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Posts posted by davidvoogd

  1. I fortunately live in Canada so the only problem we have is lowsy exchange rates... though I'm sure they aren't as bad as some other places (our dollar is worth around 80 cents US these days). I also was fortunate enough to get ASV early - I downloaded at 17kb/s for an hour or so but got it without problems. I have done one short flight with it so far - took a 152 for a local flight - got bounced around something aweful by the thermals it was great!

    As for Paypal I'm pretty sure that HiFi Sim didn't realize so many customers wouldn't be able to access it. Hopefully that gets resolved quickly!

  2. I do. The Dreamfleet C177 Cardinals are certainly a favourite of mine - though I love pretty much any piston aircraft. I honestly think the Carenado 182RG panel is the best photoreal panel I've seen for flightsim yet. Certainly matches the Dreamfleet A36. The 182 also has the nice mix and match of avionics you see in most general aviation aircraft. The gauges on the 182 panel are a bit larger and easier to read than the Cardinal - a bit more crisp too.

    The external model on the 182 is better than the 177, basically the 177 is an FS2002 plane and hence the difference. Carenado always does an excellent job on external textures and it's the same deal here. The gear animation is pretty cool to watch - very smooth!

    The Flight model seems pretty good - hard to judge it just on one flight but I didn't see anything to complain about. I didn't try any slow flight or manouvers yet.

    In the end I'd say the Carenado 182RG is certainly as good as the Dreamfleet 177, if not better (of course one does have to take into consideration the age of the DF 177). If you enjoy the 177 you'll certainly enjoy this one. Here's a few pics I snagged...

    P.S. - the engine instruments are available in pop up views - in the aircraft they are mounted on the right side of the avionics, which is where they appear in the VC.







  3. I started flightsimming long before real flying. I'm currently still working on my private pilots license.

    I've found Flightsim really prepared me for a lot of the real world flying - I knew what all the instruments did and how to use them before stepping into a real plane for one. I think it would be utterly foolish to throw out flightsim and the addons for real flying. Flightsim is quite cheap and I can do it whenever I want. For $25 I can buy a whole addon plane to get 100's of hours of enjoyment out of. For $150 I get one hour of real flying.

    Flightsim also allows you to do those things you can't or shouldn't do in real flying - to see why! Examples include flying in really poor weather, causing an engine failure at some point in the takeoff to practice what you would do, practice force landings all the way to the landing (though in FS as long as you land on semi level terrain and don't hit the trees you'll land every time).

    I think Flightsim is a great asset to my real flying - as a matter of fact the past 2 issues of Flying magazine had articles about how Flightsim is Aviation's best kept secret.

  4. I beleive some of the posts in the Avsim thread were removed, there's some confusion on that though. There are more than just this one factor in why Bill decided to take the summer off, but this seems to be a strong component of it.

    Oh well - Carenado's 182RG will be out soon so I guess I'll have to wait for that.

  5. I'm just completing a Cross Canada flight myself in the A36 and SF-260. I "cheated" and did use the autopilot for cruise, I plan to do a trip up north in the Beaver myself, perhaps follow the Mackenzie River from source to finish.

    This sounds like an exciting trip - I'll certainly be following your reports!

  6. Realair is having a few problems with the website, and Sean their main website editor is in the hospital following a motorcycle accident. Though not the normal website it is still fully functioning, you are still able to purchase the upgrade through the Realair website if you ordered it there first, and of course Simmarket is working quite fine as well.

    I've always had an interest in this aircraft but never picked it up until now - I'm very impressed with how smooth the VC gauges are - it's unbelievable, even smoother than most 2d panels. This plane flies like a real aircraft as well - Rob did an incredible job with the flight dynamics. Unfortunately I can't compare it to the previous version as I got the 2005 version to start with.

    Anyways be sure to check out the new SF-260 fan club - just a couple of forums down :wink:

  7. Why not head a little north into British Columbia, Canada. It would work well with the existing Georenders - there is some awesome scenery in the area too. Some great locations could be Nelson, Alert Bay, Scar Creek, Tipella, Pemberton, Salmon Arm, or if you want to go into Alberta - a combo pack of the Banff and Jasper National Park airports would be awesome (little grass strips used for diversions on the VFR mountain routes).

  8. I understand that scenery devs can't support every addon scenery out there, but most people who like addon scenery generally will also use addon mesh as it's cheap and does a nice job of enhancing the area, so hopefully future products will support addon mesh. (This isn't specific to FSAddon but addon scenery as a whole)

    Thanks for the replies, I'll have to figure out how to just disable this region of the mesh.

  9. That it does lol. BTW I haven't had this problem with any other FSAddon products, or any other scenery. Also now that I added it in manually I have had no problems either. I still can't get over how realistic this scenery is esp when you look at videos and pictures of the real thing. It's great for short hops between Harvey, Firstair, Sky Harbour and Skykomish!

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