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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. OK, bad luck. One possible workaround could be to make the textures the aircrafts are using 100% transparent. As they dont have crash detection

    it could work, but I fear that some aircraft parts are not textured and will remain visible.

    Another workaround: Could you try to make excludes (in a higher scnery library entry or possibly in an AFX file) to remove the aircrafts? If you dont know how I could try.

    And yes, you´re right: The airports will be all new as (re)working with the "old" code does not make sense in FSX times.

    And also the real airports are undergoing permanent changes. So finally it´s just a matter of time.....


  2. Sorry, no release date. In these times of developing for two simulators and allways discovering new problems which must be solved it nearly impossible to make any reliable time schedule.


  3. Hi Mike,

    yes you´re right. Ignoring is not the best way. But I must confess that these sceneries are very very old and I do not really have a possibility to make a quick change. I thought that maybe someone else could answer your question (of course a user who figured it out).

    Ok, first try before I have to reinstall my entire source data: All static aircraft (should) resist in BGL files that are named *static.bgl or *stat.bgl.

    Perhaps you con look for those files and temporarily rename them to *.OFF. If this will not be the solution I have to start deeper investigations.


  4. HI,

    we´ll make a FS9 version as well, which of course will be different to the X version due to technical limitations in FS9.

    But anyway it will be a major improvement to the older sceneries.


  5. HI,

    just two small zip files containing exchange textures to match the stand numbers of our scenery at T5 to the real ones (which weren´t finally fixed when we made the scenery).

    There´s one zip for each corresponding FS version. FSX patch will fit to FSX SP1 and FSX SP2 versions. Simply copy the textures over the existing ones in Heathrow2008/texture. (maybe like allways a good choice to backup the original textures first)




  6. HI,

    the DX10 PREVIEW of FSX is undocumented by MS. Making sceneries for DX10 PREVIEW is not possible at this time.

    The DX10 feature was therefore marked PREVIEW by MS and our sceneries work in DX9.

    Think about Heathrow only showing day textures is also a kind of PREVIEW :mrgreen: of how the scenery could look in DX10 if only MS had developed a complete DX10 version and not only a half one.

    Sorry. Thorsten

    PS: Even the default scenery has got problems in DX10. Simply go to EDDF (Frankfurt) and see how the taxiway lines are flickering.

    I really recommend to stay with DX9.

  7. It is planned to visit T5 airside for taking pictures of the final building status this year and to incorporate some texture/model changes. Changing the AFCAD does not make sense now, as it allready reflects the status with T5 in action. And all airline alliances will change their places several times in the near future due to other changes at LHR. When parking positions are established later we sure plan to update the AFCAD with the airline asssignments.


  8. Hi,

    sorry for the very late answer. The problem is, that we made the sceneries on base of the default scenery.

    Very much later the VFR scenery was published without taking care about our airports. To change them to match to the VFR scenery 100% will cause a lot of work we cannot provide. A pitty that the VFR author quit cooperating with us as we did with Paris CDG and VFR Paris. But this is another story.....

    As far as I know: Check the France VFR forum for some workarounds to get our current airports mostly compatible. New versions of our airports will of course match to (now) existing VFR sceneries (or come with their own).


  9. HI,

    I canot say anything about future plans as they are not fixed so far. Madrid, Barcelona, Paris GDG

    will definetly be the next. Possibly the author of "sandinavian airports", Cornel Grigoriu from Gothemburg is planning a new version of Vantaa. Will check this.


  10. HI,

    to be more precise: The "Mega Airport X Paris CDG" box will contain both (FS9 and FSX) versions of CDG.

    The included FS9 version will differ from the FSX one due to some technical limitations of FS9, but will also be different from the existing one. Our goal is to develope a new scenery for BOTH simulators.

    More infos/news will follow.

    About EDDF I cannot say anything. This is developed by the German Airports Team. Better to ask in the Aerosoft forum.


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