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Hans Billiet

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Posts posted by Hans Billiet

  1. @Paul HentyĀ Hello Paul,

    Not sure if I should ask questions in this thread, or should I create a separate post. Just let me know, ok?

    The MSFSVariableServices works great. I am able to set and get LVars and set HVars on the FBW A32NX. Because I'm working on the FCU, I'm experimenting to control the SPD, HDG, ALT and V/S.

    But if I want to use other variable types, like A:, K:, etc..., I assume I need to use the FSUIPC part, right? But is everything controlled through Offsets? Or are there ways to control things by name?

    And does that require a second SimConnect connection? Meaning that MSFSVariableServices is one SimConnect client (because you can't talk directly to WASM, you do that through a SimConnect connection, right?), and FSUIPC will us a second connection. Or is there a way to use the SimConnect connection of MSFSVariableServices to also get control the other variables?

    Is there also a function "Execute_Calculator_Code", which seems makes it very easy to work with other variables then LVars and HVars? Ok, Execute_Calculator_Code doesn't return any values, but still, it would allow to experiment a lot easier.

    Is the sourcecode of your C# implementation available somewhere?

  2. Hi Paul,

    I start getting it. I'm looking through the documentation provided on the website, and I'm impressed with the quality and completeness, even for a not that experienced guy like me. I realize that 2 out of the 3 questions I asked would already have been answered. You could have said "read the f.... manual!", but I appreciate your patiencešŸ˜

    I think that your tool is exactly what I need!


  3. @Paul HentyĀ What a fast service!!! It works as a charm! Thanks a million!

    I have also downloaded theĀ FSUIPCExampleCode_CS, and this also seems to work. Although there were a few roadblocks. Maybe worth to mention it somewhere? Might be that the third one is related to my settings.

    1. FSUIPC7 needs to be running as well. I assume you can use the WASM module without it, but for these examples it is required, right?
    2. FSUIPC_WAPID.dll was not included - I copied it from the other download and put it in the main folder and added it in the project (right click on the project, Add/Existing item..., filter Executable files, and choose the dll).
    3. There were 4 "*.resx" files for which I needed to remove "the mark of the web". You can do this easily by closing VS2019, go to each file, right click it and select properties, and in the General tab enable "Unblock" at the bottom right.image.png.a8d07c4b1e1071df8d14c1daec6965a6.png

    After that I could build and run it, and the first examples seemed to work perfectly.

    Just one more question. Is the "FSUIPC_WAPID.dll" related to the "using FSUIPC;"? If the dll is not there, then the "using FSUIPC;" is grayed out. I'm sure you have somewhere included a list with all the functions with their parameters, or are the examples meant for that?

    Thanks again!

  4. @Paul HentyI want to try the MSFS_VariableServices_CSharp, but I get no LVARS. If I press "Start MSFSVariableServices", I seem to be successfully connected to MSFS. But pressing "Log LVars" gives me "We have 000 lvars". "Reload Variables" doesn't help.

    When I started, I first installed the latest version of FSUIPC7. This seems to install the WASM version 0.5.5 (manifest.json shows 0.5.5), which seems not compatible with the MSFSVariableServices example code. I get the error "**** Incompatible WASM version: The WASM version is 0.5.5 while the WAPI version is 0.5.3. Cannot...." (rest is hidden, and I can not make it visible).

    I stopped FS2020, and copied an earlier version of the WASM module, and started all over again. The manifest.json of this FSUIPC WASM shows 0.1.0, and now I don't get any error. Although, still no LVarsĀ šŸ˜Ŗ

    I tried with the native A320_Neo, and with the FBW A32NX, but same results.

    So I assume that 0.1.0 is too old to work with this Example? Is there a way to get 0.5.3 somewhere?

  5. I'm again having some "beginners question". Although I succeeded with my first attempt to control the Parking Brake in FSX via FSUIPC, MobiFlight and an Arduino Mega. So making progress!šŸ˜Ž

    I now start realizing the difference between Offsets and Events (yes, this is step by step...). I was also guided to the document "FSUIPC4 Offsets Status.pdf", which lists all the available offsets. There I found the Parking Brake (offset 0BC8). So start linking MobiFlight info with FSUIPC info.

    In my first attempt, I used the FSUIPC offset to connect with both output (LED) and input (button). It worked, but via the MobiFlight forum I learned that I should use an EVENT instead of an Offset to connect to my input (button). I did, and itĀ also worked. Perfect!

