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Luke Kolin

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Everything posted by Luke Kolin

  1. Thanks Pete, you are correct I had it disabled. Thomas, thank you for the screen shot. The challenge I had with the earlier log entry was that it just showed the P3D version and not the offset data. Cheers!
  2. I disagree. I am running the same build but here is what I get: Cheers!
  3. Pete, is offset 024C functional in Prepar3D v3? I am getting a zero in this area, both programatically and via an offset monitor. I understand it returns zero in v4, but is it expected to work in the 32-bit simulators? Cheers!
  4. You went away on vacation, and even extended your absence from the forum, and P3D v4.2 still isn't out. LM clearly isn't holding up their end of the bargain. Just so I'm clear, are you saying it's a documentation only change and the existing P3D versions will work correctly once we have the right offsets? Cheers!
  5. Pete and I have already discussed the fix: I expect it in 5.123 or soon afterwards, unless Pete has further questions. Cheers!
  6. I think it looks good from this end. Cheers! Luke
  7. Do you have the function name capitalized properly? Cheers!
  8. Welcome back (when you read this).... just got feedback that correcting for the mis-sized offset fixes things. You can make the change. Cheers!
  9. Unfortunately, this isn't a fact. I get reports of freezing with unregistered versions of FSUIPC, and I have a registered version that works flawlessly with PMDG 737 and 777 aircraft on flights of up to 16 hours. There's definitely something related to flight saving, but I'm pretty certain that it's not FSUIPC that is the cause, merely the trigger. Cheers! Luke
  10. Keep in mind that you can encode both an int and a float in 32-bits. It looks like with SIOC you're taking a 32-bit floating point number from the offset and reading it like it is an integer. Cheers! Luke
  11. I believe the SimConnect structs are all "packed", ie. not aligned on a WORD/DWORD boundary, but it's been a few years since I last poked at it. I have some calls out for feedback, we'll see what they say. Cheers! Luke
  12. I'll give this a try. Because I'm slow this afternoon, everything after 65ED should be +2? Cheers! Luke
  13. That's my point. The header file included with the SDK has this: // Rain Protection unsigned char WIPERS_Selector[2]; // left/right 0: OFF 1: INT 2: LOW 3:HIGH; INT applies only to 747-8 bool WASHER_Sw[2]; // left/right MOMENTARY action bool RAIN_REP_Sw[2]; // left/right MOMENTARY action, passenger only I *think* the rest of the file is OK. I can't actually check it, I am in the same boat as yourself not owning the 744v3. If you can create a beta copy I should be able to get some rapid feedback. Cheers! Luke
  14. I've found.... something. When comparing your docs to the PMDG SDK documentation I've found the following discrepancies: 64F8 - FSUIPC: APU_AnnunLowPressure[2], PMDG: Wipers_Select[2] 64FA - FSUIPC: APU_AnnunFault[2], PMDG: Washer_Sw[2] 64FC - FSUIPC: APU_AnnnOverspeed[2], PMDG: Rain_Rep_Sw[2] The data sizes match, but I don't see anything in the PMDG docs for those specific indicators. Might just be a typo. The real issue (I think) is in offset 65ED: It's the brake pressure needle - PMDG has it as an INT, whereas you have it as a 2-byte WORD. Are you shrinking the size internally, or is this an error? That might explain why everything farther down is off. Cheers!
  15. What do you mean? What error do you get? Cheers! Luke
  16. Did you do what it told you to do and ran it with elevated permissions? Cheers! Luke
  17. I can confirm that 5.121 prevented P3Dv4 from loading, and 121a appears to let it load. I am enclosing both logs. FSUIPC5.log FSUIPC5_prev.log
  18. Now you have me curious. I'll take a peek on my end and see what's going on. Cheers! Luke
  19. Pete, your FSUIPC4 installers have a manifest that requests escalated permissions; no need to run as admin as it will automatically request to do that. The FSUIPC5 installers do not appear to have this. Is there any chance this could be added to them? It makes running them out of the ZIP easier since I don't have to extract them from the archive. On a side note, when you do your list of changes would it be possible to list the version that each change was added? Cheers! Luke
  20. No need to panic. The PMDG aircraft come with an aircraft SDK (in the PMDG folder under your simulator directory). There should be a .h file which at its end has a listing of the control names and their relevant IDs. As an example, I have a joystick button set to toggle the autopilot disconnect bar in the PMDG737. The event to toggle this is defined as EVT_MCP_DISENGAGE_BAR, and its value is defined in the file as (THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN + 406). THIRD_PARTY_EVENT_ID_MIN is 69632, so the control I need to pass to P3D is 69632+406 which is 70042. Cheers! Luke
  21. Yes it does - when sending a custom control you just have to calculate and enter the control number manually. Cheers! Luke
  22. I'll take a further look - based on what I see the autopilot mode offsets aren't being read either so the problem may exist farther up. I'll compare the include file with your offset documentation and see if the sizes match. Cheers! Luke
  23. On a side note Pete, I've had several users report that the PMDG 744v2 fuel tank offsets appear to be reading zero. I've put in a workaround, but if you have an eval copy of the 744 would you be able to check that these offsets are in fact functional? The FSUIPC5 logs I've been given indicate FSUIPC 5.11; P3Dv4 build 21686 and have the "PMDG 747 offsets enabled" log entry. Cheers! Luke
  24. There's a reason you haven't found anything - PHP is a language for web servers, not clients. To be honest, if you don't have the client-side development expertise to do it yourself, you're probably best off with some sort of pre-made flight recorder. You can always take a peek at simFDR - it should do what you want, except no P3Dv4 support yet. Development has been on a hiatus but I should probably get it up to speed with modern sims. Cheers! Luke
  25. It looks like a character encoding issue. Cheers! Luke
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