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Ron Attwood

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    Chelmsford, Essex, UK

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  1. Thanks John, I appreciate the offer, but coming to my senses I realised that I probably won't be flying this helicopter very much after the initial enthusiasm wears off. What beats me is how many ways do you need to make an axis work. As far as I can see you need at most 11 axis to assign. Anyway, I promise I wont bug you any more about throttles. 😁
  2. Me again. 😕 What is it about throttles and MSFS? This time it's Taogs HUEY. Throttle only responds to the MSFS in game controllers. AXIS_HELICOPTER_THROTTLE_SET in FSUIPC works fine for the Flyinside 206 and G47 but none of the options for throttle work for the Huey. I've had to resort to the MSFS assignment for it. Question is is there a workaround. Some bright spark suggested I get SPAD! 🙄
  3. Stand down. I figured it out. Milviz, for reasons best known to themselves, use different commands to everyone else Instead of AXIS_THROTTLE_SET, they use THROTTLE_AXIS_SET_EX1 This is my .ini extract 2=DZ,256,F,65765,67096,0,0 -{ TO SIM: AXIS_THROTTLE_SET, THROTTLE_AXIS_SET_EX1 }- Back to real life. 😁
  4. First let me make clear I don't think this is an FSUIPC7 problem. This is manifested only on Blackbird/Milviz's F-4 Corsair. The command works on every other aircraft that it's assigned to. I've posted on the Milviz Support forum but there's a deadly hush. I just wondered if you could throw some light on it. The axis works with the in-game controls but not in FSUIPC7 Log and .ini attached FSUIPC7.ini FSUIPC7.log
  5. Well done, Everything works. At least as much as I want it to. Admittedly, I don't ask very much of it but I couldn't be without it. 😁
  6. I lost my 'key presses' back because the yoke wasn't being recognised. Now, thanks to you providing the wherewithal i.e. the new 7.4.13a .exe my yoke is now recognised so that I can assign key presses to buttons on said yoke. I had to make new assignments because the yoke now has a different code #243728C0-B24E-11EB-8001-444553540000 Did I say thank you?
  7. Thanks John, got my key presses back. Of course I had to make new assignments for the yoke, 7 in all! Where do I find the time? 😀 So sorry I posted in the wrong thread. I'd like to say it won't happen again but don't bet on it. 🙄
  8. Latest update doesn't recognise/find my Fulcrum yoke. The yoke is recognised in Windows and in MSFS and works. All my buttons and key presses are handled by FSUIPC since...forever. MSFS handles the axis. [JoyNames] 0=Joystick - HOTAS Warthog 0.GUID={D1794640-246D-11E6-8001-444553540000} 1=CH Throttle Quadrant USB 1.GUID={7DCB45F0-282A-11E6-8003-444553540000} 5=MFG Crosswind V2 5.GUID={E6A97680-25B6-11E6-8001-444553540000} 6=Pro Flight TPM System 6.GUID={C8DA6E60-25B7-11E6-8001-444553540000} 7=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel 7.GUID={27DB16B0-2669-11E6-8001-444553540000} A=Joystick - HOTAS Warthog A.GUID={D1794640-246D-11E6-8001-444553540000} B=CH Throttle Quadrant USB B.GUID={7DCB45F0-282A-11E6-8003-444553540000} D=Throttle - HOTAS Warthog D.GUID={921BB790-2520-11E6-8001-444553540000} E=MFG Crosswind V2 E.GUID={E6A97680-25B6-11E6-8001-444553540000} F=Pro Flight TPM System F.GUID={C8DA6E60-25B7-11E6-8001-444553540000} G=Pro Flight Cessna Trim Wheel G.GUID={27DB16B0-2669-11E6-8001-444553540000} 3=Throttle - HOTAS Warthog 3.GUID={921BB790-2520-11E6-8001-444553540000} C=<< MISSING JOYSTICK >> << MISSING JOYSTICK >> (Fulcrum yoke) I've uninstalled/reinstalled a couple of times, no joy. Ouch! Sorry. 😣 Attached log FSUIPC7.log
  9. I can't make head nor tail of this. Brakes aren't even assigned in this profile. I feel I'm just digging a bigger 'stupid' hole for myself. It's me taking my BMW to a dealer and he gives me a workshop manual and says "It's all in here" and I'm supposed to understand it. FSUIPC7.log
  10. Thanks for your efforts at trying to teach an (very) old dog new tricks, but I've had to give it best. Considering there are only two helicopters I use this on, I'll let MSFS handle just this one button. I do appreciate the axis fix though.
  11. Thanks. That'll keep me from hanging round bars for a while. 😉
  12. Hi. It's the Flyinside B206 and tha Flyinside B-47. I haven't tried other helicopters. I'll see what happens to them.
  13. SET_STARTER1_HELD works in MSFS controls but it doesn't work in FSUIPC. In the scheme of things not a big deal, but you know how it is, like a pebble in your shoe. 😃 Actually, in MSFS it's called SET_STARTER1_HOLD. Would E for O be the cause? Ron
  14. Deep joy! That worked a treat. I looked at the Advanced User Guide, somewhere I didn't think I was clever enough to look at. I was right! You are on a different level to ordinary folks. 😃 Thanks for being here.
  15. Helicopters! I've tried and failed, to get 'Axis Collective Set' and 'Axis Helicopter Throttle Set' to be reversed. I've had to resort to MSFS controls to do this job. Until now I've managed to get FSUIPC to handle everything. It's a pain having to go to MSFS, turn off those controls when I swap to a fixed wing. If it can be done in FSUIPC would you be so kind as to point me in the right direction? I did search but found nothing. Not to say there isn't though.😉 I forgot to add, I'm using v 7.3.16
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