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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. Some Additional Questions:

    My FSUIPC.ini appears to have lost the


    1=Lua DynamicFriction

    entry. Did FSPS do this? Is there a problem running them both? I also see:



    In the fsuipc.ini (where my DynamicFriction entry used to be). However, no such lua file exists on my computer. I don't get any errors, but would the FSPS.lua file need to be in the modules folder for the program to work?

    >>My FSUIPC.ini appears to have lost the


    1=Lua DynamicFriction<<





    >>In the fsuipc.ini (where my DynamicFriction entry used to be). However, no such lua file exists on my computer. I don't get any errors, but would the FSPS.lua file need to be in the modules folder for the program to work?<<

    The lua file is being produced by the sim physics x. You do not have to add something at the modules folder. We do that and it is not static.



  2. Whenever I fly with Sim Physics X that wheel screeching just starts when I'm rolling, but then it never stops. I have the newest version of FSUIPC and it seems like the runway bumping effects and icing effects don't really do anything either.

    Any help?




    Did you build the database?

    What fsuipc version you have?



  3. Dear Simmers,

    An update is available for Sim Physics X (Version

    Sim Physics X Version

    - New manual

    - New dll files for sounds

    - All internally fonts replaced

    - Icing chart history increased

    - Controls chart history increased

    - Program startup speed increased

    - Disconnection FSUIPC problems in some cases resolved

    - Gauge connection status added at top right corner

    Red = No FS Connection

    Yellow = FS Connected but in pause or slew mode or in menu activity

    Green = FS Connected

    - Braking temps for unregistered fsuipc users code updated

    - Icing chart problem fixed

    - Updated code for charts

    - Analog brakes antiskid added (needs the configurator

    - Better memory management implemented (lower cpu usage)

    - Internal code update for big databases

    - Diagrams to Charts tab renamed

    - deggrees to degrees typo fixed

    - New Physics Configurator Version

    - Messages to show airplanes done list added

    - Airplanes done list option added

    - Supports up to six Joysticks

    - Supports analog brakes for antiskid

    - New alert messages added

    - New activation executable




  4. Hi,

    1. ) Probably somethink is wrong with this cfg file. Please send the aircraft.cfg file of CS 727-200F to take a look at it. http://support.thefsps.com

    2.) The program can alert what planes did not modified. But we can update it to inform also what planes done. (Noted for the next update)

    3.) Thats sounds impossible. The only I can imagine, is that your registry for fsx is not correct and the program reads another folder? Can you confirm that the folder showed at the configuration is the correct position of FSX installation?



  5. Hi,

    1.) Icing system is available for any kind of aircraft (payware or not). When ice start building, the program will inform you and ice will be build as payload to your aircraft like in reality. We do not use the FS implementation (as it not works) but our own based on aviation documentations.

    2.) It does not matter. It works in all cases

    3.) Of cource. If antiice is off then the ice build up will be faster but it also depends from many other circumstances. In any case antice is implemented.

    4.) This will not react because we do not have any flag from aerosoft to check if it is on or off. Brakes will expand the temperature depending the wind, the OAT and etc.



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