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Pete Dowson

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Everything posted by Pete Dowson

  1. You need to read the section in the documentation about how to buy the access key, or refer to the announcement at the top of this forum about "Paying for FSUIPC -- the Why and How". There's also a link to the registration page in SimMarket in the Schiratti download page, and in the list of supported versions above. Regards, Pete
  2. Assuming you are on the ground at KMCO, then: 1. The direction is more or less correct. The difference between ATIS 097 (True) and WeatherSet's reading of 094 True will simply be that you are not positioned dead at the METAR station coordinates and are therefore seeing an interpolated value, influenced a little by another METAR station nearby. 2. Some of the difference between the 094 Tue and the Shift+Z 103 Magnetic is the Magnetic Variation at KMCO, which is 3 or 4 degrees I think. Not sure about the rest. The Shift+Z does give the Ambient Wind, at the aircraft, which doesn't have to be exactly whatever is predicted or measured at the Station, though it usually is pretty close. It might be worth just taking off and checking the wind off the surface. 3. The wind speed of 1 knot is coincidentally the exact speed set by FSUIPC if you've got TaxiWinds enabled, either manually or on automatic. If automatic, then this speed will change (slowly if you have wind smoothing on) to the correct speed when you take off. Regards, Pete
  3. Normally you'd set that 'grey screen' to be minimised, or at least only showing the title bar so you can see the status. WideClient, which is what that screen represents, is the substitute for FS on that Client PC. It is providing the FSUIPC interface for your FSUIPC applications to interface to. All you need to do is, instead of running the applications on the FS PC, run them on the Client. That is what WideFS is for, as it says in the documentation. Oh dear. You cannot run FSNavigator that way. It is NOT an FSUIPC application -- it doesn't use FSUIPC at all. Not only that, it isn't even a separate program, it is an FS DLL. It can only be run in FS. It is because of early misunderstandings like this that I added the big boxed IMPORTANT NOTE near the beginning: If you want to run a map program, find one which is actually a program, and which interfaces to FSUIPC. Then just run it on the Client PC. There are no settings to try. You have it working. Now just run the applications you want to run. Regards, Pete
  4. Where is FS2004 showing this 181/46 wind? In the Shift+Z display on screen? Try using WeatherSet2 to check weather. When you download real weather you don't just get one set of weather, you get a set for every METAR station. I should think that a 30 mile circuit in Florida will take you through several different areas, so the weather you see will be interpolated each time from a number of stations. I don't know this "ABGC " ND, but if it is written correctly and interfaces to FSUIPC to get its wind details, it should be showing the same as Shift+Z. Regards, Pete
  5. No, sorry, thee's no way I can detect those really, let alone specify them. The way it is coded you can have one of more shift key (Ctrl, Shift or Alt) plus a normal key. Alt isn't a good idea anyway as it brings up the menu and the other key press parts are then usually lost. to make up for that, in the FSUIPC end of things, I allow TAB as a shift key. This should give you ample combinations not otherwise used. I really think you can find enough combinations of (any 1 or more of Shift, Control, Tab) + (almost any other key). Regards, Pete
  6. They are all okay. Hmmm. It's a bit of a puzzle. This is where I would start trial-and-error. As you say, reinstall Network cards, and so on. But I don't understand why there are no error messages. I assume there are still none if you allow WideClient to run longer than the 4 seconds you showed in the first log? Pete
  7. That shows no errors either. So, sorry, there's not a lot I can tell you. you might try running the client for a bit longer than 4 seconds of course -- terminating it so soon doesn't give it a chance. Also, check that you have not changed the Port number in either case, no have one set for TCP/IP and the other for IPX/SPX (I can check for you if you show me the INI files). But if these things are okay, or left defaulted, and you are never getting connected, then, I'm sorry, but there's no erros being reported. it is just as if they are on different Networks or something. If it was okay once then obviously you have changed something. You really do need to try to work out what it was. Regards, Pete
  8. That was the log from the Client, and at least it got the IP address for your Server. What does the Server say? If this problem only recently started, you need to think what you changed. Did you add a firewall (eg. XP SP2) or something like that? Or a router? I see no error messages in the Client log though. However, you closed the program after less than 4 seconds, so it may simply not have had time to exchange data by then. Was FS already loaded? It may simply be waiting for FS to be loaded and ready to fly -- WideServer does not offer its services until then. Regards, Pete
