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Everything posted by oldJ3pilot

  1. I dislike posts that are unpleasant in the main and would prefer using PM instead of a forum reply but as you do not accept PMs: Pete, you obviously did not read the full description of my topic. My query is referring to : Cockpit Status Multifunction Utility For Any Aircraft which is a utility provided by forstmeier in the User Contributions section of this forum. Nowhere do I mention installing fsuipc. My request is for help using it. Then you seem to think I am unable to install fsuipc when I refer to documentations and the use of fsuipc. I have had fsuipc for several years and, yes, it is registered. My skill with using it is, unfortunately, not good so I come here for help. finally you say
  2. I have downloaded this utility but do not know how to install it. The instructions say to "create a desktop connection using fsuipc" How do I do that? I have read and reread all the fsuipc documentations without success. The answer is probably there but it always seems to elude me when I want to try something. EDITED for Clarity. I downloaded the Cockpit Status Multifunction Utiliy that formeister has linked in the User Contributions section of this forum. It looks like a very useful utility. However the installation instructions are a bit lacking. After unzipping the file the next (and last)install instruction says to "create a desktop connection using fsuipc". I have a registered version of fsuipc installed (updated yesterday) and working as it should. I have the unzipped Cockpit status.........utility in a folder but can put it on the desktop if necessary. I do not know how to link up/connect/program/or whatever to use fsuipc to operate/load/show the panels provided by this utility. I hope this revised post is adequate to explain what help I need. Your help appreciated. Every time I read one of the posts about writing .DLLs, Lua scripts, etc. I am truly envious. Once I was a whiz with machine language (CDC-1604), FORTRAN, and BASIC so that makes me "an old codger" and slow to learn. Regards to all; Neal Howard
  3. Please pardon my ignorance but my knowledge of FSUIPC is very limited. Your progran looks great but I don't have the slightest idea about how to "Installation ================ - Create a Desktop Connection - using FSUIPC" The most I have done is to use LUA scripts and calibrate controls. My FSUIPC IS a registered version. Will someone help me out here? Thanks and best regards to all. Neal Howard
  4. You really want to do that? Taxiing is part of the challenge, especially at those airports with multiple taxiways. Max taxi speed will definitely get you in trouble at some of them. Anyhow: If you work it out, please, please don't get behind me :unsure: :shock:
  5. Thanks for the helpful post HB. I will give the macro a second look. I was using the Saitek panel when I started this thread but sold it and switched to the Vrinsight M-Panel. It is a vast improvement over the Saitek and does most of what I want. The Combo panel is really appealing but seemed a bit too large for my crowded"cockpit". Sure would be nice to actually see, touch, or try out some of these add-ons instead of ordering sight unseen. I went to your web page for a look...very nice and added to my bookmarks.
  6. Thanks for all the input Paul. I am especially pleased that you included the start routine for the A2A B-377. I flew a KC-97 for about 1500 hours and naturally bought the A2A sim. Unfortunately, I am not much of a flight engineer and start-ups and I didn't mesh well (translation; too many fires). I will give your script a try. Btw...Our flight engineer NEVER had any problems starting up regardless of the outside air temps so maybe A2A overdid it a bit. Regards Neal
  7. I have always used the programming software from Saitek primarily because of the three modes capability. However,with FSX I don't often use modes 2 or 3. With my registered version of FSUIPC can I get the same kind of control settings that the Saitek software provides? If I change over do I remove the drivers as well as the programming software? The system consists of a Pro Yoke, Pro Rudder Pedals, and a second Pro Throttle quadrant. Help and advice appreciated. Please keep it simple... I'm an old flyboy that isn't as quick as he used to be. Regards Neal
  8. I don't want to hijack this topic but Pete's reply concerning Saitek using 3rd party software illegally caught my attention.
  9. Thanks Pete for such a fast response. Yes, you are correct about the PMDG JS 41 not being a standard control type. That is what makes it such a pain in the youknowwhat :rolleyes: I really jumped in before considering the other alternatives such as LUA scripts or perhaps M-Panels own mapping. Anyhow, once I clean up the mess I have made I will start over by trying some of the things others have shared here. Regards Neal H
  10. I believe everything is properly installed using the various documents. M-Panel loads correctly, FSUIPC "sees" it and I can define some button/key assignments for the JS 41. Unfortunately, they are not the assignments I want. Background: Turn the Heading select or altitude select knobs on the JS 41 instrument panel and the M-Panel HDG or ALT readouts follow the settings exactly. I cannot reverse the process and get the M-Panel to set things.. Each click of the HDG knob of the M-Panel is a different numbered JS assignment. So I used just one click, assigned it to INCR HDG BUG with repeat while held. Release command assigned to SET HDG (I believe). Save and test: HDG bug does not move but Auto-pilot HDG light comes on. Several different commands tried. Most of them made something happen in JS 41 but I cannot figure out the pattern. Is it even possible to get the M-Panel knobs to work as knobs using FSUIPC and VPSE? UPDATE: Experimented more this morning without success. In fact, something I did now prevents both throttles to advance together! Either one will go full throttle but the other only half way. Switching to a different JS 41 livery and everything works properly. I can manage without these enhancements but (1) I have spent a lot for these devices and want to use all their features and ( 2) It really bothers me when I cannot master the techniques that some refer to as "simple". Specs: FSX w/SP2 Win7-64 Bit FSUIPC 4.633
  11. Gray screen is all I see as well. The important thing is to be connected. Now open FSCommander on your laptop and, on the upper menu click on "Connect to FS9" (or something like that). FSC will center on your plane's location. It will be blue. You will also see other planes in the area. You can also click on the GPS button on FSC and get a small windo with readouts.
