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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. Yes, we can make flatten files, but the earth curvature will resist. No chance to tune the mesh at the borders. What will happen is that the photoground is floating. But as I wrote: It is not impossible to rework the sceneries, it´s too much work for free updates right now. Maybe this will change when we´ve got more informations from MS.

  2. (November, 1st)

    Sorry for still not telling more precise what our update policy will be regarding FS9 addons in FSX. The main problem is that we (like others) still have huge technical problems due to the new rounded earth (and other). MS is also aware of that problem and we have to wait for some news to come. Also we are eagerly waiting for the new FSX MakeModel SDK. And of course we participate in several developers only forums to find a solution all together.

    At this stage of known FSX techniques we COULD rework our sceneries, but it is such a huge amount of work (nearly 80% of the initial work) and not a perfect solution. Just a workaround. :(

    To say it in one (two) sentence(s): We WANT to make free updates for our sceneries to use them in FSX, but actually we cannot due to the technical issues. But we´re woking on it to hopefully find a solution.

    Stay tuned.

  3. HI,

    OK, I can confirm that the price of our Mega Airports Madrid, Heathrow and Barcelona will be 24,99 Euro for the boxed version. This price contains the new german VAT rate of 19 %. So finally without VAT the price is 21 Euros. Price for download versions not set yet. But of course they will not be more expensive than the boxed. Same or less.

    the 29.99 was a "lack of communication" at the office :-)


  4. October 20th:

    Bad news again: The main new item in FSX, a round earth, causes us a lot of unresolved problems using highresolution photographic airport grounds that neeed a real flat airport. Now we have got a earth curvature of about 2m/5km causing lots of problems using flat overlays.

    My colleque Martin Brunken of FlyTampa has made a longer very interessting thread about this issue at his forum:


    The technical issues described match also to most of our airports,

    any decissions about updates are still not made as long as the technical problems resist.


  5. Hi,

    of course I understand your anger about the new prices, but you must consider:

    The quality of the airports is rising with every release and it takes more and more time to get the information, to take pictures, to paint textures, to make the 3 D modell, to make dynamic sceneries, to make animations.... In fact it´s getting more and more professional as our airports are also used by airport officials and the DLR for example. (Dont think they pay too much, it´s more a thing of cooperation and providing data)

    When I compare the time needed to build an airport like Ibiza it is at minimo 10 times more now than in FS2000 ages. Now we have to BUY aerial pictures, repaint them, make overlays with highres textures.... But the price didnt rise 10 times during the same time!

    Making "budget" airports with less work and quality (f. i. without aerial pictures and animation etc.) seems not to be a good idea as all users will complain: "Oh what a poor airport. I need all that gizmos, where´s the aerial picture? Where´s the moving jetway. The taxiwaylayout has changed last month, where´s the new Terminal building? FlyTampa could do better..."

    A project like Heathrow takes about 8 month of FULLTIME work, now with the new features of FSX that must be fiddled out first it will take even longer.

    So we see it as quality and value for money.

  6. Hi,

    since this morning (5th of October 2006) we have the final new FSX version installed on our system and tested our FS9 sceneries. We hoped that within the final release of FSX some major problems occouring with the first three Betas will be solved. But they aren´t. :(

    Unfortunately NONE of our sceneries will be compatible with FSX by default. We strongly recommend that you do NOT install them in FSX as they wont work! Now it´s time for us to fiddle out how the major problems:

    - flickering grounds

    - missing flatten

    - "eating" of buildings from far distances caused by ground polygon

    - suddenly disapearing of buildings

    can be solved.

    We did not make a final decission if there will be free technical FSX updates, as we cannot expect how much work it will be to update the sceneries by now.

    Sorry for not having "better news".


  7. Hi,

    to be more precise :D : The bug is caused by the mesh addon you are using. But it´s not a fault of the mesh developer, it´s a fault of the FS in general because it does not support slooped airport grounds and the heights of airports are set to a specific height between the heighest and the lowest elevation of an real airport. This is the height we also have to use when making airports for the FS. The mesh data (SRTM) follows the real heights of the terrain and is different from what we have got in the FS.

