due to a long standing simconnect issue with the number of connections used): John
  18. I do not know anything about FSTL, but if you think that this is related to FSUIPC7 then you at least need to show me your FSUIPC7.log file. I cannot help you (or anyone) if you are not showing me the information I need to diagnose issues. Why have you not attached your FSUIPC7.log file? Can anyone and everyone who has any issue whatsoever, please attach your FSUIPC7.log file. I seem to have to ask for this every time - please get into the habit of attaching this for ANY issue. If you continue to post but not show me the required files you will be ignored from now on - sorry but I am getting pretty fed up with asking for this file numerous times and still not seeing people attaching this... John
  19. FSUIPC7 has no effect on the loading times of aircraft... And what loading time are you referring to? The time it takes from starting MSFS2020 until it gets to the main menu, or the time it takes from aircraft/route selection in the World Map until the aircraft is loaded and ready-to-fly? If you are having connection issues with FSUIPC7, please attach your GSYUPC7.log file. Also try the 7.4.11a beta version posted above and try configuring those recommended ini parameters. Your log shows it connected ok but you still had a few failed connection attempts. and you should use: DetectToConnectDelayAuto=220 i.e. a delay of 220 seconds rather than 190. This is based on the following: which shows that the connection was established roughly 220 seconds (224172 - 4078 = 220094ms or approx 220 seconds) after the FS was detected. John
  20. Please read this thread, try the updated version posted above and tune the ini parameters mentioned above. This issue seems to be due to the slow start-up process of MSFS. The defaults are tuned for systems that take around a minute between starting MSFS and it getting to the main menu state, If you have a lot of add-ons and your system takes longer than this then increase the DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter as well as the InitialStallTime parameter.
  21. I have posted an updated version for you to try in that other thread, together with the ini parameters to try. Please use that thread for this issue going forward - I will close/lock this thread now. John
  22. I have only seen one log file for this issue, but that log file indicates that the call to open the simconnect connection is not returning/completing in the required time-limit (5 seconds), and so it is continually re-connecting to try and obtain a connection. Can those experiencing this issue please try the attached version, and add the following to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file: DetectToConnectDelayAuto=300 InitialStallTime=30 If you still see lots of messages in the log like this one: then increase the DetectToConnectDelayAuto parameter until these disappear. Please show me/attach log files if this works or not. @GNeild Thanks for the log file - please try the attached and use the following (i.e. add to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file): DetectToConnectDelayAuto=190 InitialStallTime=10 John FSUIPC7.exe
  23. For those experiencing this issue, can you please show me/attach your FSUIPC7.log file and let me know if you are using a Steam or MS Store installed version of MSFS2020. Can you also try exiting FSUIPC7 if you are on the main menu of MSFS2020 and FSUIPC7 still hasn't connected, and restart it manually to soo if it then connects. John
  24. Your log shows that FSUIPC7 cannot connect to MSFS for some reason. What happens if you exit FSUI{C7 and then restart it manually when MSFS is in the main menu? Can you try that please and show me the log file. You add this ini parameter to the [General] section of your FSUIPC7.ini file when needed. I am not sure if this will help, but try adding DetectToConnectDelayAuto=300 John
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