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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. Hi,


    1.) The temperature expansion depends from the external temps, winds, and conditions(rain,snow or clear weather). From 500C with an 737, it normally takes 45 minutes to go back to normal.

    2.) Also the Airbus of Aerosoft does not use this SDK function.  For PMDG we tide it with the PMDG SDK.

    3.) If you want to see the messages to FS, you should check the enable messages to FS option.

    4.) We are planning to do somethink like that using the FS menus in the next updates.

    5.) This is happening because we are trying to reduce the full move while the fs plane tries to give full move.  There is no other way to implement this, but it does not create any problem in any case.

    You can disable our 3d camera movements and use ther trackir until we implement trackir compatibility.


    We talked with the AES deleloper, in order to tie those two programs. Sometime in the future it will be done.  We are waiting AES developer to do some AES internal implementation in order to be able to use this function.




  2. Runway friction in FSX... Problem identified: Unrealistic …

    Solution? FSPS's Frictionality


    Dear Simmers, we proudly present you “Frictionality” . The application that will change FSX's friction for ever...




    -       Real time rolling friction manipulation for all types of FSX runways for all wheel configuration aircraft.

    -       Real time friction manipulation for sliding and braking friction.

    -       Real time friction modifiers manipulation for Wet and Snow contaminated runways.

    -       No additional software necessary to send friction into FSX.

    -       Profile saving capability that enables you to save different friction sets for any aircraft of your fleet.

    -       Popular Aircraft profiles are provided build-in for ease of starting up.

    -       Ability to load profile from another aircraft. If they are similar models there is no need to set all the way the second aircraft.

    -       Ability to load profile from external sources. If you find a profile shared in the internet or a friend has one ready, loading it is a matter of just some clicks.

    -       Test mode to check how the changes you are doing reflects to the aircraft's usage.

    -       Results stored in Test mode table for reference during tests.

    -       Auto profile loading when selecting a 'ready' & saved aircraft.

    -       Significantly light application using latest programming technologies resulting in zero FSX frames reduction.

    -       Supporting both original and 'patched' Sim1.dll files.

    -       30 pages PDF manual.

    -       License transfer capability without need to contact Support in order to use software on as many PCs you want (only one will work at a time however).


                … and more


    More details at http://secure.simmarket.com/fsps-frictionality-fsx.phtml


  3. Hi,


    The program will always show the gpu cards in the row that Windows manage them. If you highlight any of then and press the set as default button, then the program will know which one you use for FS.

    Inside fsx.cfg file,  we do not mess with the GPU's.  Those informations inside there are being added by FSX and in some cases with a gpu driver upgrade, adds new entries.


    If you need us to customize your settings.ini file, send us a Copy of the settings.ini file and fsx.cfg file to our support ticket system at http://support.thefsps.com




  4. Thanks a lot for that clarification. Will the P3D version work for P3D v2, coming out very shortly? I think I will ditch FSX completely when P3D v2 comes out, so I will wait juuuust a bit before buying SimPhysics... But I WILL buy it. Sounds and looks like a great product.




    When P3D V2 publised, we will check possible changes to the SDK and fix our internal code changes if it needs.




  5. I am lost here. I consider buying Sim Physics, but thought it was a totally new product. Now I see posts from people buying Sim physics v1.1 in February 2013... ??? I dont get it.


    Is this a new thing, or is there something I have completely missed?


    Also - I seem to see several different products at simmarket. Sim physics, Sim physics X and Sim physics X/P3D - at very different prices - from 21 Euros to 35...


    AND in this thread (v.1.3) it claims to have P3D implementation - but why is there a product for sale at simmarket - for P3D then?


    What do I need? If I buy the latest Sim Physics - the one I have seen "released" just days ago - with icing effects among many other features - will it work for my FSX AND my P3D installation? I use both sims and I dont want to have to buy the product twice...


    Please help out a lost soul here. ;)

    Hi Ole,


    Sim Physics X was introduced back in March of 2013 for FSX only, with our commitement for P3D implementation.

    So, P3D version finished and included in Sim Physics X and the product renamed to Sim Physics X/P3D which contaions both versions (as bundle)


    Sim Physics X/P3D (bundle) splitted to Sim Physics X(new product) and Sim Physics P3D(new product)


    So now we have

    Sim Physics X/P3D - For FSX and P3D

    Sim Physics X - Only FSX

    Sim Physics P3D - Only P3D


    if someone uses both fsx and P3D then the bundle version is the best deal for him.




  6. Hi guys.

    I have purchased couple of months ago SimPhysics from "The FlightSim Store". Version 1.1. I couldnt install it properly, it run in some kind of corrupt and improper way. No answer for my ticket either. Is that possible to inform The FlightSim Store they change their current old version of your software for newer one? So, current and future customer can download proper files?







    Everyone has been notified to update the installer.


    Please add helpdesk@thefsps.com to your address book/contact list to ensure delivery of support emails.


    You can download the installer (Latest version) from the below link.





  7. Dear Customers,

    the latest Sim Physics X is out now with Prepar3d implementation.


    Version 1.3 (Middle of October 2013)

    - Current airport extra informations button moved to the left
    - Changes of FS Messages colors
    - Ground Deice (small bugs) resolved
    - Relative humidity improved
    - Water vapor Improved
    - Icing Diagram improved
    - Bumping sounds speed improved
    - New manual
    - Prepar3d Implementation
    - New activation file
    - Simconnect disconnetions bug resolved
    - Simconnect connection status
    - Frictions directly written to sim1.dll. No need anymore for registered FSUIPC.
    - Improved Nearest Airports
    - Improved Brake Expansion Temperature
    - New DLL files
    - Better CPU utilization
    - Better Memory management
    - New FSUIPC Version included
    - New Configurator
     - Supports up to 150 payload stations (Special fix for Captain Sim Planes)
     - Creating database improved
     - New MakeRunways Version





  8. Hi,


    There are some extra tweaks for DX10, but also the DX9 tweaks works quite well.  Xtreme FSX Booster includes DX10 tweaks for almost 2 years.

    FSX Booster 2013 does not include the extra DX10 tweaks, but we will add them in the next update.




  9. Hi,

    I do not wish to create a new theme. At me the same problem. After reinstallations systems Win7 the program is not activated. It is bought on Simmarket 21.05.12 order - 874693. Has written the letter in Support - the answer has not received.   I ask to help.



    Hi Sergey,


    Serial had been reactivated. You can now use it again to re-validate the software.

    Please remember:

    Before any major hardware or O/S changes in your computer, or if you want to install the product in another computer, or if you want to uninstall it and install it again, ...

    You can press "Transfer License" button. This will delete the license info (like we do now) and you will be able to reactivate the program easily and without application blocking, after the changes.

    You should remove your license:

    - if you want to move license to another machine

    - before formatting your hard drive

    - before flashing motherboard bios or cd/dvd firmware

    - before installing new operating system

    - before erasing all files from hard drive

    PLEASE ALSO MAKE SURE that during 'Transfer License' and serial activation procedure you had - at least temporarily - set your Antivirus and firewall applications to OFF , as web-services like this , are often ID'ed mistakenly as threats to PC, which of course is not accurate.

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