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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. Hi Christian,

    thanx for your suggestion. It seems to me that I have to built it later, when it´s finished in reality. It´s not a "big deal" as it is located somewhere "outside" beneath the main Terminal buildings.

    If someone has detailed information how 2G will look I could make it now, but it seems that plans are not fixed so far.


  2. Hi,

    just to let you know that we are allready working on the new scenerys (FSX and FS9) of Paris CDG.

    If you have some usefull information about CDG to share, please let me know! Now it´s the best time :)

    I´ve allready been at CDG twice in November (Stopover to Seattle) and most changes I got on

    picture, but maybe you know something special or have a specific "wishlist" regarding changes compared to the

    allready existing CDG scenery.

    Here´s what´s going on in detail:

    - New CDG FSX scenery with new photoground etc. using FSX features.

    - Updated FS9 scenery with new ground, taxiway layout and new S3 Terminal. So far not sure how many new items of the "all new" FSX scenery we´ll be able to incorporate into the FS9 version. First to finish the FSX one.

    Release Date: Allways hard to tell, but expect FSX scenery around March/April 08. (No guarantee as well!)

    Please don´t ask for screenshots. There will only be some short to release date. Sorry.


  3. HI,

    unfortunatly simmarket does not anymore sell single items authored by Conel Grigoriu.

    Only bundles/airports made by Cornel and published by Aerosoft.

    Those single airports like Biarritz were removed from the simmarket shop.

    At best contact Cornel at his email info+dreamfactorystudio.eu (+ = @) and ask for a new source.


  4. HI,

    sorry for being away a few days for taking pictures at airports :-))

    Im pretty sure that your problem is related to another add on you are using (a height problem). Please check for doubled AFCAD files like AF2_LFPG.BGL in directories outside /ParisCDG/scenery and/or temporarily dissable UT Europe to see if thats the culprit.

    Or set Paris CDG to the highest priority in scenery library.

    At least: Do not save a flight in "Bird or Map view" and resart the sim with this file loaded. This is a FS2004 bug causing flatten/oredering problems.

    If you need more assistance it would be nice to post a screenshot.


  5. HI,

    when you have removed the static aircrafts those parking spots are empty (to avoid double parkings aircrafts of static and Ai). Please search at avsim.com or flightsim.com. There are some user edited AFCAD files for CDG like this (avsim):

    Filename: afcad_lfpg_sim-wings_167339.zip

    License: Freeware

    Added: 24th June 2005

    Downloads: 2268

    Author: Jean-Philippe DELWICHE / Sim-Wings

    Size: 134kb


  6. Hi,

    there are soon (today) patches for FS9, FSX SP1, ACC (SP2) available at the aerosoft support site for Heathrow. Please log in there with e-mail and Heathrow serialnumber for free download.

    Simmarket Heathrow customer can also log in at the Aerosoft support site!

    The "Light patch" provides:

    - Approach lights set similiar to Default, therefore custom approach light poles are removed

    - Yellow and green taxiway lights smaller, less bright and less far visible.

    Hope this patch fit to your needs.


  7. HI,

    just arrived from Seattle MS DevConference. So wasn´t able to fix anything in the meantime.

    BTW: Did not receive any e-mail with attached screenshots. Will check my spam directory at the server again.

    As understand you got two different probs:

    1. The green lights and RWY light appear too BRIGHT on normal Monitors

    2. The same lights appear too BIG on TH2GO installations

    That´s right?


  8. Here´s what I got from Aerosoft. If you need further assistance please mail your scenery.cfg file to mail(at)sim-wings.de

    - Try to uninstall CDG with Add/Remove Programs

    - Delete the Paris CDG 2005 - folder (FS2004-Verszeichnis\Aerosoft\Paris CDG 2005 ..)

    - Delete Log-Files-Folder...(Hidden folder) c:\Programme\InstallShield Installation Information\{D8F16395-CAAB-4386-8D1E-D82540374C0C}

    - Try to install again

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    Andreas Mügge

    - Software-Development-Manager -

  9. The coming FSX version will NOT contain these animated FSX jetways. We made lots of tests but so far it seems for us that

    - it is nearly impossible to make a custom jetway that is working well

    - these jetways are so demanding on the performance that it does not really make sense to add them to heathrow which contains lots of jetways.

    If the circumstances will change we can get back on this again and exchange the jetway models with custom ones which will behave like the FSX ones.


  10. Hi,

    just to let you know: We´re not ignoring those problems with scenery addons that were released after our sceneries. But it´s hard to get into that stuff again when working on other huge projects. (despite that I have to buy all those add ond first as the developers do NOT cooperate with us for some unknown reason)


  11. HI,

    sorry for beeing not as quick as usual as I thought this problem is not depending on Heathrow (And I´m stucked in this FSX SP2 etc. stuff).

    I saw in several forums that the OOM error is a common fault of the 744, specially when capturing the glideslope. But I got this plane myself and never had such an error.

    So if we dont put it on the aircraft it could possibly be another add-on that is used in the London area. To be specific: The more add-ons are installed for that area the more memory is needed which could cause this OOM. In the LHR scenery I could not find something causing this, despite it possibly could be the very dense AFCAD file (maybe because related to the ILS capturing).

    Please try the following as I cannot reproduce this error and therfore it´s nearly impossible to solve it:

    - Make sure that you have installed the most recent 1.1 Version correctly. Sometimes, when installed 1.0 before and not removed via the software function the 1.1 Installer let you think it´s 1.1, but it is 1.0.

    - Possibly you could change from high res to the normal res textures (not a big difference, but a little bit less memory) If that´s the trick I could provide a new more smaller texture set.

    - Do NOT use the 1.0 version!

    - Temporarily disactivate other scenery that could effect that area and report which one possibly caused trouble in combination with our LHR. than I can check this.

    - Set the Ai trafiic to 0% for testing. This OOM or fe.dll error could also be caused by a corrupt or missing texture of one AI-aircraft. Possibly one that only shows in LHR as there is a very huge amount of AI stands.

    - Move the entire LHR/texture directory to a space outside FS9 to check if it´s related to a corrupted texture or too much texture memory needed

    - rename the LHR/scenery/AF2-EGLL-simwings.bgl to *.OFF (just a test to see if the AFCAD is causing the problem)

    - Follow the advices of PMDG how to solve that OOM error (higher virtual memory or else)

    - Try to deactivate ActiveSky temporarily as I could see that most users have it running.

    I dont have it, but afaik it also uses lots of textures?

    London is in any kind a very dense area, therefore it´s not really comparable to Frankfurt etc. But I´m trying to find a solution if you can assist me as for me this error is not reproducable and could have so many reasons, even in combination.


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