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Luke Kolin

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Everything posted by Luke Kolin

  1. Yes, that was my error. I'm debating whether I want to roll that back or if an FSUIPC release will be soon.
  2. Sorry for the delay - the changes appear to be working correctly. Thank you! Cheers
  3. Thanks! I'll give this a whirl. Cheers!
  4. Thanks John! Looking forward to testing this. Cheers
  5. That's actually the reason for my question - what is the difference between "Pause Set" and "Pause On"? I have users reporting that the sim is not paused when pause set is toggled. Cheers Luke
  6. Sorry to bump an old thread, but has anything changed in this area? I am trying to detect MSFS, and it feels like 0x264 is a bitmap, but I am unsure what the bits mean. Cheers!
  7. Search the Windows start menu, or select Run and then "eventvwr"
  8. Where does one download that version? It doesn't appear to be available on prepar3d.com. Cheers Luke
  9. I would also enumerate what add-ons you are using. Any REX products? Cheers!
  10. It's been way too long since I did this regularly, but if the data element increased in size from 8 to 16 bits, wouldn't the offset stay the same and just the following three increment by one? I was reading 16-bits from 6C8D before and not getting a good answer. If AircraftModel is the only element in the SimConnect structure that changed, why did its offset change? Cheers!
  11. PMDG has apparently changed their SimConnect API a little (AircraftModel is now 16-bit, not 8-bit) and this has cased some cascading issues downstream. I'm getting zeroes for all offsets above 6c64 (that's as far upstream as I have checked) and I am certainly not getting the Aircraft model. I am enclosing the latest header file. When you get back John, can you check if FSUIPC 7.3.12 still works with the newest PMDG 737 for MSFS? I have 3.0.54 and am happy to validate test builds. Cheers pmdg_ng3_sdk.h
  12. SimConnect appears horribly broken. Not surprising that neither GSX nor FSUIPC are working. Cheers
  13. This has been a problem with PMDG for ages. They freeze the sim for a while when the sim saves the flight. I would report it as a bug, just to see how quickly they reject it 🙂 Cheers!
  14. Taking MobiFlight out of the equation, is the offset returning the correct value? From your earlier thread I feel like you have a MobiFlight problem, not FSUIPC. Cheers!
  15. Is this the same as here- https://www.avsim.com/forums/topic/613556-fsuipc-offsett-auto-pilot-captain-course-reading/ Does offset 0x0C4E return the correct value? Cheers!
  16. Look in the header file that is provided with the SDK; it should list the control number. You will also want to look at the MOUSE_FLAG constants to see what value to pass to the control. Cheers!
  17. You can't just use 1 and 0, the SDK has constants for simulating left and right clicks. Cheers!
  18. John, you may want to change the links to be HTTPS, if they aren't already. That seems to be the issue. Cheers!
  19. I tried searching but I'm obviously using the wrong terms. Is there an offset in FSUIPC7 that can tell me if it is connected to the simulator? Cheers!
  20. Sorry this dragged a bit. Thank you Pete for the information - I'm matching via the driver rather than Vsync but I suspect it's having the same effect on the P3D (it's in the driver rather than the sim, set to infinity here too). Feedback from the affected user has moved into broader issues which makes me question the sim configuration on his end, but I have a question - is there an enumeration of what offsets are being used by third parties? I'm using the range from 66C0 to 66FF for reading LVARs, but I assume if I'm not the only one playing in that space it may cause issues. I'd prefer to have a 64-byte block of offsets but I'm unsure as to whether I can reserve such a block or at least make it user configurable so that it can be adjusted around a bit based on what other add-ons the user is using. Is there a listing of what's reserved in the 7300, 7840 and 8600 blocks, are there more these days and can I get 64 bytes for my software? Cheers!
  21. Thanks for that - the good news is that I can replicate it myself so I'll give you what I know. I'm using P3D v4.5 and FSUIPC 6.0.14 on Windows 10. 1) Thanks for the information on LVAR reading. I do read LVARs extensively, but it greatly depends on the detected equipment. Aircraft such as the CS757/767 or the PMDG MD-11 extensively use LVARs for autopilot state so I read them regularly, but I've noticed this issue with the PMDG 737 and 777 which uses offsets (thanks!) and so my LVAR reading is only every five minutes or so to refresh some different state/capabilities variables. (Oddly enough that call rarely blocks for long.) 2) Just so I am clear, if I'm setting the frame rate limiter in the driver (via NV Inspector?) I assume that does the same thing as the internal P3D limiter or vsync? I'm never getting below 15 or so fps, but with the limiter never above 45. Cheers!
  22. One challenge I have with my software is that FSUIPC_Process calls will take a variable amount of time, with some significant delays at times. I've instrumented the SendMessageTimeoutA call on my end and while it usually averages around 16-20ms to return, there are significant outliers where it can take up to 2000ms or more. Even on my own machine I'm seeing data like this: FSUIPC!!SendMessage 71,377x Avg:16.47ms Min/Max=0.03/681.98ms ... which is a max of almost 700ms. This is of course less than ideal because in previous versions the UI would block. I've moved on and made those calls in their own thread, but the FSUIPC interface itself on my end is single threaded. John/Pete, when I make that SendMessage call to either FSUIPC or the simulator process, if the frame rate remains decent (double-digits, say) what would cause such delays? I assume that FSUIPC is listening for these Windows messages on a per-frame basis, so it should get handled in under 100ms? My users all swear up and down that their frame rates are excellent (and I'd rather not instrument that any more than I have) but are there any cases that you know of where FSUIPC will take an excessive amount of time to respond? Cheers!
  23. Ray, I can't speak to the correctness of that sequence but have you considered just writing to the door LVARs? That seems to have fewer state issues and certainly a lot less work and timings to go wrong. Cheers!
  24. Things look good here. I'm enclosing the log, INI, and Lua script in case you need them. (FWIW right when the script starts it takes focus away and then refuses to give it back for 3-5s, but that's been there for a while.) Cheers! cs7x7ap.lua FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.log
  25. Yes, that's actually why I needed to restart - when debugging to fix silly mistakes like that one. 😄 I'm enclosing two logs. The first is with a hang, the second without. The only difference is again the com.close() - for some reason that is making things unhappy. I don't have a problem keeping it commented out, but the old programmer in me still feels a little unclean at not cleaning things up when I'm done. (My wife says that doesn't stop me around the house.) Cheers! FSUIPC6.log FSUIPC6_prev.log
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