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Everything posted by mtjoeng

  1. Hi tested 4409 and 4412 it's the Conditionals and then it runs out of steam, seems attached ZIP with FSUIPC4.4412ERRORS.ini FSUIPC4.4409ERRORS..ini FSUIPC4.ini for the full views it's only at the beginning pardon my hectic programming, lots of comments & logic out of sequence, but it does work :mrgreen: Happy Christmas and Variations mt [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No A= B= C= D= [General] History=9D7WXEMJKUKYKTLXA60LZ MouseWheelTrim=No ok .. ok [buttons] ButtonRepeat=40 ;//P0 Saitek Yoke 1-20 23-51 ;SPOT views ;VC 0-view 1=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 2=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 3=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 4=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 5=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 6=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 7=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 8=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 9=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> ;F11 0-view =W0366= 0_airborn 1_onground 10=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 11=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 12=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 13=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 14=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 15= 16=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 17=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 28=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 19=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 20=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 21=W0366=1 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> ;=CP(+A,10)A,0,K38,9 ;shft Up 22=W0366=0 CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 23=RA,2,C65656,0 ;ZOOM_OUT 65656 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 24=RA,3,C65655,0 ;ZOOM_IN 65655 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 25=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 26=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 27=;CP(+A,8)A,5,K54,9 ;shft 6 28=;CU(+A,8)A,5,K54,9 29=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 30=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 31=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 32=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 33=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 34=CP << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 35=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 36=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 37=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 38=CR << ERROR 12! Line ignored >> 39=PA,8,K120,8 ;mode1 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 40=PA,9,K121,8 ;mode2 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 41=PA,10,K122,8 ;mode3 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 42=PA,14,C66389,0 ;TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT 66389 //24=RA,14,C65896,0 ;AP SPEED << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 43=PA,15,C66389,0 ;TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT 66389 //25=RA,15,C65897,0 ;AP SPEED << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 44=PA,15,K50,8 ;TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT CARGO "2" << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 47=PA,18,K51,9 ;51 3 on main keyboard << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 48=PA,19,K53,9 ;50 2 on main keyboard << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 49= 50=RA,20,C65966,0 ;THROTTLE1_DECR 65966 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 51=UA,20,C65967,0 ;THROTTLE1_CUT 65967 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 52=RA,21,C65971,0 ;THROTTLE2_DECR 65971 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 53=UA,21,C65972,0 ;THROTTLE2_CUT 65972 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 54=RA,22,C65771,0 ;PROP_PITCH_DECR 65771 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 55=UA,22,C65772,0 ;PROP_PITCH_HI 65772 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 82=PA,12,C65729,0 ;VOR on stopwatch << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 83=PA,13,C65724,0 ;APP on stopwatch << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> ;// P1 Saitek Rudder ;NOTHING to do ;=U1,0,K38,9 ;???????? 