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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. Hi to all,

    as you have seen in the last month this forum is very "inactive" as we have concentrated us on other "support" forums.

    But now we have decided to concentrate back more on our own customer and own projects. That´s why we have set up a new own sim-wings forum.

    This new forum runs together with my "modelplant" rapid prototyping forum. This will gurantee that I don´t miss ANY thread.

    At our new forum we´ll show screenshots of upcoming projects, work in progress pictures and we´re back in providing support for our sceneries!

    Our new forum can be accessed via this link: FORUM

    Or follow the link "forum" at our website (which will be revised soon as well)

    Thanks to Miguel for hosting our little forum for several years.

    February, 8th, 2011

    Thorsten Loth, sim-wings

  2. Sorry for not visiting this forum frequently. (Have to close it to concentrate more to the aerosoft forum where I normally answer)

    We planned an update for LHR but as you know major reconstructions are made at the airport.

    Dismanteling of T2, Queens Terminal etc.. So we decided to wait a little. But sure I´ll visit the airport this spring and talk to BAA what can be done to make an update which could last a while. It´s impossible to keep up with the airport development changes in Realtime.


  3. OK,

    I contacted our "AFCAD pro" to have a look into it.

    BTW: A screenshot can simply be done by pushing the "PRINT" key at your keyboard.

    Than the image is stored in the windows memory and you can paste it into your favorite graphic programme like Corel Photopaint, Photoshop or even PAINT which is part of Windows.


  4. Hi,

    did you ensure that

    a) you´re not using a second AFCAD file which will mix/replace the other?

    b) the problem is not caused by the Traffic files you´re using?

    Sometimes it hard to predict how the AI engine will place the aircrafts,

    but I´ll discuss here what can be done for LFML.

    Please report the Traffic you´re using and maybe some screenshots showing wrong placed aircrafts.


  5. HI,

    the simple answer is that the people will not accept anymore simple docking jetways which dock "somewhere" at the airplane because they are simply animated and not "intelligent". I personally think its better to have statics than wrong moving ones.

    I guess a lot of people just use the airport and don´t want docking systems. They dont have to buy AES. But those who want a realistic docking system are more than willing to buy AES because it provides a lot more features than a single scenery could provide (jetway movings, push back, utility vehicles, follow me...). AES is a very complex programme and you cannot expect scenery developers adding this technique to their airports for the same price. Or take it that way: If we include AES or similiar it will of course raise the price. So no savings here, sorry.


    PS: In CDG X we incorprated the custom made moving jetways working FSX style. But I think that also these are not a good solution as they are going below ground when docking to a small aircrafts like 737. (also the default FSX jetways will do so)

    But anyway those are free of charge.

  6. HI,

    we have tested CDG on several systems and combinations. I´m 100% sure that there is no problem with CDG despite that it uses "some" memory. Depending on the view angle it is about 50 to 100 MB RAM only which is not much. BUT when you fly to Paris, specially when flying over the city (Aproches to 27) a lot of extra default (and possibly third party custom objects) will be loaded which could cause more use of RAM than present at your system.

    The culprit could also be the airplane. Or the UT. Or CDG. But its simply TOO MUCH DATA compared to your system. Lower the autogen, lower the AI, lower the scenery settings at CDG, disable UT, use default clouds or whatever but "I" cannot do anything to free you more RAM. And also there are hundreds of possible RAM overflows caused by missing LC textures which can be somewhere in the FS world. For instance flying from Oslo to CDG over Danmark. And in Danmark you use an Addon that tries to load a LC bitmap texture which is missing on your system or not correctly installed: FS will continue loading the texture every second and everytime it reserves the same amount of space to your RAM. So finally you´ll end up in Paris with only 1% free RAM left. And now your PC tries to load the CDG scenery. What will happen? Yeah. Out of memory.

    And also there is the well discussed problem of 4GB RAM used on 32bit OS.

    Now you argue: "Why doesn´t it happen with the default scenery"?

    Simply because it is so simple and uses less Memory. Has less parking spaces for AI, less pathes etc.

    If you want to cure it on your system: Try "File Monitor" (filemon) which will report all (missing) file loadings during your flight. And use MemStatus.exe (XP, both free at web) to watch your use of RAM. Than you should find "your" personal solution depending on all the add ons you are using.


    PS: Maybe you should try to reinstall CDg without the "using addon mesh" option which uses a flatten file with more than one height. Maybe some computers can get confused by "stair flattening" to avoid hard borders at the airport boundaries.

  7. Hi,

    we have plans for the next LHR update to be released Spring 2009 to reflect the current changes. We cannot update the scenery in "real time" and have to visit the T5 area first. (Since it is finished now).

    But as promised we´ll keep the scenery "up to date", but have to collect changes first.


  8. The Valencia Ground is NOT a visible AFCAD file. So no change will be reflected in the scenery. Even more: The visual AFCAD is excluded, just the path information is kept. Of course it would be posible to exchange the ground to an AFCAD style one, but therfore a lot of files have to be altered which is a lack of time for me. Try to rename VAL_5_01.BGL to off and the AFCAD should be visible. But this wont emove the scenerie´s taxiways. Therfore I have to make changes in the other files....

    I think it´s a better choice to keep Valencia as it is until we´ll make a entire new version.


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