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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. HI,

    did you REALLY scan your system for the AF2_LFMN.bgl file? Because this file does NOT need to be activated in the scenery.cfg to cause problems

    if it´s somerwere else at Addon scenery or main scenery directories If you have 2 files of it (and one is the old file causing the CTD´s) you´ll still have the CTD´s!


  2. HI,

    please check that the Nice files were´t installed twice. Another user had the same errors and after some investigation we discovered that Nice scenery was also installed in the "normal" scenery directory. Please search for the file AF2_LFMN.bgl at your system to see if this also happened at your system.


  3. HI Blackbird,

    yes you´re right. The canadairs parked have to be the old retired ones.

    But I thought no one could see the difference. I was wrong :oops:

    I try to change it. I need the new ones for the other side anyway.

    Thanks for the offer of photos. Maybe I´ll ask you later.

    If you or anyone could provide aerial pictures of the airport ground in high resolution it would be nice :D


  4. Hi everyone. I know it´s very early to show some screenshots, but´maybe you´re interested in the progress of our developments. Take a look at the screenshots my first french airport of Marseille :D A lot of work is left :shock:

    I´ve never been there before but when I landed there with Lufthansa in August I was very surprised about the size of the airport and the beautifull site located at a huge bay. I think that Marseille is a very good completition of our mediterranean airports.


  5. HI,

    did you made some changes to the "terrain_vertex_level" entry in the terrain.cfg (or did you install Madeira, which makes automatically some changes to the terrain.cfg) ? If so try to reset it to the default "19" and peort what happens. If this did not solve the problem: Can you make a screenshot of La Gomera from a greater distance (with coastlines visible)to check if the installer correctly "renamed" some of the default FS2004/2002 files?


  6. HI,

    yes you´re right. both parts install the coastlines and roads for the entire

    canary Islands, but the airports will only be installed at the corresponding package.

    We did this because we had to remove the default coastlines/water flatten entries of the ENTIRE canary Islands. To split it into 2 packages we only could remove the airport sceneries, not the coastlines. But anyway this should not cause any problems. When you install both parts everything should work. The installer will check for the "other" part.


  7. The ground textures without mip mapping dont show their smaller (in size)

    mip map pictures when you´re far away. Normally when you approach the smallest mipmap picture of the texture is displayed (about 4 x 4 pix).

    While approaching the FS loads bigger pictures (up to the final resolution).

    This is a good thing to have a good performance, but on the other hand it

    "smoothes" the textures a little bit. You can test it in FS2004 and move the mipmaps slider at the display section to a higher number. Everything will look sharper, but starts to "flicker".

    The new textures without mipmap surpress the display and loading of mipmaps without the need of any changes at the display conditions. But

    they are of course a bit demanding to the graphic card (because it has to load all the textures at final resolution at once) and when you´re far away these textures start to flicker. Anyway some people asked for, so we did them :-))


  8. HI,

    do you mean that you have the boxed product version (the yellow one)?

    I think you must have FS2002 installed to execute the Install. Than you can manually shift the sceneries to FS2004 and install our free patches.

    Attention: In Fs2004 the landclass files must have an own scenery directory (like Spanishairports-LC/scenery) WITHOUT a texture directory. In FS2002 they had to be installed in the fs2002/Scenery directory.


  9. Hi Jonathan,

    the release should be at mid of september. Everything is finished but the manual etc.. has to be printed.

    About the bundle prices: A good idea I have to discuss it with aerosoft (because they also sell our sceneries online and we cannot sell them in a different manner at simmarket)


  10. Hi all,

    please point your mouse to our download section. There is a small patch for the CDT available (that was caused by an Afcad2 file).

    Also you can find there more static objects and groundtextures without mipmapping (for those who asked for).


  11. HI,

    to find the reason for the problem I need to have some more information:

    your scenery.cfg file,

    if possible a screendump of the list of files (with dates visible) in the /scenery directories of Lagomera and El Hierro. (just hit the "print" key when you see the files in the file explorer and paste the screenshot in Paint or else. Save it as BMP (or better as JPG).

    Does this fault only happen when you use the GPS and it´s visible?


    PS: I´ll be out again until Sunday (at Marseille). I´ll reply as soon as possible.

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