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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. Hi Friedrich,

    of course it would be nice to make Tunesian sceneries, but I´ve never been there and I´m quite sure that the airport authorities will not be "as cooperative" as in Spain, France or elsewere in Europe. But we definetly need good pictures and access to the airport to built "real" sceneries.

    And at this time we are involved in other projects like Marseille and Granada. Future projects are also planned (located in Spain, Greece and France).

    Aber man soll ja nie nie sagen :D


  2. Hallo,

    ich kann da irgendwie nicht helfen, weil ich die vorgehensweise überhaupt nicht verstehe, also z.B. wie /IBIZA2002 überhaupt unter Scenedb/world/texture etc. gekommen ist. Ich würds mal mit eine Deinstallation von ibiza2002 über "SOFTWARE" versuchen.

    Oder beim entfernen der alten Daten auch dran denken, diese Szenerien (UND DIE AFD FILES) in der Szenerie Bibliothek abzumelden!


  3. Just to inform you:

    We have contacted again FSplanet and now we received their VFR sceneries to see how we can make ours compatible. Hopefully this cooperation will last :) now. )I think it was maybe more a lack of communication because the head of fsplanet has changed.

    But anyway it will last a while until I´ve tested everything. Please dont expect any patches before the next 4 weeks! sorry, but I´m too deep inside Marseille now.


  4. HI,

    dont get me wrong: but I´m a bit "angry" on this VFR stuff. Once they made it for Canary Islands we offered them to work together to make it compatible. But they (at minimum I expected) didnt gave us the scenery to test it. So i had to buy it to discover that it more or less works fine, despite the mesh problems. Now we have the same situation: Suddenly they´re popping up with their balearic photo scenery and they did not care a dime about compatibility to our sceneries. (of course we offered them our sceneries to watch the compatibility of their photos mesh).

    The last thing we know was that they could not make the baleares due to the leck of photos. But this seems to be a wron information we have got.

    And now it´s up to me to

    a) buy the scenery from them

    b) make it compatible with their scenery (which was last)

    I´ll do this but I´m really NOT HAPPY about them.


  5. Hi,

    I dont suggest to use a higher entry than 19. Not because I´m too lazy to change the position of the canons :D , we discovered several problems, mainly with flatten at airports. (taxiways/runways start to flicker, even on default airports). But this was tested with the FS9.0. i have to investigate if this will still happen with FS9.1. If it works in FS9.1 now I can consider to make a patch for Gibraltar. But it will take some time! :roll:


  6. Hi all,

    I can see no reason why PACA should not work with Marseille (but of course I´ll test it prior to release). If necessary I can make some changes to make it compatible.

    About Nice: What is actually not working with PACA? I remember a user that told here somewhere that everything works fine. Can you send me a screenshot of the problems.


  7. Hi,

    I cannot see any reason why this should happen. Maybe you made something wrong with the FS9 update? As i saw it´s very tricky, specially when you use the NOCD exe file (which you definetly cannot use before and after the fs9.1 update patching). No other sim-wings user reported any faults concerning the fs9.1 update until now (Pooooohh :D ). So i guess this is a problem of your FS.


  8. please check in FS9/scenery/eurw/scenery that the default files HP948170.bgl and HP948180.bgl are renamed to *.OFF. If not,please rename them.

    The landclass should work (as long as the landclass files ARE in the directory of the cfg file. But for me it looks a little bit like not only other landclasse but also some replacement textures. But I maybe wrong.

    Please set your time to summer. Than it should be a more "unvisible" transition.

  9. Hi,

    two things could have happen:

    a) Color: You maybe use some substitution textures for the landclasses. As our scenery is made for the use with the default landclass textures this can cause a color difference. But a small color difference between the photo and the default terrain you´ll have anyway. (The FS does not allow smooth transitions of photo sceneries)

    b) You did not install or use our landclass file that will cover the "gaps" at the extended costs.


  10. ...just to keep you informed: A new screenshot of Marseille showing the jetways. Every jetway at the left side of the gate is movable(!, first time at sim-wings) :D and can be activated via Nav2 frequency.

    For everyone who is afraid about the framerate: Look at the framecounter that is still up to 29.9 fps (system locked to 30). (3.06 GHZ PC, ATI Radeon 9800).


  11. HI Flugfrosch,

    also wenn ich ehrlich sein soll haben wir, glaub ich, selber die deutschen Texte geschrieben. Aber ich weiß es nicht mehr ganz genau, weil teilweise die Ursprungstexte auch in Spanisch waren und dann übersetzt wurden.

    Und offen gesagt: bei 3 Sprachen Endkontrolle und Querlesen geht einem viel unter. Aber solange der Sinn noch zu erkennen ist :D


    PS:Die Daten auf der CD sind die aktuellsten die es gibt.

  12. HI,

    sim-wings is the name for the team of developers who BUILT the spanish and french sceneries. Aerosoft is the PUBLISHER, making the boxes, distribution to stores etc.

    Simmarket is a download shop that SELLS other aerosoft sceneries and ours.

    Sim-wings and Aerosoft are 2 different companies.

    No idea about the Barajas update.


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