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Achilles Philippopoulos

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Posts posted by Achilles Philippopoulos

  1. Hi and that you for the recent up-grade.

    I am not sure if its me, But i do find the open menu had to follow, So any help would be great.

    i didn't get the best out of the old version of Extreme and stopped using it and decided to up-grade the processor to 3 GHz From 2.

    I have just done the most recent up-grade and it says that i can run the software without making any tweeks, So i am happy with that , But i am unsure about the add-on section and the auto section.

    I have MTX 54 as a add-on at the moment, But i also have the following and i need to no if i have to have these on the add-ons or does the Auto add-on do it for me.

    I have the following

    1. UT2

    2. quality wings 757

    3. Heathrow Extreme (only gives 6 FPS)

    Do i need to add these into the add-on section for me to get the best frame rates?



    At addons you have to place (if you like) programs that runs out of FS, like active sky for example.

    If you get low frames at some sceneries, then please send your fsx.cfg file and settings.ini file from inside xtreme fsx pc folder to support@thefsps.com

  2. Hi

    I have the same issue as discussed previously: select my preferred profile etc and get to "Ready for external launch... You can now start FSX...." but the moment I start FSX I get "FSX Closed.... If you want to Fly again, press prepare for Fly....." but of course now it is greyed out as above.

    I have the latest version

    Can anyone advise what to do.



    You are running fsx as adminstrator. Thats the reason. FSX does not need admin rights

  3. Dear Simmers,

    FSPS announces the booster for Prepar3d.

    Xtreme P3D Booster has been designed keeping in mind the thousands of possible hardware configurations. The special software analyzes your computer hardware in depth (CPU, GPU, memory, hard disc speed and etc.) and sets a number of documented and undocumented tweaks to the correct values that is optimal for your PC.

    No technical knowledge is needed. Just execute Xtreme P3D Booster, then Prepar3D and enjoy it with the maximum frames and smoothness you can get from your PC without changing any of your Prepar3D sliders.

    While some tweaks have been posted at many forums, many of them can not work for anyone. Tweaks are values that configure Prepar3D internal code options. So, if you just copy a tweak with the value, Prepar3D will slow down or became unstable if this value is not suitable for your PC. Of course, many tweaks are tide together, so, if one tweak value is ok and the other is not, then the result will be the same. There are almost 10 important tweaks that needs to be calculated exactly and all of them need a lot of calculations. So, the maximum calculations can be millions. That’s why we are using computers and software’s. Computers do those calculations for us in just some milliseconds and not days, months, years. This is what Xtreme P3D Booster can do for your Prepar3D. Give the maximum from Prepar3D code.

    So, at every execution, Xtreme P3D Booster while reading all of your current hardware will do special calculations about the tweaks that need to apply for your Prepar3D.

    Also, most of the Simmers, except Prepar3D use also external programs/utilities like Active sky and etc. Any of those programs consumes a lot of CPU power that Prepar3D needs. Setting those kind of add-ons inside Xtreme P3D Booster, will handle them in a special way. Those programs will always try to find idle core or cores of your CPU will they are running without affecting the cores that works for Prepar3D. So, Prepar3D will always be the program with the most dedicated CPU Power.

    Xtreme P3D Booster, is a complete solution for starters and Xtreme simmers.


  4. I'm using Dolby Cockpit and after updating to version the program will not recognize which plane I'm flying. I have saved my setup with regards to the different speaker settings for Flaps, Landing Gear, etc. but it does not recognize my plane as it did before the update.

    Thanks, Lee


    Can not reproduce it. It works just fine. The new update includes new dll file for connection with fs. So, Make sure you have also the latest version of fsuipc installed

  5. Hi,

    All Norton consumer products (Norton AntiVirus, Internet Security and 360) use the Norton Insight features to test the reputation of files during downloads and scans to check for items like SHA hash tags, digital signatures and the number of users in the general community who have that file on their system before deciding if a file should be "trusted". There is a feature called Norton Community Watch that will submit regular reports about applications running on a user's system back to the Symantec servers so that Symantec knows if a file is "prevalent" in the general community. Files are often flagged as generic WS.Reputation.1 detections when very few users in the Norton community have that file on their computer and are therefore classified as "low prevalence" or "reputation unknown".

  6. That's the file I am editing (in the Roaming/Microsoft/FSX/ directory). Just to make sure I followed your steps exactly, but with the same result: after re-starting Booster, opening an FSX flight and closing FSX and Booster again, the change are gone. Does this procedure work for you?

    To be more specific, here are the changes I am trying to make:


    DAY_THRESHOLD=20000 // default 32768

    NIGHT_THRESHOLD=10000 // default 4096



    Those day and night can be added without the //

    the image_pixels, is handled by the program according to your pc specs. 128 is huge setting and have very big stutters

  7. Hi,

    I am generally very happy with FSX Booster, it runs without problems and greatly improved the performance of my system.

    However, I need help with one point: some 3rd party addons require changes to the fsx.cfg file, for instance to avoid trees on runways. I tried to edit fsx.cfg (with FSX Booster and FSX not running) but FSX Booster always overwrites these changes when I start the program afterwards. How can I make those changes stick?


    Every change you make to fsx.cfg file, if you want to stay, you have to do it without fsx booster running.

