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Luke Kolin

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Everything posted by Luke Kolin

  1. The previous message has my INI/LOG files from the first run, here is the second. FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.log
  2. Sorry to bump, but there is definitely something wrong here, or at least non-intuitive. I am used to not having the yoke plugged in during pre-flight, so I forgot to attach it. After the sim was running for a few minutes, I plugged it in. It was detected, and matched my Joystick letters. Except none of my axis or button assignments were recognized by FSUIPC! They appeared to be visible in the INI file - neither my general button assignments (trim up/down) or aircraft-specific ones (LUA) were visible in FSUIPC assignment, nor were the elevator/aileron axes. I then restarted the sim, with the yoke attached at startup. Everything worked, and was visible in button/axis assignment. Is something not getting loaded correctly when a device is attached after startup? Cheers Luke FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.log
  3. I am certainly missing something. I want to assure both of you that I am not trying to be difficult (my wife says that's because it comes naturally!), rather as I am assigning more and more controller functions through FSUIPC and things aren't behaving as I expect I want to understand the system better to debug it without coming cap in hand here every time. I assume that the GUID will change depending on the port, which makes sense because it's likely a combination of device properties and the port which one would need to support multiple instances of the same type of device, connected to different USB ports. I'll keep them connected to the same port; I generally do so and I suspect I wasn't looking closely the first time around. What I am curious about is the quoted section of the INI above, where I had Joysticks T, P, Y and 1. Is that expected? I would expect 3, or 6, but not 4. Again, I am trying to learn more so I can troubleshoot and understand what is normal and abnormal. Ray, I'm not experiencing a situation where my devices are disconnecting on their own in flight - they've been rock solid all the time. I'm starting to think the first time around I plugged the yoke into the wrong port, but I am absolutely certain when I reconnected it, it went into its usual port. But perhaps the logs will prove my memory wrong. 😄 Cheers!
  4. Now I'm a little more confused. I tried again, starting with the yoke disconnected. When I attached it, all worked. I then as an experiment disconnected it, then reconnected it to a USB3 port on the front panel. The axis assignments didn't appear to work - after I shut down P3D I get the following in my FSUIPC6.INI: [JoyNames] AutoAssignLetters=No T=Bravo Throttle Quadrant T.GUID={E2A82AF0-4F72-11EB-8001-444553540000} P=CH PRO PEDALS USB P.GUID={8AE67BE0-FD72-11E8-8002-444553540000} Y=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke Y.GUID={D2E11750-88B0-11EA-8001-444553540000} 1=Saitek Pro Flight Yoke 1.GUID={8AE67BE0-FD72-11E8-8002-444553540000} If FSUIPC needs both, why is only the Yoke duplicated, and why don't the GUIDs match? I assume that's a Windows thing where the GUID is computed from the port as well as the device. Cheers Luke
  5. To give you some context, I almost always start the sim with the throttle and pedals connected (they are out of the way and stay connected 100% of the time), then once preflight is done I connect the yoke since it sits in front of my keyboard. When things didn't work, I disconnected and reconnected the yoke to see if that made a difference. It didn't. I believe the log I sent you should be consistent with that action. I did a slightly different test (for an unrelated reason, I started working on some in-progress code) with all devices connected. Apologies - it uses a different aircraft but that shouldn't make much of a difference. In this case, the yoke worked, but I still get the duplicated devices in the INI. Files attached. Cheers! Luke FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC6.log
  6. To add, I noticed this because my axis assignments for the throttle quadrant and pedals appeared OK, but the yoke did not. When I opened up the FSUIPC axis assignment dialog and moved the yoke, it said the axis was unassigned. Cheers! Luke
  7. I have a setup with a Saitek Yoke, CH Pedals and a Honeycomb throttle. I have switched to using JoyLetters (Y, P and T) instead of numbers because FSUIPC seems to forget about my yoke, or renumber. Today I noticed the same thing, when I plugged in the yoke after starting up p3Dv4. I am enclosing the relevant files. Why are the devices being listed twice? Cheers Luke FSUIPC6.ini FSUIPC6.JoyScan.csv FSUIPC6.log
  8. Ah, that sounds like what I need. Shouldn't be too difficult to retrofit. Thanks! Cheers Luke
  9. I have a LUA function that listens for parameter changes using event.param(functionName). My understanding is that if I send the same parameter over and over again the function will not trigger, since the param value hasn't changed. Right now I'm setting the parameter to zero in my button release and treating a zero as a NOOP, but I'm curious whether the function itself can modify the parameter value. The documentation doesn't seem clear, or my brain is too small. 😄 Cheers!
  10. Have you enabled the SDK in the PMDG INI file? You'll need to do that before FSUIPC or SimConnect sees that data. Cheers! Luke
  11. It depends on how large the data object is in that first custom offset. If it's one byte, then the next one is 0x66C1, if it's two bytes it's 0x66C2, etc. Cheers!
  12. You need to look in the list for an offset that provides a similar value. There may not be a 1:1 mapping. Cheers!
  13. I would be cautious going down this rabbit hole unless you're comfortable with dealing with networking, firewalls and their associated troubleshooting. The add-ons you can relocate to a second compute typically take up two or three orders of magnitude less CPU time than FSX or P3D; I've never heard of anyone getting a meaningful lift in frame rates based on this. I'd suggest examining your hardware specs and configuration first. Cheers!
  14. Sorry to tack onto this, but could runways.xml include runway width? I like parsing the XML rather than the CSVs and it would be nice to get both length and width. Cheers!
  15. Thanks for the explanation. Once I have this flight completed I'll reinstall as you described. Cheers! Luke
  16. I'm not sure if the installer has changed since, so apologies if this is already out of date. When I installed FSUIPC6 via the add-ons.xml method, it installed the DLL to Documents\Prepar3Dv4 Addons\FSUIPC6, and created an add-on.xml for P3Dv5 that referenced it. For P3Dv4, it created a directory under Documents\Prepar3Dv4 Addons and an add-on.xml, referencing the existing DLL. My concern is will referencing the same DLL use the same FSUIPC6.INI file? My preferences would be to keep the two installations completely distinct if possible. I've copied the DLL over to the P3Dv4 Addon folder and changed the add-on.xml, but I am concerned that upgrades will undo this. Cheers! Luke
  17. If you're running Windows 10, go into settings and select "Documents Library privacy settings" in the search bar. At the settings page, change "Allow Apps to access your documents Library" to off. You should be able to duplicate John Noe's error. IIUC there is no way around that except changing that setting. Cheers!
  18. I have no Key file, and the installer log is silent on registration. How can I register without uninstalling FSUIPC6? (Edit: I was able to hack up a FSUIPC6.KEY file using the supplied key from SimMarket. Perhaps a standalone NSIS installer to register the key might be a good idea?) Cheers!
  19. Where are the registration details stored? My FSUIPC6 is coming up unregistered in P3Dv4 and I do not know if a key was actually written to the registry. Cheers!
  20. To help me plan, do you anticipate a new major version or following the FSUIPC4 model of supporting multiple sims? Understand if you want to announce all at once, I'm trying to get ahead of things on my end. Cheers!
  21. Did this change? The offset status document for 5.15 says that bit 12 is playback, whereas for 5.154 it says bit 13. Cheers!
  22. I've been trying to detect instant replay for my flight recorder in P3D v4 using the new offset 0x3402 that reads from the PDK. It appears that during instant replay, bit 11 does not appear to be set. Could someone validate that it's not just me? Cheers!
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