    So what could I do to solve this bug? The only solution could be to "higher" the mesh terrain araound airports to the default FS airport height. But this cannot be done by us, it could only be done by the mesh developers. We cannot easily shift the heights of airports (anyway this would cause a lot of other problems with AI etc.).

    In FSX Gold will be a mesh terrain with a higher resolution like SRTM by default. Lets wait what MS has done to solve this specific problem. Perhaps this will also guide us to a solution suitable for FS9. :idea:


  8. Hi to all,

    we are just making first plans for FSX (FS9) updates of our existing sceneries (approx. 30 Airports!).

    If you reside close to one of our airports or visit it regularily (exept Madrid, this one is allready fixed): Please provide us with any usefull pictures or informations about changes made at the airports. It seems nearly impossible for us to visit 30 airports (again!) just to discover some minor changes made during the last years. But maybe you CAN HELP US????? You can post it here or send it via e-mail to mail@sim-wings.de



  9. Hi Keith,

    as far as I know will Madrid (the new version) also be compatible with FS9.

    (Manfred could answer it more precise)

    If upcoming spanish sceneries (if there are some) will be backward compatible to FS9 is not set yet. It depends on how different the FSX sceneries are to FS9 sceneries and if it is worth to make the extra work for backward compatibility.


  10. Hi to all:

    Just a short note from me: Cornel decided to develope his upcoming new projects like Geneva under his new own label "Dream Factory Studio".

    The french, spanish and maltese scenery projects he made as part of the sim-wings team will remain at sim-wings and will also be supported and updated by Cornel for future FS versions. So we did not quit our cooperation for existing items, but future projects from Cornel will not be published under sim-wings label.

    To avoid double posts in both forums I closed this post. Please use the new Dream Factory Studio Forum regarding future projects.


  11. HI,

    what they told you is the same like I did: No chance to solve this problems since the FS does not allow us to make slooped runways/airport elevations.

    Regarding GCXO: We removed the default airport flatten to make the most realistic representation of the aircraft carrier like Airport.

    The slooped runway with about 60 ft (20m) difference had not been represented due to the FS2004 "flat runway limits" (Despite some airport add ons using slooped runways like Courcheval and Lukla. But these are made in a total different method not suitable for huge airports).

    I guess the complains about GCXO are more about using the default scenery with a mesh addon. This will really look "strange".


  12. Of course the problem with using default mesh for reference is that its less accurate than addons. Never the less, ill give them a buzz, unless anyone has better suggestions.

    We used the default height of the airports as a reference, not the mesh.

    The default height of MS airports is pretty good and fits exactly to the heights indicated in airport charts. BUT: All FS airports are flat and can only use one height for the entire airport. In reality every airport has slopes and different heights. When using a higher resoluted mesh you´ll ever get those problems at the borders (higher or lower terrain) as the mesh uses a realistic non flat shape. This is a general problem with ALL meshes. But at the screenshot I can see, that there are not only problems at the borders of the airport areas, the mesh seems to be "too low in general". And this is a mesh fault as we (and MS) use the real airport height.

    The greenhouses are transparent (in fact these are big "tents" placed over the terrain). But I agree that they could be enhanced a bit :)

  13. Hi,

    refrring to the elevation problem caused by the mesh terrain: It seems like the elevation model (mesh terrain) you´re using has different (lower) heights than it should have. We referred our airports to the real/default elevation of FS2004 to avoid such platforms. If you use a "wrong" mesh with lower elevations it will look like that. Please switch the mesh temporarilly off to see if the problem is solved. If so please ask the developer of the mesh to make a patch or update as we cannot.

    Regarding the "building":

    This is the display of the greenhouses used extensivly near the indicated airports of Almeria / Teneriffa south.


  14. strange error. Perhaps you have a special mesh terrain installed for the paris area? Normally it´s nearly impossible that a mesh has influence on the taxiing, but we got some other strange errors caused by an additional mesh terrain before. So try to deactivate it temporarilly if present.

    Does this happen with every aircraft or just a special one?

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