  9. Why didn't you say? It would have saved some time. Please try adding [buttons] PollInterval=50 PollEpicButtons=No to the FSUIPC.INI file, before loading FS. (Just insert the two parameters if you already have a [buttons] section). If this doesn't solve it, try 60 instead of 50. Please let me know. So far, the only folks who have reported button polling problems with 3.30 are those using Windows 98 rather than Windows XP. I think it is related to the older USB code. I notice you are using Windows 2000, so maybe the same applies. Can you tell me if there are many USB devices on your system? In the next version I will be defaulting the PollInterval to 50 on Windows 98 systems. I would like your feedback on Windows 2000 as it may be that I should impose this limitation on that system too. Thanks, Pete
  10. I think, in the end, that particular one turned out to be due to a bad version of FSNavigator -- an update to that fixed it. In that case it's the joystick scanning problem, which was diagnosed, and fixable in 3.22 with additions to the FSUIPC.INI file (there are a couple of threads about that here someplace) However, 3.22 was replaced over a month ago by 3.30. I cannot support old versions I'm afraid. Please check the list of supported versions (an announcement near the top of this Forum) before reporting problems, and update to the latest version first. If you still have problems, get back to me. I can deal with reports about supported versions. Regards, Pete
  11. Oh, but I am not using PFC. I didn't mean the "also" as "as well as you", but just "also, in addition to WidevieW and WideFS" -- I mentioned it in case it was relevant to the problem he had. Maybe it was not relevant. Either way, let me know if you do have such a problem. Regards, Pete
  12. It's the Windows virtual keycode for TAB, which is 9. Last time I actually published a full list was in the FS2000 Controls list, which is still available over in the http://www.schiratti.com/dowson page. The list starts off: 3 Ctrl Break (needs shift state = 10) 8 Backspace 9 Tab 12 NumPad 5 (NumLock OFF) 13 Enter 19 Pause 20 Caps lock (usable with Shift but not with Cntrl) 10 is correct for Control, yes. The ActionKeys parameter is "ActionKeys=Yes", not "Y". Please re-check the document. The KeySend is okay if you put 9 in for TAB. Make sure both lines go into the [user] section. Where are you putting this? I suggested that you program the key in FSUIPC, you don't want to be messing about in the WideServer.INI file! Just program the button to send KeySend in FSUIPC, with a parameter of 1. Where do you get this other stuff? The method of programing the actual joystick button number in WideServer dates back about 6 years and was aimed at EPIC users, before FSUIPC was even thought of. No, no. FSUIPC does not assume any button numbers. Please, please, just program the keysend in FSUIPC, as I suggested in the first place. Regards, Pete
  13. Yes. Mind, I did have one user, also using PFC equipment, with a problem where with WideFS and WidevieW both installed into FS2004, FS was crashing after 15-30 minutes, whereas it wasn't without either one or the other. This seems to have disappeared with a more recent interim test version of FSUIPC, but I don't know what was causing it. If you do try it and have any problems like that, just let me know. Perhaps you could mention this to that other person, too? Regards, Pete
  14. 3.308 is a test version on limited release, including the ActiveSky beta group. I do not supply interim test releases openly, they only go out for specific reasons, and in those cases it is the responsibility of the application software authors to take care of it. I would therefore assume that you should find 3.308 inside the ActiveSky package -- if not, please contact whoever supplied it. Regards, Pete
  15. As far as I know there is no reason why you cannot run them together. They use different socket numbers by default. Wideview still uses IPX/SPX whilst WideFS is better these days using TCP/IP, but can use either. Naturally you cannot run WideClient on the same PC as a WidevieW client -- WideClient is "pretending" to be FS so that FSUIPC-interfacing applications can link to it. If FS was running WidevieW on the same PC, there would be an ambiguity. Neither will actually load if the other is loaded first. So, this means that some of your client PCs will be WideFS clients, running FS applications, and others will be WidevieW clients running FS and providing more views. Regards, Pete