  12. Thanks Jim: I did know about ASE, dunno why I listed it. I did not know about the others though. How about Its Your Plane, FS2Crew (with J41), and Radar Contact? I completely forgot them and they are used a lot.. Any suggestions about using WideSF will be appreciated. It is really nice to be able to track a flight on FSCommander or Plan g using a separate PC. Regards Neal H
  13. At present I have only FSCommander on the WideFS PC. On the FSX PC I have REX, GEX, ASE, FEX, Ultimate Traffic and Terrain, and a few others. Would it improve FSX performance to move some of these programs over to the WideFS computer? WideFS has been in use for only a month and really like the way it works with FSCommander.
  14. I believe that Active Sky uses SimConnect and does not work with WideFS. Some time ago I planned to move ASE to another PC but didn't when told that.
  15. I have used Guenseli's excellent Cold and Dark LUA for a few months but never did check out the Macros. Can someone tell me how to use them? I am familiar with Saitek macros and Keyboard Macros but am afraid Macros with FSUIPC are beyond me.
  16. I never used to make such glaringly stupid misteaks but lately is seems to be my best talent :oops: After a restful evening I went back to the PC, did a bit of editing, and now all is well.....VSPE launches M-Panel, and FSUIPC4 is smiling. Next, I want to learn more about how to use it to program some of the buttons that do not function in the Jetstream 41. Ditto with LUA. However: I will be FAR better prepared before I take the forum's and Pete's time to get me up to speed. Salute to all, Neal H
  17. I might as well give up! I can't even post what I actually did!. The Com pair I created is COM5<=>COM6. The FSUIPC4.ini file reflects the correct , . Frankly, I have been at this so long that my errors are cropping up exponentially....time to give it a rest and come back later. Sorry Pete..hate to waste your time. :oops:
  18. It would be nice if I could finally get FSUIPC4 to open Serial FP/M-Panel via the pair established by VSPE. I have followed the instructions precisely: Created a pair--- COM8<=>COM5 after verifying that SerialFP2 is using COM8 (although I believe the documentation says it doesn't matter if it is set to AUTO) Provided the additional info to the VSPE Shortcut--- "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eterlogic.com\Virtual Serial Ports Emulator\VSPEmulator.exe" -minimize -hide_splash C:\ComPair_56.vspe...I have verified the path (more on that later) Added Appropriate lines to FSUIPC4.ini--- [VRInsight] 1=COM8,COM5 [Programs] Run1=READY,close,C:\Program Files(x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe To test the for SerialFP2 I programmed a shortcut on my G-15 Keyboard,disabled the two .ini lines in FSUIPC4, launched FSX, and loaded the M-Panel immediately from the shortcut. "C:\Program Files (x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe" This is the exact same SC that is in FSUIPC4.ini **The loading of M-Panel always begins with "HOST CONNECTED". After that the process is scrolled across the LED. After enabling the .ini lines in FSUIP, Launch FSX, gets a couple of PC beeps and then the Dialogue box pops up to search the com ports for SerialFP2 (it is never found) Pete: Searched and re-searched..AUTO and each port individually The COM Pair is good and is activating with "ok" I have everything possible set to "Run As Administrator" as for ERROR 267: ERROR 267 FSUIPC cannot open C:\Program Files(x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe This is what is so maddening about this problem. EVERYTHING is exactly where the path/s say. The same path works if I disable the FSIUCP4.ini lines. In fact: if I leave the 1=COM6<=>COM5 line the M-Panel LED displays "HOST CONNECTED" but will go no further. I am not asking that you support SerialFP2 or VSPE but to help me find out why FSUIPC4 is unable to execute a program. As the log below shows, Error 267 is keeping FSUIPC4 from doing what it should be able to do. I realize that you have lots of folks looking for help. I also realize that sometimes software can hit a random glitch and fail. If that is the case here, it is something I will just work around. FSUIPC4 is too good an APP to let one problem sour it...and not a serious problem at that. I just hate to give up on ANY problem :? Regards Neal Howard DebugStatus=15 110 System time = 26/09/2010 15:52:29 110 FLT UNC path = "\\NEALSFAST-PC\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 110 FS UNC path = "C:\FSX\" 359 LogOptions=00000000 00000051 359 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 437 VRI port 1 "COM8" opened 437 VRI driver port 1 "COM5" also opened 1592 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 1592 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 1592 FSUIPC Menu entry added 1638 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y 1638 \\NEALSFAST-PC\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\Cessna-Danville.FLT 1638 C:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR 3011 Weather Mode now = Custom 15881 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N 15928 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N 15959 FSUIPC couldn't run: "C:\Program Files(x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe" [Error=267]
