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forstmeier last won the day on November 20 2024

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  1. The new ATIasHold program with a Image Gallery is here: https://www.intrasystem.it/ATIas/ATIasHold.html Raimund .
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  2. The new ATIasHold program with a Image Gallery is here: https://www.intrasystem.it/ATIas/ATIasHold.html Raimund .
  3. FSUIPC7 Mainly the Autopilot commands via external software. I note that several MSFS default airplanes either do not respond or only receive or transmit. The Boeing 747-8 example. Before the last recent update the commands were responding, now some are not. In FSX no problem. With x-Plane it is not different. A native FSX airplane suited for MSFS or X-Plane is working well. The Simulator default aircrafts should be checked for use of FSUIPC7. It takes little to create a program that verifies the necessary Offsets and other manual commands that are not always responding as they should. Maybe they focus too much on graphics. Raimund .
  4. Yes please. copy the part you think is useful. Thanks Raimund .
  5. Pete said: "would you like to re-post this data to the "User Contributions" ------------------------- Yes i will copy it there. By the way. Tomorrow i will upload to my website the corrected ATIasHold Software. Before doing the last 1.8.3 upload I saw a point in the program that seemed easy to change. Mea culpa. (maybe the age) I made a glamorous mistake as this small change affected at least 4 procedures and functions. In detail, the radar view of Adf + Vor in relation to the Flight Plan which can be divided and precisely, the Flight Plan can be interrupted for a free flight Adf, Vor Instrument flight. Tomorrow i will upload the corrected program. Raimund Nota regarding Runway Identities. There are several differences between the various simulators. If FSX + MSFS indicates Rwy 33 at LJMB, xplane is indicating 32. With RwyLength and AddAirports the user manages it. This program is reading any text database cvs ecc... dividing Headers single or multiple, SubRecords with different initial digits, extracting in any sequence. The user must have a very good knowledge of the various structures of a dBase text. It's amazing how many variations there are. I wrote it several years ago to create my personal dbase. In fact the program name is: AiracStructure Only 1 user, a german company is using it for extracting and translating Frequency dBases for the Radio Amateur world in different forms. To help i just need 1 complete Record and what should be the result for creating a configuration file. The program is Freeware. I'm a Radio Amateur. An expert like you notes the presence of R-Set and R-Align which are 2 different things. In this example we have a Header Record with all SubRecords in 1 Line only. A delimiter "_" is used only for the Header in order to read the Apt names without the "_" digit. While the following Runway subfields are read "by position". The space digit divides the SubRec Runways. This is a simple example. .
  6. Years ago I wrote the program "RwyLength" This program extracts the fields from MakeRunway: Icao, Nation, Town, Apt-Name, Rwy-ID, Rwy-Length. Rwy Length is converted to: feet, meter, nm The program includes the original MakeRunway dBase file with 100MB and the extracted file with 4MB. It is possible to load both files. Using the original file the conversion is immediate. This means that a new MakeRunway.txt file can also be converted. I remember that I immediately noticed the extra "0" and my code recognizes it and does not consider it. In order not to confuse, regardless of the use of other programs, my software that uses the dBase of RwyLength only uses the Rwy-Coordinates of a different dBase which includes Apt's coordinates and Runway coordinates. In Sept 2021 i added a Editor to create and edit Apt's and Runways. In fact some users extract data from "Rwy-Length" and coordinates from a different dBase. The AddAirports program is including the Apt's and Rwy-Data. This program is connected to the Simulator and the Rwy-coordinates are precise because you are placing the aircraft at the Lat / Lon position. The Apt Lat / Lon and the Rwy Lat / Lon are different. Add Airports is including a Editor for deleting, creating and changing each Record and Field. A distance test is present. ATIasHold is only working with internal real world Mathematic-Formulas based on Coordinates. Credits to the work of Ed Williams and his Aviation Page: Here These programs are included in the "ATIasHold" (Freeware) program If interested, it is possible to download individual applications on request by email only. Pls. refer to my Web-Page and indicate the program to download. The Radar image Takeoff and Landing graphic is only opening on Ground or Touch Down indicating the exact Aircraft Runway position. Raimund http://www.intrasystem.it/ATIas/ATIasHold.html .