  8. Thanks for the assistance. I tried the patch - no difference. Checked temps of GPU - 51 degrees which is normal under load. Did some testing last night - am able to run everything outside of Xtreme FSX booster. When I use the booster, it runs fine until I activate the add on program called arrcab 2.6 (arrestor cables). FSX then freezes and the booster wants to re-activate. Don't know why this didn't happen in the past. Maybe I'll try to have this program load on within booster, otherwise I'll just not use the booster until I can get the problem worked out. Lots of variables involved here - kinda like a puzzle. Not so serious that I still can't enjoy the sim though.

    It may this happen now due to windows update. Some files may changes and the handle for this file is different.

  9. I just fly using the add on Superbug by VRS. I have Windows 7 64 bit and read an earlier post regarding a 4GB memory fix. I downloaded it and we'll see tonight how it runs. I have a 6-core 3.3 Ghz. system AMD. The only other thing was that I added in a new video card, Radeon 7950 2gb but I think if anything, this would boost my performance. I think it maybe something with the add on arrcab (carrier arrest cables) which activate when you are near a carrier. I will try FSX without using that add on and see also if the problem still occurs. I'm not really an expert on these issues, so I'm open to all assistance and will try anything.


    One think can be the 4gb patch, the other one can be the gpu temp. Try also to increase the gpu air vent.

  10. Hello - I've been having a problem recently with Xtreme FSX Booster V 2. I've had the software for a while and just use default settings while in FSX. I did some overclocking to my CPU which, when tested, all was ok. I also run FSX with some scenery add-ons like REX 2 Extreme and Ground Environment Pro, FS Recorder and arrcab 2.6 (arrester cables). I run these programs outside of FSX Booster.

    Anyways, lately when I'm flying, after about 1 hour, FSX freezes and becomes non-responsive. I check FSX Booster and the settings have been saved and tells me to choose a setting to "fly again". It seems that the program is saving some settings, which then interrupts FSX. The only way out of this is to quit FSX, activate FSX Booster, then re-start FSX.

    I've set my BIOS back to standard, problem still occurs with freezing of FSX. No hardware bottlenecks. I reloaded FSX Booster and same problem. All components and drivers are up to date. I fly multiplayer a lot but am getting a bit bummed having the constant freeze-ups.

    Any possible ideas on how to troubleshoot this??



    This is happening with a specific plane or any plane?

  11. Hi Paul,

    Using the below code


    FSUIPCConnection.AITrafficServices.OverrideGroundTrafficINISettings(ATCIdentifier.AirlineAndFlightNumber,True, 0, 0)

    FSUIPCConnection.AITrafficServices.OverrideAirborneTrafficINISettings(ATCIdentifier.AirlineAndFlightNumber, RangeInNM:=0)

    all the airborn traffic ATCIdentifier returns the AirlineAndFlightNumber

    all the ground traffic ATCIdentifier returns only the Airline

    Can you check it please?



  12. Hi,

    There's nothing wrong with the code that I can see. I've tried it here using "02BC" (Airspeed) in the textbox and it worked fine.

    It would depend on what you're typing into the textbox and what kind of data is stored at that offset. You can obviously only use offsets of 4 bytes that are integers with the code you posted.

    This is not related to your problem, but you need to be careful when creating offsets when the program is running. When you 'Dim' a new offset it's registered with the FSUIPCConnection class which holds a reference to that Offset instance it. If that offset then goes out of scope in your program it will still be registered with the FSUIPCConnection class. Therefore it is still taking up memory and will still be read every time you do Process().

    As your program is at the moment, if you use this dynamic feature 50 times you will have all 50 offsets still in memory and all 50 being read each Process().

    To clean up offsets you don't want any more you must either:

    1. Disconnect them by calling MyOffset.Disconnect()


    2. Delete the group they are in (If you put them in a group). e.g. FSUIPCConnection.DeleteGroup("MyTemporaryOffsets")

    Here is your code again (works here for a few offsets I tried - e.g. 02BC (Airspeed)) but with the disconnect in:

    Dim Newoffset = "&H" & TextBox1.Text
    Dim readoffset As Offset(Of Integer) = New FSUIPC.Offset(Of Integer)(Newoffset)


    If you still have problems let me know what offsets don't work.


    After pc restart it worked. Do not know what happend. It must be related to VS2010 bug. At VS2008 it worked fine

    Thanks Paul for your time



  13. Hi Achilles,

    All the locations used in my DLL are an instance of the FsLatLonPoint class. This has properties for the Longitude and the Latitude which are instances of FsLongitude and FsLatitude. These classes have various properties for obtaining the lon/lat in various ways.

    It's all explained on the Intellisense and in the user guide. If you're not seeing the intellisense then make sure you have the FSUIPCClient.XML file in the folder as the FSUIPCClient.DLL.

    To answer your specific question about the lon/lat of AI traffic you can use the following to get the lon and lat as a numeric value of degrees:

    Dim aiPlaneLat As Double = myAIPlane.Location.Latitude.DecimalDegrees
    Dim aiPlaneLon As Double = myAIPlane.Location.Longitude.DecimalDegrees



    Thats my fault. The xml was missing.

    Thanks Paul

  14. Ah, ok... I thought that I should extract something from the zipfile to put anywhere inside FS...

    Is it possible to hear all the samples which are inside to see which sounds it has? Suppose that I would like to substitute one voice for another one found in a video or something, is it possible to do that?


    No, it is not possible because in the past some people used to change the sound files and then the software did not work. The program contains all the announcements that you can hear also in a real flight at the time that it has to be announced.

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