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aua668 last won the day on February 13 2024

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  • Birthday 10/03/1960

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  1. Install_FSUIPC4971.zip Here you go... BR Reinhard
  2. Hi, No problem - thanks for looking at the request. BR Reinhard
  3. Hi John, Not an urgent problem but just a suggestion for future versions of FSUIPC, which could save a lot of LUA programming if you want to make multiple use of a single button. Very often many users with a limited number of buttons make use of the method, to distinguish between a shot button press and a long one to trigger different functions. There is a nice example in the documentation folder (TripleUse.lua), how to solve this by a LUA program. But you have to code this for all button events, which you monitor, where you need this functionality. The current syntax of the event.button trigger (or at least one of the four possible) looks like this: event.button(joynum, button, downup, "function-name") Addimg one additional parameter (duration in msec to identify a long press) in case of downup being 2 (detecting the up event) could return a different downup for a short and for a long button press. event.button(joynum, button, downup, "function-name",longpress) event.button(j17, 3, 2, "myFunction",2000) for example would return downup as usual when the button was pressed shortly. Pressing it longer that 2 seconds could return a different downup value to the defined function, which then could do different things depending on the returned value. This could be made completely upward compatible. If there is no parameter specified, it returns downup as usual. In fact this would only affect events, where downup is specified as 2 (or 3). All the other behavior stays completely the same. So if the code for remembering the point in time, when the button went down and deciding according to the duration when the button went up again in case if there is a longpress parameter supplied, could move to FSUIPC, this would save a lot of LUA coding on pilot side. And all the existing LUA programs would work as before. So if you once should have plenty of time on a rainy day, maybe you think about the proposal 😉 Best regards and thanks for the great addon. Reinhard
  4. Hi, These types of errors are typically related to aircrafts. The Majestic Q400 shows similar errors since many years: 85781 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2893, Index param 1 on write SetData for "RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW:1" 85781 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2894, Index param 1 on write SetData for "RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW:2" 85781 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2895, Index param 1 on write SetData for "RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW:3" As far as I remember, there was a thread about that issue, but the result was, that we can ignore these messages. In fact everything was working as expected. Which aircraft are you using? Rgds Reinhard
  5. Hi, You should visit https://www.pollypotsoftware.org.uk/ (the creator of the GoFlight Interface tool). In the forum there are some articles about Win11. I don't own this product and I am (for good reason) still on WIN 10. So I am not able to provide additional support. Rgds Reinhard
  6. Hi, Check https://vamsys.io/ . Many VAs use this as the ACARS system and the backend. The software is good and there exists a motivated team for support.. Rgds Reinhard
  7. Yes - check the guide for advanced users and search for focus. Rgds Reinhard
  8. Hi, As a workaround you could keep one INI file per aircraft in seperate subdirectories. Then you could use a CMD file per aircraft to copy the specific file into the WideFS directory and start WideFS out of that CMD file. Rgds Reinhard
  9. Hi Kees, Looking at your code you could write the LUA script much simpler. I have attached a template implementing the first blocks of your code. This code should execute quick enough. Take this as an starting point to finish your script. Btw: in your loop from 7 to 26 you are creating offset values, which waste the space from A to F. So you have unused gaps. Offsets addressed by 0x62.. etc. are hex values. And as John said, you shouldn't use these offsets... Rgds Reinhard 76_lua_lights_simple.lua
  10. Hi, There are two options, how to set different views of the VC View with the help of FSUIPC. Option 1: You can define custom cameras and assign some of the free hotkey numbers to them. But you are limited to only a few setups. And you have to avoid conflicts with existing assigned hot keys for cameras. You can map then these hotkeys directly to buttons. Option 2: You could control the camera of the current view via LUA programs by using offset 0x8680 / 0x86A0. You have to put your actual window title as a string into offset 0x8680 and write then your view parameters to 0x86A0. A sample function shows the correct way to control the camera. -- function to set cockpit camera for VC function setCameraVC ( pX, pY, pZ, pPitch, pTilt, pHeading ) ipc.writeSTR ( 0x8680 , "***Your window title go here***" ) -- select view to manipulate ipc.writeStruct( 0x86A0 , "6FLT" , pX -- X , pY -- Y , pZ -- Z , pPitch -- Pitch , pTilt -- Tilt , pHeading -- Heading ) ipc.sleep(100) end a little history about the implementation of the offset control can be found here: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/80484-simconnect_camerasetrelative6dof-not-working-as-expected/ Rgds Reinhard
  11. Hi, In the directory, where FSUIPC was installed, you will find files FSUIPC6.ini and FSUIPC6.log. John need these files to check your configuration. Attach these files to the posting (don't copy the content here). Rgds Reinhard
  12. Hi, Check your Aerosoft document folder. There is a special document for connecting hardware to your controls. If you follow the instructions, it will work (as it did for many others like me). Rgds Reinhard
  13. Rob, Not sure, why you have to use mouse macros, when the Alt/VS knob might be operated by LVars. I am not sure if you are aware, that you also can manipulate LVars in macros. So this might be an alternative to the mouse macro. Mouse macros are fo me always the last option which I use, because you have to update all of them, if a (minor) update of the gauges is provided by the author of the plane. I only use th C172 from Carenado but there the AP_VS_VAR_INC / AP_VS_VAR_DEC commands work for me. Same for the AP_PITCH_REF_INC_UP / AP_PITCH_REF_INC_DN controls. I have mapped both to the same control and so I am able to control either the VS or the pitch depending on the AP mode. Rgds Reinhard
  14. Hi, You should add a second line to your 787 section, as you had other entries too in you original list of settings. So the section should look like this: [Profile.787] 1=QualityWings 787 2=Boeing 787 Rgds Reinhard
  15. Hi, These type of exceptions are always in relation with the selected aircraft. The Majestic Q400 for example always produces these three error messages in the fSUIPC.log file. Majestic support answered, that they don't know, why this is logged but that this should have no effect on the plane. 126515 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2899, Index param 1 on write SetData for "RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW:1" 126515 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2900, Index param 1 on write SetData for "RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW:2" 126515 Exception 3 "UNRECOGNIZED_ID", Ref 2901, Index param 1 on write SetData for "RECIP ENG FUEL FLOW:3" So I assume, the message is related to the specific aircraft used. See also here: https://forum.simflight.com/topic/88411-exception-25-legal_operation Rgds Reinhard
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