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Everything posted by ZenMusicSoaring

  1. I will do my first FSUIPC7 programming this weekend. I'll post my experiences (I'm a professional programmer, plan on using C# if it can do what I need). I'll start with the user's guide , if there are any good example programs let me know.
  2. is the trial license option no longer available ? I have a large MSFS app thinking of converting the fsuipc7 (if I understand it ) would like to try it first
  3. I noticed all the postings are a couple years old, Is this project no longer in production?
  4. 1. Where can I get a description of what this software does ? I'm just looking for something to access the L var etc. in MSFS from my application (C# and C++) 2. My C# application (uses MSFS SDK and simconnect) is 90% complete but has many holes where I've not been able to map events to MSFS. Will this fill in what I'm missing? thanks for beginner's question .. I'm a professional programmer and a commercial pilot and CFI-G instructor ...
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