  19. Last Try after correcting the COM path: ERROR 267 FSUIPC cannot open C:\Program Files(x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe
  20. YES, I thought long and hard. After trying to follow your documentation my last attempts probably look random. According to Device Manager, the SerialFP2 is using COM8. My first setting was 1=COM8,COM5...didn't work. Tried 1=COM8,COM6....didn't work. Ditto when I created a pair COM1<===>COM2 My printout of these documents is dog-eared and limp from repeated reference to them. OK Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more; Or close the COM up with our SERIALFP2 Pete Your responses seem to imply that I am either not too bright or too lazy to do my homework. It is true that I am no longer a fiery youth but I have an earned doctorate in mathematics, taught in a university for 25 years and prior to that was a USAF combat crew navigator. Believe me, I have done a lot of studying and would much rather learn something than request help.
  21. After a complete reinstall of FSX and all my add-ons and hardware I cannot get the VSPE to work with FSUIP to get the MRInsight M-Panel loaded. The panel will load via the start menu or shortcut ok so the problem isn't there. After checking and rechecking my shortcut and .ini entries without finding anything I'm hoping to get the fix here. Prior to the reinstall, and after Pete corrected my syntax in the VSPE shortcut it worked perfectly. Current settings: VPSE Pair......COM5 <===> COM6 (Also tried COM1 <===> COM2 ) FSUIPC4.ini....... [VRInsight] 1=COM5,COM6 [Programs] Run1=READY,CLOSE,C:\Program Files(x86)\SerialFP2\SerialFP2.exe Note that the new driver software uses Program Files(x86) as the main directory instead of VRInsight VSPE shortcut..... "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eterlogic.com\Virtual Serial Ports Emulator\VSPEmulator.exe" -minimize -hide_splash C:\ComPair_56.vspe I have double-checked spelling, and directory trees and cannot find any errors FSUIPC Log.... FSUIPC4 Key is provided WIDEFS7 not user registered, or expired Running inside FSX on Windows 7 (using SimConnect Acc/SP2 Oct07) Module base=61000000 Wind smoothing fix is fully installed DebugStatus=15 78 System time = 24/09/2010 10:58:47 78 FLT UNC path = "\\NEALSFAST-PC\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\" 78 FS UNC path = "C:\FSX\" 312 LogOptions=00000000 00000051 312 SimConnect_Open succeeded: waiting to check version okay 1046 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N 1514 Running in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X", Version: 10.0.61637.0 (SimConnect: 10.0.61259.0) 1514 Initialising SimConnect data requests now 1514 FSUIPC Menu entry added 1560 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=Y, In Dlg=Y 1560 \\NEALSFAST-PC\Documents\Flight Simulator X Files\Cessna-Danville.FLT 1560 C:\FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\C172\Cessna172SP.AIR 13807 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=N, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N 13916 Ready Flags: Ready-To-Fly=Y, In Menu=N, In Dlg=N 13931 VRI port 1 "COM5" opened 13931 VRI driver port 1 "COM6" also opened 13931 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 13994 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14056 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14119 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14181 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14243 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14306 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14368 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14431 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14493 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14555 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14618 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14680 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14743 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14805 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14867 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14930 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 14992 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 15055 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 15117 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 15179 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open 15242 VRI port 1 "COM5" failed to open MORE OF THE SAME...failed to open lines follow Help me please Master
  22. BLESS YOU PETE :!: -May you never need a parachute. :D
  23. Argggh! I did it again...I did save the file to the C drive without any problem. It is the Shortcut that will not save. It still says the path is invalid. I added the space before -hide and everything was already set to "Run as Admin". Still won't work. Yep, it is Win 7 64 bit, UAC is "OFF". Here it is the shortcut now: C:\Program Files (x86)\Eterlogic.com\Virtual Serial Ports Emulator\VSPEmulator.exe -minimize -hide_splash C:\ComPair_1.vspe" The ComPair_1 file is on the C drive. I put a copy of it on another drive but the result is the same :( "C:\Program Files (x86)\Eterlogic.com\Virtual Serial Ports Emulator\VSPEmulator.exe -minimize -hide_splash D:\ComPair_1.vspe"
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