    If I look at the above mentioned document, I see for the Parking Brake:

    • FSRead: Ok-SimC
    • FSWrite: Ok-SimE

    The explanation of "Ok-SimE" reads "for write only, works okay, but resorting to Sim Events via SimC, not SimVar reads or writes". Hmmmm... being a beginner, I have searched the forum, checked the user manuals and Googled... but didn't find a real good explanation of what that phrase really means.

    I always like to make a guess first. Please correct me if I'm wrong.

    "Ok-SimE" means that you can write at this offset, but FSUIPC intercepts this and uses an Event instead of controlling that value?Ā Meaning that it "resorts to Sim Events". But still... the complete phrase doesn't make much sense to me.

  6. 1 hour ago, John Dowson said:

    Yes, they are the same. However, note that not all controls are from the FS. Some are added by FSUIPC and may operate using simulator variables rather than controls.

    @John DowsonĀ Thanks for your quick reply.

    Can you just tell me what you mean with "simulator variables" vs "controls"? Are these variables the so called "LVars", which are kind of "Local" (although, they seem Global) variables that contain values like "speed", "altitude", etc...? But how about controls? I would also assume that these are variables like "Up = 1", "Down = 2", but as you mention them separately, I assume this is a different method?

    (Sorry, I'm still a newbie... but learning fastĀ šŸ¤“)

  7. I am experimenting with FSUIPC4 (just downloaded, and bought a license). I find the logging extremely useful, as it allows to identify which commands are triggered.

    I have searched both the normal user manual, and the one for advanced users, but none of these documents seems to give a description of what the different columns in the log file mean.

    "108797 *** EVENT: Cntrl= 66529 (0x000103e1), Param= 0 (0x00000000) EYEPOINT_BACK"

    • What is the first number 108797 - I assume some kind of "timing"?
    • Where does the description "EYEPOINT_BACK" comes from? Is this defined by the simulator (FSX), or is this mapped somewhere in one of the FSUIPC files (a "human readable" format of the Cntrl?)
    • Are these the same labels used in "Key Presses"/"Control sent when keys pressed"? For the above example, I find the same text "Eyepoint Back" (although, not in CAPS and without underscores).


    Bottomline - if I press a button in a plane, not knowing exactly what the command is, can I use the logging to identify it's description (EYEPOINT_BACK), and by this know which control to use when defining keys? Would be handy, because some controls have not always "obvious" names.

  8. Thanks a lot @John Dowson. Pretty clear.


    FSUIPC -> SimConnect -> Simulator

    Does SimConnect exists for both FSX, P3D, FS2020, ...? Is this the same API, or are they all have their own version?

    And final question (so far...). What about MobiFlight? If I understand it correct, it makes use of FSUIPC?

    MobiFlight -> FSUIPC -> SimConnect -> Simulator

    Although, I do understand that MobiFlight's focus is toĀ provide an interface to the frontend, to make it easier to configure HW via Arduino, but I don't see the benefit of working through FSUIPC, and not directly through SimConnect. But I's sure there is a good reason?

    (I probably should ask this in their forum, I know, but would be nice to have the whole thread in one).

  9. I tried to find the answer in this forum, but didn't find one. Can somebody explain me:

    • what is the difference between FSUIPC and SimConnect?
    • is there a reason to use one or the other?
    • will both be supported in the future, or will only 1 "survive"?
    • some advice/links to some interesting reading stuff about these 2 interfaces?

    (I'm in "study and buying phase" for a good A320 add-on and building my own DIY cockpit - currently using FSX)

  10. Hello,

    I'm reviving my flightsim hobby based on FSX (and later probably FS2020). My focus is on A320, and my goal is to build my own cockpit (multi-year project). I'm still in the study phase. Luckily, a huge amount of info can be found on Google. But for some "basic" questions, I seem not to find any answer.

    I'm tempted to buy the FSLabs A320-X add-on (looks like the best affordeable realistic A320 simulation). Although, it seems hard to integrate with a DIY cockpit, as they seem to be married with Skalarki, and not much "official" info seems to be found on offsets, LVars, etc... On their forum, they talk about "Rotor Brake codes"?

    What are "Rotor Brake codes"? As far as I can read, these are "custom codes". But where does the name "Rotor Brake" comes from? Is this a "historical" name that has now been re-used in a complete different context?


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