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Posts posted by Edge

  1. The pictures are one's I took last summer. The dock by the airport is for a passenger ferry I believe, because in one shot that I have, I see a small car ferry down further. The majority of the seaplanes are off to the left and close to town, a lot of them. I think what I might do is construct a site on MSN, then I will be able to add the pictures and those of you who want to view them and use them for construction purposes will be able to. I think I have some good shots for you.

    Holger. I see you deleted one of the posts, thanks. Now I see one and their is that RED X in the picture frame.


  2. I see where to EDIT/ DELTE, but after that I can't figure it out. Someone in management want to delete one of those double posts please. Then maybe you can tell me where to delete. As always when I go into a new arena, ( sounds like rodeo talk huh ), I have to learn new steps. :lol:


  3. I had a post in at Lago forums, and got the scoop. Yes, I had to install the 259 files in the Lago Sound folder and it now works. I just have to learn how too, LOL. I will. I wonder why they don't have the original FSE download complete with all the files. You would think having to BUY the program it would be. Thanks again for the help. See you in the skies.

    Larry KSEA :lol:

  4. Yes, that part is there. Click on Lago, then FS Enhancer, STOP PLAYER, START EDITER, ok, FSE Data Set Library and FSE Exchnage is grayed out, the rest are available. According to the Lago forum if one installs the sound pak 3, which has 259 sound files, it will make the Editer open. Does that seem right to you?? I hate to put in all those files and then have to take them out, if I can find them all.

    One other question. Do we need this FSE in order to make all the addons for MF work?? If not it looks like something I would like to do any way.

    Thanks, Larry

  5. I was playing around with FSE, or I tried to anyway, but when I click on Editer, nothing happens. I did register it. I went to their forums and what I found was, they said, Download, Soundpak 3. That was an answeer to other posts, and to also make sure the anything FSE was activated in Scenery Library, I would assume checked. Their is only one Lago file in there anyway, at least in mine. Does anyone have an explanation on this.

    Thanks, Larry

  6. If someone can tell me how I can post ( I am maxed out in here now with just 2 pics ) or send to you some pictures of ketchikan and the airport from the canal side, I would gladly do it. I have 5 altogether, one looking from the SE towards the airport with a cruise ship, planes and part of the harbor, another while leaving and heading north on the cruise ship with the marina in it, another loking SE back towards Ketchikan, and another of the airport and ferry dock. I forget the other. I made a folder of the area a few days ago for those that would be interested in just what you are talking about. I also have some of Tracey Arm. Fantastic sight. Let me know if you are interested.

  7. Thanks fellas, and yes I have received private message. The FAQ makes it much clearer but as I mentioned to you Doug, I had a couple of suggestions. As most of you probably know, installing procedures seem to be varied. I have done a few scenery downloads through the years and all are different. With the Misty group, I wanted to get it right from the beginning and get on the right track. Keep up the good work.

    Larry :D

  8. Hi Francois. Yes it is with Misty Moorings,and in this instance the MMI Basic, although I seen another that left one without direction to install. Good idea on the long post thing, copy and paste, and i kind of thought maybe it was a time thing, it was rather lengthy. Really the whole problem, for me, is in wording and and names of folders, and sometimes where to send them. We will get it ironed out I'm sure. I seen an e-mail adress for Misty so I will sens the problem off to them in as much detail as I can. Happy Anniversary. :D


  9. Thanks Jeff. I did give more detail the first time I tried to post, but as i said, it gave me an Invalid message when submitting and I was logged in. I will look to see if your Email add, is available I will send one off to you with further details or anyone else that would like to hear from the consumer sector, who do not have the same abilities as the developers. Basically the readme's need to be more defined as to direction, in my view and I'm sure others as well. I spent considerable time on my first message and like I said it went invalid. I don't want to do it again with the chance of it happening again. I just would like to see the installing process made as simple as possible with no hang ups and if this project takes off, and it looks like already is, then the installing process should be made easy and precise or, like I have done in the past, just forget it, and this one is too good to just drop. I will look for your Email and contact you. If your email is not available, we will figure out something. I am not trying to be a pest, just trying to help myself as well as others. Let's talk. Thanks


  10. I just got blown out of the water. I spent considerable time on the above subject to submit and got and Invalid soemthing or other. So now I have to start over. Going to make it short this time. The Readme's in my view need to be more specific. Renaming folders neds to be doen in order to not conflcit with other folders. You folks have done an excellent job and I am going to get it right because I am excited about this project.

    For those of you who work this all the time, it may seem like old hat, for me and others, not quite so, although I think I'm making progress. I can get more specific and I did when I tried to post before. If possible i would like to talk with someone involved with the project. I have TeamSpeak or MSN Messenger or cell phone in the US and I have SKYPE. Have you heard of that one??, works great and free, and you can conference with it also, clear as a bell, easy setup. For me though I cant rum FS9 and SKYPE, not enough POWER, yet, LOL. Most simmers probably could though. Ok, COFFEE BREAK NOW. Thanks.


  11. I think I figured it out for resizing. Right click the pic, click on Properties, Uncheck Read Only. I do have Ifranview and a couple other programs, but they would not work, until, I did the above. I resized them down some more and will post them in Subject called, Larry's Alaska Pics. Let's ee what happens. Question, 225 kb's seems awful small for storage.

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