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Everything posted by hermann

  1. Hello from Austria, I have a silly question: where can I download Ver. 7.5 Thanks in advance Hermann
  2. Thanks for the hint for installing the . exe-file. The option is not clearly to see while installing FSUIPC. Rgds Hermann
  3. I only have one LED for both red and orange. Is it correct to set 65f1 to 4 byte to switch this LED on in both cases? And the same with 65f5? In the moment it works, but I hope you can confirm it. Rgds Hermann
  4. Hi John, All of these Offsets are working ok now. Thanks for your help 65F1 --- AP red 65F3 --- AP orange 65F5 --- AT red 65F7 --- AT orange 65F9 --- MCP (has orange only) Rgds Hermann
  5. I am sorry, I made a mistake! After leaving the beta-tester- group FS2020 was automatically installed new and all .INI files and the community folder were deleted. And the exe.xml too! After reinstalling FSUIPC everyting is working fine now!! Rgds Hermann
  6. You were right! With SU11 autostart fails again 😞
  7. I think we can close this now: since latest update of fs2020 (beta 11) FSUIPC starts everytime now. Best regards Hermann
  8. Hi John! Sorry for the long delay. Your first solution is working now via Mobiflight: PMDG_B737-7_AUTOTHRUST_TOGA_L_BTN Thanks for all your help and best regards from Austria: Hermann
  9. Hello from Austria! When I set TOGA (I have an own button for it) in PMDG 737-700 it is shown in PFD but in my MotorizedThrottle I cannot receiv it. I use 0x080C 4 AUTOPILOT TAKEOFF POWER ACTIVE but nothing is working. With standard plane the same offset is working ok. I hope someone can help here. Thanks and best regards Hermann
  10. What I see (as Hermann posted) is that the value is always 0, regardless of the state in the virtual cockpit on screen. This is for both the offset as well as the LVar, for all three (A/P, A/T, FMC) In the meantime I found out, that FMC button is ligting up when I use address 65F9 (1 byte) Rgds Hermann
  11. Sorry, but no lamp is lighten. The last offset where a lamp is ok is 65F9. All others below not. These three lamps have an own testswitch: (1) for red and (2) for amber. With this switch only FMC works. But when I use the main-test-switch for the lights, then AP and AT light, but FMC not (what for FMC is ok, I think). So I mean that AP and AT are assigned to some other lights .
  12. I found out till now only: 65FD Speedbrake armed 65FE Speedbrake up 65F9 Main_annunc_FMC 1 Byte The others I will try to find within the next days
  13. *** Moved to FSUIPC7 support sub-forum *** Hello from Austria! As above said, LEDs for A/P P/RST, A/T P/RST, FMC P/RST are not working. I tried these offsets: 65F1 2 BYTE x 2 MAIN_annunAP[2] Boolean 65F3 1 BYTE MAIN_annunAP_Amber[2] Boolean 65F4 2 BYTE x 2 MAIN_annunAT[2] Boolean 65F6 1 BYTE MAIN_annunAT_Amber[2] Boolean 65F7 2 BYTE x 2 MAIN_annunFMC[2] Boolean FSUIPC Vers 7.3.8 Thanks in advance for your help Rgds Hermann
  14. Here is my solution now: Inputs for MCP I make with OI4FS And some outputs via your new offsets for PMDG Together both work fine! Best regards Hermann
  15. I am unsure if i can use these offsets for Rotary Encoders too??
  16. Hi Paul! Is it possible to have access to Rotary Encoders too? BRgds Hermann
  17. Ok, thanks, I already found these offsets. I can read all (HDG, SPEED, ALTITUDE etc.) but I cannot write to these. I would need to send the values from 4 rotary switches via FSUIPC, because the MCP I own has an USB interface and only the program (SIOC) from OpenCockpit can communicate with it. I have no problem to read other rotary switches via Mobifligt and send it to PMDG 737. But Mobiflight cannot connect to the MCP from OpenCockpit. So I only can connect via FSUIPC. Can I hope in near future, that you can send the missing offsets? Brgds Hermann
  18. Here are my offsets from FSX: Var 0051, name IASpmdg, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $6220, Length 2 { CALL &IASaff } Var 0052, name hdgpmdg, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $622C, Length 2 { CALL &HDGaff } Var 0053, name ALTpmdg, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $622E, Length 2 { CALL &ALTaff } Var 0054, name VSpmdg, Link FSUIPC_IN, Offset $6230, Length 2 { CALL &VSaff } I remember that your father made a big secret about these offsets. But some clever guys found it out. πŸ˜‰ I hope that we get the new ones in future. Rgds Hermann
  19. Ok, thanks. My problem is that i have a large program for motorized throttle and Autopilot written in SIOC-language. And there i use FSUIPC adresses. And some of these adresses are both in and out. Brgds Hermann
  20. I think I will wait until inputs are possible too πŸ˜†
  21. Hi John, are there good news now? ☺️ Rgds Hermann
  22. Thanks John, I think it depends on Microsoft πŸ™‚ Best regards Hermann
  23. In the moment it starts only sometimes automatically
  24. Since some days (Update 9 ?) everything is ok now. It starts w/o problems and w/o MSFS.BAT now.
  25. Sorry for sending false INI file! I have no idea, while start via MSFS.BAT is ok, but not without. I attach the BAT-file for your reference. Rgds Hermann MSFS.bat InstallFSUIPC7.log
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