  7. ATIasHold includes the "RwyLength" program. RwyLength extracts 6 data from Pete Dowson's "MakeRunways". Icao, Nation, Town, Apt-Name (the Header) and Runway ID, Rwy-Lenght in feet as Sub-Records. The File "rwylength.txt" is created and used by ATIasHold. Contains length in feet, meters and nautic miles. Upon request, a Record Editor has been added to change data and add new Airports. Intrasystem Raimund .
  8. ATIasHold final update is ready for download. Uploaded 29/AGO/2021 Pls. read the extended ATIasHld.pdf File. ATIasHld.pdf Description Intrasystem . ATIasHld.pdf
  9. ATIasHold is including now the MSFS Simulator. ATIasHold ist 100% Freeware. ATIasHld.pdf File ATIasHold Download Page Intrasystem .
  10. There is a interesting "Simvars.exe" in the MSFS SDK > Samples > SimvarWatcher > bin > x64 > Release. Start the MSFS Simulator. [ Connect ] It can be a help and test for developers. I'm adapting my Software "ATIasHold" for use with the MSFS. So far no problem. Raimund .
  11. ATIasHold since 2011. A lot has changed in the last few years. ATIasHold is now adapted to the development. Version 1.7.0 update 08/2021 - Now freeware ATIasHld.pdf Introduction: http://www.intrasystem.it/ATIas/ATIasHld.pdf http://www.intrasystem.it/ATIas/ATIasHold.html Please read the download condition. Intrasystem does not allow a download without a request by e-mail. (security + avoid Web-Scanning) Intrasystem Raimund Forstmeier - Padova / Italy . ATIasHld.pdf
  12. > Settings/Realism page. (Messages) < i mean then 'Realism' configuration you find p.e. within the FSX configuration menu. I don't know if it is including the Door messages. If you follow the Link above you can exclude it. Not easy but possible with a Hex-Editor or dll-debugger. Maybe you find someone near to you that can help you. Always make a Backup of the original file. Raimund .
  13. Settings/Realism page. (Messages) Didn't Try it. Not sure if it is possible. You should search with the word "disable ....." http://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/showthread.php?212169-Hide-exit-closing-opening-text&p=1450099#post1450099 Raimund .
  14. Maybe it can be of help. My post is here and explaning in details how read and set data with the PMDG 737 + 777 using Simconnect and a transformed .h file x VB.net. Raimund .
  15. You must copy the original "Runways.txt" file that is created when you run "MakeRunways" > "makerwys.exe" (by Pete Dowson) into your actual working Folder where RwyLength is installed. (this Runways.txt file is about 100Mb) Install / unzip where you like. Create a separate Folder. This program is extracting: ICAO, country, City, Apt-name ..... Rwy-ID, length in ft, le in meter, le in nautic miles. Click on [ Start ] (creating a new txt-file you can use and extract data in case you need this data for your own applications) Later on, selecting the new created (shorter) File, the program start is faster. You could use this program (with your own application) p.e. for creating a precise Runway-Length graphic display. (when the APL passed 70% of rwy-Le the graphic could change color or a sound is advicing you) What you need is the position Lat/Lon where your Runway is starting. If the Aircraft is ready for take-off you can calculate the precise Rwy-Distance left based on: Lat/Lon Pos Start-Rwy - Distance to any next or destination lat/lon position - considering the RywLenght and your actual Apl-Position lat/lon. Input a ICAO into the Search-Field > click [ S ]earch button > select the List-Item-Airport. Input a ICAO into the Search-Field > direkt connection to Charts and Airport Information. The Charts [ Charts and Airport Data ] Button is connecting you directly to: L-click >" flightaware" world airport information R-click >" SkyVector" world aiports + Charts [ Help ] x avoiding Web-Scanning: User: Runway Pwd: 12345 Free Download here: http://www.intrasystem.it/FSX/RwyLength/RwyLength.rar Raimund . Credits to Pete Dowson the Author of MakeRunways. .
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