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  1. Wow, everything works now. Thanks John for your patience.
  2. Ok John, I replaced the string in the myevents.txt file but it doesn't seem to work and I don't understand why. Furthermore, I continue to delete the check marks on Up and Down but every time I reopen I find them selected, as in the figure.
  3. Hi John, of course thanks to your help it worked, thank you very much 🙂 However, it works the opposite of how I would like (I would like the value 16384 to correspond to the carbheat being deactivated). But if it's not possible to do it, it doesn't matter, I'll make it work for me. Thanks again.
  4. Hi, I can't set an axis to dedicate to the carbheat on the A2A Comanche 250. These are my settings but nothing moves, where am I wrong? In the event.txt file there is this string and maybe I should set some parameters but I'm not good enough, could you help me? PA24_250_Carbheat_Axis#@ 15 - 10.0 / 0 max 100 min (>L:Eng1_CarbHeatSwitch, Number) Thank you.
  5. Hi, with the settings that I find by selecting "Select for preset" I managed to make almost everything work with the axes and buttons of my Logitech X56 hotas. However I cannot get the reverse throttle function of my A320 Fenix to work. With the other planes I use (PMDG 738 and MD82) I use, instead of presets, the "Throttle Decr" function as long as I hold the button down and then "Throttle Cut" when I release it; unfortunately these settings don't work with the A320 Fenix and I can't find any presets in "Select for preset". Can you help me solve? Thank you.
  6. Hi, with the release of the SDK by PMDG for the 737, is it possible to assign via FSUIPC7 two buttons of my hotas for LNAV and VNAV? Thank you.
  7. I don't know if it can solve the problem, but after @John Dobson suggestion, here, FSUIPC 7 has always started correctly, only that some times, inexplicably, it closes by itself and I have to restart it from the exe file.
  8. Thanks @John Dowson, it works smoothly now.
  9. Ciao @John Dowson, I opened MSFS.bat but there are too many lines with the '::' character and I don't know which one I need to delete to take the test you recommended. Could you help me? Thanks. MSFS.bat
  10. Hi, unfortunately I have to report that my FSUIPC 7 also stopped starting automatically. I checked the EXE.xml file again which caused the problem reported here but everything seems ok. I had also installed the new version but the problem remained. I specify that I boot MSFS through the MSFS.bat file I attach the affected files for a check. FSUIPC7.4.log FSUIPC7.log InstallFSUIPC7.log EXE.xml
  11. Hi @John Dowson, the problem was the EXE.xml file, which was modified by FS2Crew. But it's strange, because I uninstalled it weeks ago and only now has it given me problems. Anyway now everything is ok. Thanks for the invaluable assistance-
  12. Hi, for a few days now I also have problems with starting FSUIPC 7. I specify that MSFS is started through the Addon Linker application through the path D:\FSUIPC7\MSFS.bat Up to now it has always worked very well and I believed that the problem stems from an older version than the last one (7.3.2); I updated to the latest version but the problem remained: FSUIPC 7 does not start. If I start manually (when MSFS main screen appears, before choosing airport and airplane), then FSUIPC 7 works fine, but if I start it after loading airport and airplane, then it doesn't work, i.e. it starts but does not detect the airplane. Any suggestions? Thanks.
  13. I'm sorry John but, obviously, I didn't quite understand what to do. Below I am sending you a text file where I have summarized in a few lines the data recorded by the Console by selecting "Buttons & Keys" from the log list and moving the elevator trim (up and then down) I will also send you a link where there will be a video that will show you what happens to the registration of the Console when I try to record "Events" or "Axes control". Of course without moving any command. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rpWvbCfAn1mKEdLVp5foaGyyN_i_r5zd/view?usp=sharing elevator_UP_DOWN.txt
  14. Hello John, I have activated the following options from the Log menu: Buttons & Keys, Events and Axes Controls. Attached is the log file. FSUIPC7.4.log
  15. Ok John, I'll try, even if I'm not very experienced.
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