38 Up arrow SHFT ;// P2 CH Throttle Quad 100=PC,0,C65860,0 ;AUTO_THROTTLE_ARM 65860 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 101=PC,1,K70,10 ;F ctrl << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 102=PC,2,C66113,0 ;66113 AP_PANEL_SPEED_OFF << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 103=PC,3,C66112,0 ;66112 AP_PANEL_SPEED_ON << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 104=PC,4,C65815,0 ;66107 AP_PANEL_HEADING_OFF << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 105=PC,5,C65807,0 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 106=PC,6,C66103,0 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> 107=PC,7,C65726,0 << ERROR 16! Line ignored >> etc ABOVE PART in the ORIGINAL [buttons] ButtonRepeat=40 ;//P0 Saitek Yoke 1-20 23-51 ;SPOT views ;VC 0-view 1=CP(+A,8)A,0,K189,8 ;minus 2=CP(+A,8)A,0,K189,8 3=CP(+A,8)A,0,K189,8 4=CP(+A,8)A,0,K189,8 5=CP(+A,8)A,0,K189,8 6=CP(+A,8)A,0,K189,8 7=CP(+A,8)A,0,K189,8 8=CP(+A,8)A,0,K189,8 9=CP(+A,8)A,0,K32,10 ;ctrl space ;F11 0-view =W0366= 0_airborn 1_onground 10=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K8,8 ;backspace 11=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K32,10 ;ctrl space 12=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K189,8 ;minus 13=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K189,8 14=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K189,8 15= 16=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K38,9 ;shft Up 17=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K38,9 ;shft Up 28=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K38,9 ;shft Up 19=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K38,9 ;shft Up 20=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K38,9 ;shft Up 21=W0366=1 CP(+A,10)A,0,K38,9 ;shft Up ;=CP(+A,10)A,0,K38,9 ;shft Up 22=W0366=0 CP(+A,10)A,0,K32,10 ;ctrl space ;AIRBORNE Spot View 23=RA,2,C65656,0 ;ZOOM_OUT 65656 24=RA,3,C65655,0 ;ZOOM_IN 65655 25=CR(+A,8)A,4,C65607,0 ;65607 ELEV_TRIM_DN ;CP(+A,8)A,4,K53,9 ;shft 2 26=CR(+A,8)A,5,C65615,0 ;trimUP ;CU(+A,8)A,4,K53,9 27=;CP(+A,8)A,5,K54,9 ;shft 6 28=;CU(+A,8)A,5,K54,9 29=CR(+A,9)A,4,C65607,0 ;65607 ELEV_TRIM_DN 30=CR(+A,9)A,5,C65615,0 ;trimUP 31=CR(+A,10)A,4,C65607,0 ;trimDown 32=CR(+A,10)A,5,C65615,0 ;trimUP 33=CP(+A,9)A,7,K87,9 ;if panel SHFT-W 34=CP(+A,9)A,6,K87,8 ;if panel W 35=CR(+A,10)A,7,K39,9 ;if F11 SHFT-RightArrow 36=CR(+A,10)A,6,K37,9 ;if F11 SHFT-LeftArrow 37=CR(+A,8)A,7,K39,9 ;if VC SHFT-RightArrow 38=CR(+A,8)A,6,K37,9 ;if VC SHFT-LeftArrow 39=PA,8,K120,8 ;mode1 40=PA,9,K121,8 ;mode2 41=PA,10,K122,8 ;mode3 42=PA,14,C66389,0 ;TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT 66389 //24=RA,14,C65896,0 ;AP SPEED 43=PA,15,C66389,0 ;TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT 66389 //25=RA,15,C65897,0 ;AP SPEED 44=PA,15,K50,8 ;TOGGLE_AIRCRAFT_EXIT CARGO "2" 47=PA,18,K51,9 ;51 3 on main keyboard 48=PA,19,K53,9 ;50 2 on main keyboard 49= 50=RA,20,C65966,0 ;THROTTLE1_DECR 65966 51=UA,20,C65967,0 ;THROTTLE1_CUT 65967 52=RA,21,C65971,0 ;THROTTLE2_DECR 65971 53=UA,21,C65972,0 ;THROTTLE2_CUT 65972 54=RA,22,C65771,0 ;PROP_PITCH_DECR 65771 55=UA,22,C65772,0 ;PROP_PITCH_HI 65772 82=PA,12,C65729,0 ;VOR on stopwatch 83=PA,13,C65724,0 ;APP on stopwatch ;// P1 Saitek Rudder ;NOTHING to do ;=U1,0,K38,9 ;???????? 38 Up arrow SHFT ;// P2 CH Throttle Quad 100=PC,0,C65860,0 ;AUTO_THROTTLE_ARM 65860 101=PC,1,K70,10 ;F ctrl 102=PC,2,C66113,0 ;66113 AP_PANEL_SPEED_OFF 103=PC,3,C66112,0 ;66112 AP_PANEL_SPEED_ON 104=PC,4,C65815,0 ;66107 AP_PANEL_HEADING_OFF 105=PC,5,C65807,0 106=PC,6,C66103,0 107=PC,7,C65726,0 108=PC,8,K90,8 ; Z (CHtq) 109=PC,9,K90,8 ; Z (CHtq) 110=PC,10,K65,10 ;A ctrl Approach 111=PC,11,C65752,0 ;PARKING_BRAKES 65752 FSUIPCModules.rar
  2. were here some 15+ first button lines, replaced with an something like "<>" cant remember which and looked too awfull to save :D will do, thx
  3. would like to bring something to your attention when I unhooked my Controllers, and forgot about it when firing up FSX FSUIPC will now erase lines, also because a "Joystick Not Found" issue, and replaces instances with 'A' or 'B' and the likes with // ERROR lines fortunately I backedup my fsuipc.ini - most of the times, I will - , because it looked like a tornado went through the file it ran out of // ERROR lines, because I have such a big .ini file, and it ran out of steam / I suppose :D any chance of mitigating this harsh treatment of an oversight :?: if one forgets to backup, that version is a goner thx mt