  16. Using KeySend, you mean? 1. You do not identify the client. WideServer broadcasts the KeySend values to all clients. Only those clients with the relevant KeySend programmed will respond, that is all. 2. All the rest of the information you need is in the WideFS documentation. You'll need two parameter lines adding (in the WideClient.ini file -- there is no "CFG") -- one to tell it to look for the Keys in the first place and the other to tell it what keystroke to produce. TThe keycodes are listed in the documenatation. 3. To get the keypress specifically sent to a particular program it is easiest and most reliable to get WideClient to LOAD your program in the first place. That way it knows about it and can direct it precisely. Please see the documentation, that is what it is for. By all means ask specific questions if you get puzzled, but please do not expect me to reproduce the documentation here. Regards, Pete
  17. Is this stuff Project Magenta, or what? You've not yet once mentioned what software you are using. As you registered FSUIPC and WideFS I assume that, whoever's software it is, it interfaces to FS via FSUIPC though. Right? Ah, this is a HARDWARE, not a SOFTWARE question then? You initially only asked if you could run the CDU software, whatever it is, on the FS PC. And as I said, if it uses FSUIPC then, yes, of course -- provided it has access permission which, as you have registered FSUIPC, it will have. However, hardware-wise I really don't know. It seems very unlikely that you can send a different image out of the TV-compatible socket on your video card than the one on your main FS monitor. So, are you not having any display for FS? Seems to me more likely that you would succeed running the CDU on a dedicated PC. Why do you want it running on the FS PC? Anyway, I think you need to ask your questions in a Forum where there may be some folks who know more about video cards and their drivers. Regards, Pete
  18. Sounds like the email address got messed up someplace then. Did you find the way to report problems? If you send it as an attachment with an explanatory message to me at petedowson@btconnect.com I'll pass it on. Regards, Pete
  19. Possibly the email with the key went astray. You should have received it within 24 hours. I'm pretty sure there's a Problem reporting procedure on the website somewhere. You should use that as soon as possible after things look like they've gone wrong. I don't think SimMarket have any non-automated emails. They deal with everything through the website. If your registration has been done and it is simply that he email got lost, you can go to http://www.simmarket.com, open your account, and retrieve your keys there. Try that first, then the Problems method. If no joy either way get back to me and I'll forward the problem to their manager. Regards, Pete
  20. If you are talking about something which is running on WideClient, then all you need to realise is that WideClient is simply providing a networked copy of the FSUIPC interface available on the FS PC. In other words, it is really the other way around -- if it runs on FSUIPC (on the FS PC) then it will also run on WideFS on a Client PC. That is the purpose of WideFS, to extend the interface across the Network. So the answer is 'yes' -- assuming you are talking about some program which interfaces to FSUIPC and which you are running via WideFS. I'm afraid you give so little information that I'm having to guess. The only proviso (yes, there is always one), is that your program, the one you want to run directly on FSUIPC, will either need to have a proper access key for FSUIPC access, or you must have registered FSUIPC as a user (i.e. paid for a user key and entered it). With WideFS you must have purchased a key for that in any case, but the FSUIPC one is separate. Regards, Pete
  21. If it is controllable through the PM offsets then it will be possible, and that would be the best way. See PM's documentation, http://www.projectmagenta.com/resources/PMOffsets.html. I'm afraid I don't know Airbus or ECAM, but would these 04F4 values be relevant? Further on, there's Now I think all four of those are assigned special PM controls in FSUIPC. Did you try the synoptics one, or only the engine page one? Maybe some clarification from the PM folks is needed? I'm afraid I'm no expert on PM, far from it. Anyway, if there really is no offset controlling that selection (which seems very unlikely), then instead you can program your button press as a KeySend number, to send a message through to the WideClient running your ECAM, and then you can define that KeySend value to produce the F7 keystroke. The KeySend assignment can be done in FSUIPC's Buttons page (just look for the KeySend command. Assign a parameter -- 1 is fine if you've not used KeySend before. You can have up to 255 such assignments, 1-255). The programming of the F7 key to KeySend n (eg KeySend1, if you did set the parameter to 1) is done by eiditing the WideClient.ini file on the PC running the ECAM. Details of all that are in the WideFS documentation, not FSUIPC. Regards, Pete
  22. Ah, yes. It probably is! :) Actually sausages are quite a serious business here, probably more so than politics :D. Of course, we have 'proper' sausages, packed not just with meat, but all sorts of assorted other goodies, and most folks certainly do distinguish between those other things, as they provide much of the flavouring. The meat part is usually just minced pork, but also beef and even venison ones are common. Anyway, back on the subject, I will be looking to see if I can refine the "Repeat" coding so that it doesn't prevent multiple events from the same instigating button. That's a side effect I hadn't intended, so thanks for 'finding' that bug for me. Regards, Pete
