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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. Hi,

    Just edit fsx.cfg file without booster running. It is very simple.

    While xtreme program is running, is keeping a backup of your original fsx.cfg file, and when it closes it will give you back your original one.

    RejectThreshold will be added by xtreme but with a value that is calculated based on your hardware.

    Did you read the manual?

    You start xtreme, you press prepare to fly and when you get a ready message you start fsx.

    Starting xtreme program for first time, will add the best settings reading your hardware and save the best settings at default profile.

    If you need us to customize your profile (for better results), then use the support system


  2. AchillesP

    There we go again. I need to revalidate my serial no. !!!

    I work with two Windows 7, FSX partitions on my PC. In addition I use a software “Ghost” to create backups of these partitions. When things go wrong I have to start from cero rebuilding any one of these partitions. Sometime I call back an old backup that DO NOT HAVE XTREME INSTALLED and I get in trouble because I have to open a new ticket and ask you for a revalidation. This is a pain on the neck.

    Please free me of this problem and give me a serial No. that does not need a constant revalidation. TY!!!!


    pm me

  3. Hi,

    In some cases, you need to execute the program as win xp sp3 compatibility. This seems to happening to some win7 systems with some languages.

    But in any case the solution is to execute the program as win xp sp3 compatibility.

    For better performance, you can send us the fsx.cfg and settings.ini file (from inside the program folder) to http://support.thefsps.com



  4. I just purchased 3d real cockpit and much to my disappointment is does not function with Trac IR. I see that I am not the only one with this problem.

    Please advise when an update addressing the issue can be expected or please refund my purchace,

    Perhaps it would help if you noted this incompatability in the product description.



    We have our trackir5 unit and the sdk which we work in another program. When it is done it will be added also at 3d real cockpit effect program.

  5. Hi,

    I am still waiting for response from FSPS. I have added fsps to my address book as you suggested and nothing happened. Can you help????? Please. Marbasan.


    Three tickes repiled

    423162 at 12/13/2012

    403669 at 12/16/2012

    473174 at 12/16/2012

    I will reply to this again. Report that you have recieved them please.

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