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Posts posted by Thorsten

  1. Peter,

    why do you blame the nice scenery for causing CTD´s when you also have CTD´s when Nice is deactivated????

    As far as I know: You´re the only customer actually having CTD´s at your PC, recently we didn´t receive any complains about this issue.

    I think that there must be "something wrong" at your system. Perhaps

    the download file was corrupted.. or else:

    Please check the following again:

    - FS9 patched correct to FS9.1

    - No other or double AF2_LFMN.bgl present at your system

    -If using a traffic addon: Please set the Ai traffic to 0% and try.

    (some AI airplanes can cause CTD´s too)

    - make sure that you REALLY installed the Nice CTD patch and overwrite the old file.

    - remove Nice entries from your system by using the "software-remove" function and delete any Nice file at your system and reinstall it.

    (before reinstalling: lease test if you´re also having CTD´s with the default scenery)

    - I dont know which airplane you used, but try using another one (default 737 or 747) to test if CTD´s are caused by the airplane.

    I can understand that you´re angry about having CTD´s but we are pretty sure that this is not a Nice scenery issue. CTD´s are mainly caused by corrupted AFCAD2 files or landclass sceneries that will load textures that are not present at the system. We´ll support you in any case to solve the problem.


  2. HI,

    here´s the answer from aerosoft:

    aerosoft uses InstallShield to deploy Addon Sceneries on your system, which ensures all related files and Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) are installed in the correct locations. During initialization, InstallShield will attempt to install certain components on your system if they do not exist. In order for InstallShield to successfully register these components, the user needs to have administrative rights. The error message is an InstallShield error and is not generated by aerosoft.


    a) Log in with administrative privileges before running the installer. In Windows XP, system user settings can be found in Control Panel > User Accounts (for Windows 2000, Control Panel > Users and Passwords). If you do not have administrative privileges, please consult your system administrator for additional help.

    b) Make sure that the antivirus-software/firewall is deactivated.

    c) Delete all files of the temp-folder...

    d) Launch Windows Explorer by pressing Windows Key + E on your keyboard or select Start > Run and type explorer. Browse to C:\Program Files \Common Files\InstallShield\engine Right-click the highlighted engine directory and select Delete. Install the latest version of the iKernel engine. http://support.installshield.com/kb/filupdate.exe

    Download iKernel engine update and save it to your Desktop. Double-click ikernelupdate.exe to install it.

  3. "Es ist eigentlich immer so, dass mein Flusi einfriert und der Sound im Hintergrund weiterläuft (Soundblaster Audigy)"

    Das deutet für mich auf einen Grafikkarten Treiber Fehler hin, auch dass die Terraintexturen sich plötzlich braun vermatschen. Installiere doch bitte mal entweder den neusten oder einen älteren Treiber. Ich hab die gleiche Graka und nutze den Treiber absolut problemlos.

    Wichtig wäre, dass du den installierten Graka treiber restlos entfernst (auf Standard VGA Treiber installieren) bevor du den neuen, (besonders bei "älteren") treiber installierst.

    Könnte aber auch was mit dem Soundtrieber sein. Flieg doch mal ohne Ton. (Im Flusi ausschalten!) ob er dann auch abschmiert.

    Bei einem klassischen CTD (Crash to Desktop) würde der Sound nicht weiterlaufen.


  4. HM,

    strange thing. The lfmltaxisigns.bgl is just a XML file showing the taxisigns

    at the airport. No one ever reported the error before and I myself had enough IFR/ILS Landings at LFML while testing the scenery. I think the possible reason is another AF2_LFML.bgl somewhere in your system.

    (Traffic programms often install AF2 files)


  5. HI,

    Sebastien is absolutly right about the additional static items.

    About the static aircrafts: There is no way to remove the static aircrafts and keep the canadairs by default. But I compiled a new BGL file. Rename the MRS-statichaircrafts.bgl to MRS-statichaircrafts.OFF and copy the attached MRS-statcan.bgl into the scenery directory.



  6. Hi,

    this is a known problem with the levelD 767. They are using a different system to choose the nav frequencies. We cannot make a patch or else.

    But since this problem should exist with every NAV frequency switched animation, also in other sceneries, maybe LevelD can help you?

    (or perhaps it is possible to add an extra gauge to activate the NAV2 frequency in fs2004 standard)


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