  4. your FSX Controls Disabled? is necessary or you'll have very weird controls reverse(s) on Saitek indeed are Buttons find the button in the Button+Sw menu then "Select for FS control" (right upper chkbox) and 'when button pressed' "Throttle (1,2,blank) Decr" from the dropdown list [like a F2 press] and chkbox repeat while send [holds the button down] and 'when button released' "Throttle (1,2 or blank for all) Cut" from the dropdown [like a F1 press] this to make sure your throttle doesnt get stuck in Reverse do this for 2 sliders if 2 throttles, of course you wont have proppitch then my setup is Throttle1 Throttle2 PropPitch, with PropPitch 'reverse' doing PropPitchDecr, that makes my props put in feathered position (f.i. to control taxi speed) thus no Mixture
  5. I'll patiently wait and keep tinkering, the usual thx for you reply, MT
  6. I have moved FSX from 1st to 2nd to 3rd computer over time and changed Yokes and Rudders etc, and OS is XP or Vista and now Vista64, and Motherboards have different USB ports, and added a 'convenient' 4xHub to a front Port, and every time the INI goes haywire. At the moment I connect 1. Yoke (12buttons) 2. Rudder (3axis) 3. CHTrottleQ (6buttons/6sliders) 4. MS FF Joystick (9buttons) Presently my Yoke and Joystick thought it time to change # (#1-#3 swapped) I have a INI containing 1337 lines / 6 AC types (and growing) / and with 'compound', 'flagged' and 'widefs' buttons I just find/replaced most #1-#3 - and of course I missed something somewhere, that I still have to trace this describes my problem THAT's a great Idea "Yoke"=3 "Joystick"=1 etc something like this would defeat the MS Tombola eternally ;) grtz mt
  7. well, this happens now for the xxst time (6?9?) not upgrading hardware, i think it happened because of a BIOS flash so, "consider adding a translation table section to the INI file" would be a welcome addition indeed, vis-a-vis lets-see-what-MS-assignes-this-time thx mt
  8. Re: FYI PMDG 747X eratic autopilot: Turbulence suppress interesting, thx no addons running though with everything weather 'off'' in fsuipc, but Not 'turbulence' suppress, the 747 goes stupid FSX own turbulence weather the culprit? weird and I did found some old topics, but nothing that would point me to your information now thought I would post for others to find bit of a waste of my 747x, almost that I hadnt flown for years, for with my VA I fly PIC737, but with a new setup and a flight Beijing Amsterdam, I installed again an took me 20+ flights Schiphol-Dusseldorf to figure out why the 747X wasnt flying properly on its autopilot (unlike the FS9 version that flew rock solid) also wind was no more than 24KT on FL150, so bit weird ;) mt
  9. when fsuipc connected, my pmdg 747X could not keep proper LNAV track, 'drunken a-pilot syndrome' deleted DLL.XML and my pmdg 747X Behaved OK after trial and error - disabling any FSX controllers, all handled by FSuipc - deleting all joystick/joke buttons assignments in FSX - delete Mouse Yoke (and View) assignments - all weather enhancements FSuipc off - PMDG 2D-Panel performance higher 'Winds' page, 'Suppress these wind effects': turbulence suppress: check enable et voila, problem solved gusts and variance, no problem Allow changes to FS own weather, no problem Wind Smoothing, no problem seems FSuipc related, but shouldnt, how come turbulence suppress is a factor? PMDG 747X, latest patch v2.10.0040 FSuipc 4.316 (bad AP on previous version, 4.30, 4.303) FSX on Vista64, MSI 8800GT/512GB (see signature) mt
  10. your [Axes.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines Air Atlanta Icelandic] should be filled like your [Axes] appearantly you did not confirm the popup with 'specific aircraft' 'do you want default values assigned to new aircraft' something like that you can use an editor like notepad copy 0=0X,256,D,22,0,0,0 .. 6=1R,128,D,23,0,0,0 ;this is your flaps bytheway (23) .. 10=2R,256,D,3,36,0,0 to underneath [Axes.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines Air Atlanta Icelandic] then you should still calibrate all axis (must be a [JoystickCalibration.xxx] in your fsuipc.ini ) OR delete the [Axes.PMDG - 747-400 GE CF6 Engines Air Atlanta Icelandic] entry reload and now hit "aircraft specific" and DO hit 'want to assign default values .. " fsuipc can be edited and reloaded while flying, so in windowed mode, with a file viewer, you can chk the status of the file (I edit all the time while testing, and hit the 'reload' button, be aware FS will change the file also when flying)