  23. That's okay if you want those actions to occur unconditionally. Without the condition attached, they are obviously unconditional. How do you expect FSUIPC to understand you meant it to search through all the other lines to see if there were any conditions applying first before applying what is plainly defined as an unconditional requirement? You have things slightly wrong. The button being actioned in both cases in your example is #12. When #12 is seen, FSUIPC scans your list to see if there's anything it needs to do. If there is, it processes all the lines with #12 as the prime instigator, and checks the conditions, if any. It treats each and every line the same -- independently of all the others. As the documentation clearly says, you can have many more than one action resulting from the same single button press -- this is often the only way to do some things, and is the programming way of getting sequences -- sequences of controls or keypresses or a mixture. If it were programmed your way, multiple actions for a keypress would not be possible without changing things completely and allowing lists of actions on the same line. You can use it with the Repeat. This is not about the repeat, though that is what showed up the weakness (bug if you like) in my recent releases. Even if it were a simple Press programming, it would still occur unconditionally UNLESS you add the conditions, as I said. It's in this item of the release notes for 3.30 (in the History document and in the Announcements above): I don't know, sorry. But why reject out of hand the solution I gave you? All you had to do was cut and paste from my message into your INI file. What's so hard? I don't understand. Why don't you want to make the pitch and mixture inc/decs conditional on neither of your control buttons being pressed? Regards, Pete
  24. PMDG's products work without you having to pay separately for FSUIPC. They have a licence. The installation instructions, which are also in the User documentation, merely say to copy the FSUIPC.DLL into the FS Modules folder. If there is an existing one then it will simply replace it -- Windows takes care of that, as it doesn't allow more than one file with the same name in the same folder. It may prompt you for confirmation that you do want to replace it, but there shouln't be anything stopping you installing a new version. That is, unless you have FS running at the time. You cannot replace bits of FS whilst it is running, and FSUIPC effectively becomes a part of FS. PMDG have lousy documentation then, because they register automatically for FSUIPC access and shouldn't need any number whatsoever for their programs to run. I suggest you report this mess back to PMDG, but it seems odd that this is the first time I have heard of any of their customers getting in such a tangle. There is no such thing as a "PMDG version" and "my version". At any time there is one current version, and that is the version listed in the announcement near the top of the forum (3.30 at present). All that happens is that many companies supply and install FSUIPC with their package so it is complete and working when the customer installs it all. Usually the version they supply is a little out of date, that's all. User registration is a separate matter entirely and nothing whatsoever to do with PMDG. PMDG customers do not need user registration if they do not need the extra FSUIPC facilities. Once you do register it won't matter which version 3.xx of FSUIPC you have installed, the registration covers you for all of them. It is best to keep up to date, though. That's why I post announcements here, regularly. I still don't understand, though, how you are travelling in circles over this. :( Regards, Pete
  25. Erno wonder you are going in circles! :shock: You can't have the number to enter until you've paid. If numbers were given out free, how many do you think would then pay? Why bother to have a number in that case? It then amounts to a voluntary payment scheme, which I tried first and which failed dismally, I'm sorry to say. :cry: See the FSUIPC user document? It is in the FSUIPC ZIP. There's a section there, early on, about how to pay, and a link to the web site to do it. There is also an Announcement near the top of this forum entitled "Paying for FSUIPC -- the Why and How". Check there. There is also a link on the main download page over at http://www.schiratti.com/dowson clearly marked "For the FSUIPC Registration Page ...". There is even a link provided in the "List of Current Supported Versions" announcement near the top of this Forum. It starts "Registration at ...". Not sure there are many other places I could plaster the information? :wink: Pete
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