  11. also happens when your fsuipc.ini goes corrupted / and you cannot see this, its on a bit level somehow (with me at least) rename you fsuipc.ini to anything restart FSX, see if still happens if ok, you have to setup a new FSuipc.ini (you can copy/paste to a new FSuipc.ini, copy/paste will clean out bad bits) if not, well its something else then :)
  12. I see this in my fsuipc.ini: [GPSout] GPSoutEnabled=No Port= Speed=4800 Interval=1000 PosTo6Decimal=Yes Sentences= seems you attach to Serial Port? and then let you GPS read port
  13. hi new install vista x64 and FSX SP2 by accident I connected my Joystick first, but my fsuipc.ini is setup with Yoke first (0,0) tried deleting all HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\Joystick\OEM\ but when I reattached my yoke first, it still came out (3,0) / there's a rudder and a throttle quad in between anywhere else where Vista x64 or FSX does a count for the game controllers? that I can reset to 0 thx mt
  14. perhaps Davian means the 'List of FSX controls.pdf' which I have a latest dated 28-8-2007, and probably comes from my fsuipc version v4.16 install and havent seen this file appear in later version installs? not sure
  15. I think its called Windows File Protection nice coding, welcome to the club
  16. apart from basics, and is the design of the yoke, apart from VC Panel Spot, you can consider Real AC yokes, that - different per AC type - have either: a TO/GA button, a COM (ATC) button, an AP Disconnect button etc. right on the Yoke (I definately need a COM button because I fly on VATSIM alot) Perhaps you can indeed check the default Saitek assignements, and you just start flying. You will run into the buttons you want while flying. Consider Show Overhead Panel / FMC / GPS / any panel etc interact with AP: increase/decrease SPD HDG ALT V/S etc interact with lights: Landinglight Taxi lights on/off Gear up/down Spoiler down/arm/up Flaps all increments Prop advance Mix advance anything you can think of according to the Real Checklist of the Aircraft Type when you fly first 1. Cessna and then 2. PIC737, you have a problem with assignments thats where fsuipc comes in just fly any procedure with specific plane, and when u think 'at this very moment i would like a button' ..
  17. if you cannot think of anythink more: if you're happy, you're happy
  18. mode 1,2,3 VC Panel Spot makes sensible 'standard' everything else is up to you mode 1 VC pan left/right zoom in/out trim up/down (or show instrument 1/2) button1; zoom 1 reset panel view mode 2 Panelview W / shft W (minipanel) zoom in/out trim up/down button 1: used for "Flag" "Compound" setting for multiple Main Panels: minipanel | LandingView | Standard | Copilot mode 3 Locked spotview pan left/right zoom in/out trim up/down button1: lock behind plane / zoom 1 etc etc mine are very much about view switching but easy to imagine someone wants to keep Trim Left / Right when flying VFR all the time like Cessna or Mooney I fly mostly B734, and only use Up/Down Trim, so that started the rearranging of buttons check out 'compound' buttons, buttons behave differently in different mode 'Flag' is hard to understand, see my other post for an example neither you can start by just rearranging the FS options / settings / controls, and get used to your Saitek but after a while you will encounter the limitations of that, and you'll want to mix in with FSUIPC definitions and then you''ll have to delete most FS assignments and do all your assignments in fsuipc, because fsuipc assignments can be way superior to FS's, but you will have to study the fsuipc manuals and that will take a while
  19. by the way a tip: you can change FSuipc within FSX and then 'reload buttons' or 'reload axis' in this way, you edit definition in an editor, Reload within FSX, test, Not Working?, find error, change, reload, test .. etc. FSuipc.ini is periodically saved by fsuipc iteself that is not what you want when editing, for it will save 'itself' so when you editor says 'file changed externally want to reload?' you must say 'no'
  20. prob not FSX location is defined in the registry and FSuipc location is found after start by the FSX /modules location as long as your external drive keeps the same driveletter ..
  21. Hi, I am the one metioning Delta Zone, read the manual, and its on 'Axis Assignement' in the middle "Delta" button, the box underneath is the value, and its default is 256, but press 1once, move your diff.brake LITTLE bit (like 'byond accidental') and press again. My value is 5500+ to make sure its not braking at 0. mode switch is a Whole Different Story making More Possibilities Like Original Mode Button (for in FSUIPC you Disable the driver) is called Compound for instance my buttons will do W shiftW in PanelMode BUT PanLeft and PanRight in VC and SpotMode =P0,8,C66654,0 ;mode1 VC VIEW_VIRTUAL_COCKPIT_FORWARD 66654 =P0,9,C66653,0 ;mode2 VIEW_COCKPIT_FORWARD 66653 =P0,10,K122,8 ;mode3 122=F11 < K="keyboard" and value in "FSUIPC4 for Advanced Users.pdf" above: "0," is my Saitek, being Joystick 0 8,9,10 are mode 1 2 3 buttons and defined here as VC Panel SpotView x=CP(+0,9)0,7,K87,9 ;if panel SHFT-W x=CP(+0,9)0,6,K87,8 ;if panel W x=CR(+0,8)0,7,C65672,0 ;if VC PanRight x=CR(+0,8)0,6,C65671,0 ;if VC PanLeft x=CR(+0,10)0,7,C65672,0 ; if F11 PanRight x=CR(+0,10)0,6,C65671,0 ;if F11 PanLeft I have per plane 65+ definitions like the above like the toggles on the Throttle Quad, will show/hide Panels in PanelView But are Different Per Plane Its easy when you know and Very Confusing when you start, so I wont show you my .ini, because I know you have to comprehend Above Examples first by reading the manual, or you'll only get more confused. ADVANCED: I just started FLAG conditions, see if you can figure out this one: x=H0,0,C1003,3855 ;3855=15,15 - Button Flag Set (C1003), Button Flag Clear (C1004), x=U0,0,C1004,3855 above button 0,0 is Saitek button 1 when Pressed (H) it sets a flag "3855" (Virtual Button 15,15) when Released (U) it releases the flag THEN in my Cheyenne plane with Multiple Main Panels (minpanel, landing view, regular, copilot) I defined this: ;Approach Panel = panel +W 101=CP(F-15,15)(+0,9)0,6,C65906,0 102=CP(F-15,15)(+0,9)0,6,K87,8 ;MINI panel Panel_1 + shftWx2 115=CP(F+15,15)(+0,9)0,6,C65906,0 ;panel1 116=CP(F+15,15)(+0,9)0,6,K87,9 117=CP(F+15,15)(+0,9)0,6,K87,9 ;NORMAL 65906 PANEL_1 110=CP(F-15,15)(+0,9)0,7,C65906,0 :COPILOT panel + 3x shftW 120=CP(F+15,15)(+0,9)0,7,C65906,0 121=CP(F+15,15)(+0,9)0,7,K87,9 122=CP(F+15,15)(+0,9)0,7,K87,9 123=CP(F+15,15)(+0,9)0,7,K87,9 cheers mt
  22. and to make sure there's no braking when stearing on takeoff, create some Delta non-movement (nul space), and create a 'reverse slope' (flat, then steep)
  23. Latest 4.26 shows the correct setting for 'turbulence in clouds' Much appreciated And have a nice Holiday mt
  24. get a version that does a proper install if at first install you m(*&%d up the directories then perhaps there are gauges missing or wrong directories, or bad tree dirs, or alias links within your aircraft folder not pointing correctly. thats when FSx crashes you should/could research how exactly the plane relates to all its files and sub directories, when you've done this ones, comes in handy with later problems first thing I do with a new plane is resize all panels to my liking, but it takes a while before you know what does what.
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